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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. Points for getting out of bed though Jon.
  2. I finally caught an episode and recognized one of the guys as the owner and chef at Pied De Cochon in Montreal. A restaurant I have always wanted to eat at. Not a bad show, I'll watch it again but it hasn't hooked me yet. Still better than Paula Dean I suppose.
  3. Whoa, that article lmost made me cry! What would I do without Ryan Adams??? And sorry, I know he's multi-faceted and deserves to explore all his passions, but I don't really give a shit about his poetry or books, his blogs or any other work, I am deeply in love with his music and that's it. I'm not a Ryan Adams fan, I'm a fan of Ryan Adams' music.
  4. Ahhhhh great rack, great ass, great smile. You're my dream girl. Happy birthday!
  5. Nope, he hasn't and I REALLY want to go!
  6. Welcome back Cory. But I gotta say that this shouldn't be considered anyone's take on beauty. This girl has an eating disorder.
  7. Damn I meant to PVR the first episode. Thanks for the reminder. I'm glad to hear it's as good as I had hoped. Food Network is getting so stupid these days.
  8. This year I did a turkey that was brined in spices, oranges and maple syrup and I tried a new stuffing recipe. Instead of white bread, I used 2/3 gingerbread cookies and 1/3 baguette. I used 1 pound of bacon that I pulverized in the food processor first. Delish. I did sweet potatoes with candied almonds, mashed garlic and sour cream potatoes, gravy (of course), roasted beets/parsnips/carrots and sauteed kale. Everything turned out pretty damned good I have to say. My only regret is that we left our house on boxing day for several days and I didn't get any leftovers! Just typing it out makes me want it all over again.
  9. Arcane, nice to see you hun. What's up? PM me with the scoop!
  10. My biggest possible congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. King!!! It looked like an absolutely stunning event. Enjoy married life!
  11. Happy birthday to one of the most fabulous people I know. Love ya man. Enjoy the party.
  12. Ms.Huxtable

    Sushi Kan

    Well I'll be back VERY soon. All you can eat melt-in-your-mouth sashimi for $20!
  13. Bell Cup is responsible for filling Ottawa hotels and tourist destinations during one of the slowest tourist periods in most cities. At a time where our city desperately needs tourist dollars it would be a real shame to make guests to our city feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. Shame on the union if they make even one person leave a day early.
  14. Peace and joy to all of you wonderful Skanks. May you enjoy the holidays with good music, good food and loved ones and may you give more than you receive. If you're traveling, please take it easy and be careful. There's little worse than hearing of accidents at Christmas.
  15. I am infinitely proud of my man. Preparing for our retirement one fart at a time.
  16. I like liver, I like kidneys and tripe and heart and tongue. I like all the stuff that the British call Awful, so long as it's prepared with love, tradition or innovation and expertise. I think we've gotten too far removed from where our food comes from and are wasteful when it comes to consuming the entire animal. How many people on this board will simply throw out the turkey neck and gibblets this Christmas? Not me. That stuff makes gravy good!
  17. Eyes of the World Birdsong Brokedown Palace Looks Like Rain (I had to give Bobby one!)
  18. Whoa! That weaving technique would be good to wrap a pork tenderloin as well. Mmmmm.
  19. Silent bump Holy bump All is bump All is bump
  20. Have a wonderful birthday Mr. Monkey. Much love.
  21. Lookin' real good for an old man too!
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