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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. OH YAY YAY YAY!! bouche and I are able to make this show! Oh man I miss my Burts.
  2. I found a brick of 5 yr old st.alberts for $12. I will be picking it up for sure this week and report back.
  3. OMG. Hilarious. Connie better stay out of the hot springs, it's frying her brain!
  4. "This has been fun. It's nice to get out and do something that doesn't invite criticism." I eat turkey, so I can't condemn the slaughter of the birds, but at over 3 minutes, I do know the amount of time that man was handling the bird while still alive was cruel and unnecessary.
  5. Good for you for writing Marge. I think it's really funny that his initial response was to say they forgot to tag the tag off! I was shaking my head until he followed up with them arranging Canadian suppliers for future orders. Too funny. Look everybody - One person CAN make a difference. Yay Large Marge!
  6. Ms.Huxtable

    Eggplant Parm

    D'oh Fluffy, I spent way too long on that site.
  7. Ms.Huxtable


    A remarkable read. Thank you Todd. I hope Heather is back to her old self.
  8. Bump. I have approval to go ahead with an outdoor carolling session (yipee, I can hardly wait!) So I am in serious need of someone to play and sing songs. BradM I can't open myspace at work, if you have more details, can you please list them? Any other ideas? We're a community of musicians and music lovers for goodness sake, it can't be this hard!
  9. An old man, Davey Boy, was living in a nursing home. One day he appeared to be very sad and depressed. Nurse Schwa asked him if there was anything wrong, 'Yes, Nurse Schwa,' said Davey Boy. 'My Private Part died today, and I am very sad.' Knowing her patients were a little forgetful and sometimes a little crazy, Nurse Schwa replied, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, Davey Boy. Please accept my condolences.' The following day, Davey Boy was walking down the hall with his Private Part hanging out of his pajamas. He met Nurse Schwa. 'Davey Boy,' she said, 'You shouldn't be walking down the hall like that. Please put your Private Part back inside your pajamas.' 'But, Nurse Schwa I can't,' replied Davey Boy. 'I told you yesterday that my Private Part died. 'Yes,' said Nurse Tracy, 'you did tell me that, but why is it hanging out of your pajamas?' 'Well,' he replied, 'Today is the viewing.'
  10. What ever happened to that Hux guy?
  11. Ms.Huxtable


    So we ended up doing a simple ham roast on night 1 with smashed root veggies and a salad. Night two I diced it up, mixed it with some ricotta and mozzarella cheese and kale and stuffed cannelloni with it. Topped it off with some tomato sauce and we at that for a couple nights. It made two days worth of lunch sammys as well. I am officially hammed out.
  12. I already asked Jon. He's a Scrooge.
  13. Ahhh, that's not the way I hoped it would end.
  14. So I may be organizing a Christmas event in December that requires a person, their keys, a PA system (which I have) and some talent. Could be one person on keys who sings or one person on keys plus another person that sings. The gig would be playing exclusively Christmas songs. I am still awaiting approval on one of two events: Indoors, a daytime, early afternoon event on a Sat. in Dec for kids. Santa, gifts, food, crafts and music OR Outdoors. A Friday or Sat early evening (5:30ish for a couple of hours). Words projected onto screens, hot chocolate and candy canes, hand-warmers, and just the community coming out to join in a sing song. I'd rent a heater for the talent. Would anyone be interested in such a gig?
  15. Ms.Huxtable


    Thanks for keeping us up to date Todd. Have a great time!
  16. You might be watching this one alone. Save it for the government holiday on Tuesday when I'll be at work.
  17. Porter Air has a promo code that takes 20% off select flights when booked online. The promo code is TIAF20 . Book by November 15, 2008 for travel before February 28, 2009.
  18. Disgusting stuff to me is just the processed convenience food that my parents eat. I like pickled herring, I like tripe and I like liver.... Put cheese whiz or TV dinners in front of me though and I could puke. Bagged iceberg lettuce as well, I mean come on mixed greens is right beside it and the same price!
  19. I'm trying to match your energy....
  20. Ummmm, hate to tell you this Booche but bouche is not the first grown man I've shacked up with. I know I seem so innocent, don't I.
  21. Oh man it's fun to hear the guys perspective on this stuff. It never ceases to amaze me how grown men: - Don't know how to use knives and napkins when eating to make the experience more quiet and civilized. - Can piss on the floor beside the toilet. The opening really isn't the size of a coin for Christ sake! - Can walk pass a spill, a stain, or dog shit without cleaning it up. - Can have more t-shirts in the wash than underwear. I'm not that great at math but this one is perplexing.
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