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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. OK I understand now. That is valid. In that case I would add the likes of Paul Simon to my list. His voice leading is fantastic.
  2. I see a few peeps have posted Elvis Costello? I respect him as a songwriter and performer but I never though of him as a proficient soloist? Am I missing something? If so can someone list a song displaying his guitar technique?
  3. So seeing as Guitar Hero the game is so popular now I want to pose the question who are your real guitar heroes? Guitarists that excite you when you hear them play and keep you inspired..and have blown your mind on frequent occasions. List your top ten... [color:blue]Here's mine. (in no order) 1. Jerry Garcia 2. Jimmy Page 3. Pat Martino 4. Grant Green 5. Mike Bloomfield 6. Lowell George 7. George Benson 8. Eddie Van Halen 9. Trey Anistasio 10. Lenny Breau 11. Jeff Beck (slipped my mind..can't have a list without him. genius.) Honorable mention: Jimmy Herring
  4. The website for The New Deal is actually http://www.thenewdeal.com/ Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] YOu are correct. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. This actually make me excited about the Black Crowes for the first time in a long time.
  6. [color:blue]Saturday Dec. 22. The New Deal (www.thenewdeal.com) w/The Chameleon Project (www.chameleonproject.com) + DJ Shuggs @ The Opera House (735 Queen St. E)
  7. Knew it! Sad, but when they are "On" the funk is strong, like no other.
  8. I think I may get the drift of what Stone Mth. may be alluding to that he cannot disclose. SO I'll say it... George Clinton is a raging crack head and the entire band lives on a voracious diet of narcotics. Now if they cannot get the drugs they require sometimes a show suffers and drama surrounding this lifestyle also often causes problems backstage and at venues. It is does suck, but that's the way it is... Am I getting warm?
  9. Bruce is awesome and kinda like the fifth Beatle only in the world of the Grateful Dead.. Love his live shows.
  10. You are correct CutHowYaLike (aka Jay Cook) is a close personal friend of mine and a kilelr DJ..we mix and blend well. Jay tells me he just bought a whole wack of new records so be prepared...
  11. In their defense I have seen about 10 parliament shows ranging from weak to insanely tight and good. For the 10 I have seen I've seen maybe 2 weak shows. I'll see them anytime, 'cause when they are on it's crazy good. You must of caught them on a bad night Stoney Mountain.
  12. This is really staggering and sad all at the same time.... Read it and weap... San Fran Gate Story wikipedia link Story link
  13. Looks like you could also kill yourself very easily. All you have to do is sway the wrong way and you smack into those rock faces like a bug in a windshield.
  14. I hoipe so that stuffed shirt has fleeced and betrayed the Canandian people for too long. I hope he gets served.
  15. YOu are right because every socially conservative thing he does, does in fact bring him more in line with the US. That is how it works. And yes social conservatism was around before George W. It has been championed by the republicans and the moral right for years prior..see Nixon, Reagan etc... In Canada in the past Brian Mulroney was the one trying to bring us back to the 50's and father knows best and now Harper has taken up the torch.. This fucker has to go, he is making Canada worse by the day, assassinating our reputation world wide and regressing us socially.
  16. I agree as with the Grateful Dead, even on a bad day it was awesome. I don't think they spoiled us as much as they showed us what a real musician can be. Someone who devotes their life to their craft and not their image, much like jazz players.
  17. NIce! Welland needs a venue like this. My grandmother lives in Welland and the town is changing slowly from a retirement haven to a younger population. You're timing may be perfect and rents in Welland are cheaper I hear too. All the best, Southern Ontario needs more quality venues. Good work.
  18. I think you are right Bouche. I think Yorke doesn't want to be seen as doing something retro or non-vital. Besides have you heard McCartney's single form his latest album "Memory almost full?".. ...Brutal..the lyrics sound like they were written by someone with a mental disability.
  19. These stores like Music World could have surivived if they adapted. What they should have done in 1999/2000 was start offering on site high quality legal burns, with pro printed artwork on demand. The should have also offered i-pod/digital device loading on site, in the format of your choice. They should have done away with physical ordering and paying for all that shipping and storage that drives up Cd costs. Instead hey should have invested in very fast internet connections and huge hardrives to recieve special orders that could then be burned or forwarded tot he customer. All of those things would have allowed them to prosper in the new system, but like the record companies they tried to resist and like the Dinasours they will soon be extinct. I guess HMV is the last major music retailer left..Yikes.
  20. Of course they need the jambands now. THey ae the only ones who can make money without selling records the old-broken way. I mean look how much cash Jimmy buffett rakes in and tell me the record companies don't want a piece. The bottom line is if the labels want to get in on improvised music then they have to revert to their 60's/70's mentality...Let the artists take care of the music and the labels take care of the promo/distribution. The minute the labels try and "craft" music or anticipate what the public wants it's over...
  21. Great show all and all but there were too many ballads in a row for my tastes, really killed the energy. I also thought many of the uptempo funk numbers seemed cut short and almost no groove section, jam or solos. I did however think the band was very tight and Stevie sounded great. His voice is very impressive. I also loved that he broke out the harmonica for "Too High". I really was hoping he was gonna play "Boogie on reggae woman"..but no dice.
  22. 1977 J C Penney catalog (This really is funny!) JC Penny 1977
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