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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. what show does she sing that at? Never heard it? Love to though!
  2. I love Colbert and think he is the best thing on TV in a long time. Finally someone sticking to the right wing, and beating them at their own game. The writing on that show is "top-notch" and Colbet's timing and comedic delivery are second to none as is his attention to detail. As for people "getting their news" from these shows. That is their fault. These are comedy shows and if people can not tell the difference then that is the problem, not the show. These shows cannot be held accountable as real news shows....'cause they are not real! if there was a 24hr all Colbert/Daily show channel I'd watch all the time. for me O'Reily Vs. Colbert is like having Britney Spears wining out of tune in one ear and Miles Davis riffing with skill in the other. all I gotta due is tune out Britney. P.S. Colbert is not cowardly in the slightest. The man went to the white house and called bush out face to face on number of issues and dropped massive bombs to the commander in chief, who was squirming not 30 ft away. Colbert has no fear!
  3. See this is what I'm talking about......
  4. Nice I love Maria Muldaur. Her classic "Midnight at the Oasis" is a spectacular tune with a great guitar solo from Amos Garett. She also use to sing backup in the Jerr Garcia Band int he late 70s. She appears on 1978's "Cats under the Stars". She also used to be a smokin' hottie back in the day She's holding up pretty good now too... [color:red]Cougarlicious raaaaar!
  5. Well' date=' its better than gold teeth, corn rows and 25 pounds of bling. Ballers Out On Bail [/quote'] Actually the gratuitous bling and the ballers on bail is a huge selling point for me. It's like comedy for me with awesome dunks! BIG PIMPIN' in the key BIATCH! and don't worry Ollie I still hate hockey, I just had to throw them a bone and show some hockey spirit as I am obviously out numbered. p.S. I'm waiting for a diamond encrusted basketball with a spinner rim in the middle that plays random Jay-z songs. Now that is what the NBA needs.
  6. Well, I can skate but not well. I skate like Nancy Kerrigan after a pipe beating on her period. Basically I can get around but it looks painful, feels awkward and aint' pretty at all.. Will you just made me cry a little..... OK Go Leafs Go! there I just showd some hockey spirit. God I love that Brad Marsh! He's still playing right?..... hahhahahahah........
  7. What I thought was hillarious was the o'Reily was talking about aculture war between his king of "traditionalist" and the "secular progressives". Then he went on to call Colbert a "secular progressive" like it was a dirty word. If someone called me a "secular progressive" I say yes and be proud. I mean it speaks to leaving behind the outdated constructs of religious social dogman and allowing yourselve to embrace new concepts and "progress". Too much.
  8. True. I don't like hockey. That being said I am aware and know the players/teams, rivalries etc.. And all I know is when I see a guy in a post game interview with no teeth and a sweaty mullet I think........................................................... HICKS WITH STICKS!!! (continues to stoke fire)
  9. If is wasn't for the fact I live in Canada and hockey is shoved down my throat at all times the NHL(aka hicks with sticks) wouldn't exist in my world. .....I await the firestorm to ensue............
  10. There is no room for prayer or religion in a governing system that is based on separation of church and state. Total hypocrisy!
  11. Can't wait! Looks like the O'Reily factor airs at 8pm and 11pm! EST on FOX
  12. Not a bad set. Like some of it, although I could do without the vocals (some of them were really irritating and killed groove at times for me) and the more rock oriented guitar sound textures.... I really like this live Daft Punk album, more electronic, a little harder to more on the techie side:
  13. I can crack over 50 parts of my body.....repeatedly. I also once sold drugs to George Clinton and his band at the Docks in '97
  14. Hey Nice article ZERO. Local acts need all the press we can get. Kudos!
  15. Indeed. Another loss in the Jazz world.
  16. Here's some more: I always jest to people, the Oval Office is the kind of place where people stand outside, they're getting ready to come in and tell me what for, and they walk in and get overwhelmed in the atmosphere, and they say, man, you're looking pretty. --George w. Bush Washington, DC 11/04/2004 We look forward to analyzing and working with legislation that will make—it would hope—put a free press's mind at ease that you're not being denied information you shouldn't see. --George w. Bush Washington, DC 04/14/2005
  17. What if Chewbaka was to endorse a line ofr chewing tobacco? Would it be called Chewbacco? What would it be flavored like? P.S. Chewblacka is a killer name for a porno or blaxploitation film. Perhaps there could be another installment in the blackula series...Chewblackula.
  18. U.S. urges 'fivefold expansion' in Alberta oilsands production Last Updated: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 | 10:45 PM ET CBC News The U.S. wants Canada to dramatically expand its oil exports from the Alberta oilsands, a move that could have major implications on the environment. U.S.and Canadian oil executives and government officials met for a two-day oil summit in Houston in January 2006 and made plans for a "fivefold expansion" in oilsands production in a relatively "short time span," according minutes of the meeting obtained by the CBC's French-language network, Radio-Canada. The meeting was organized by Natural Resources Canada and the U.S. Department of Energy. Canada is already the top exporter of oil to the American market, exporting the equivalent of one million barrels a day — the exact amount that the oilsands industry in Alberta currently produces. A fivefold increase would mean the exportation of five million barrels a day, which would supply a quarter of current American consumption and add up to almost half of all U.S. imports. But the current extraction of oil from the tarsands results in the spewing of millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere: it's already the biggest source of new greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. Continue Article The news of call for the massive boost in oil production comes as Prime Minister Stephen Harper has pledged to make the environment one of his top priorities, vowing that Canadians deserve more action on climate change. Polls show the environment is the number one concern of Canadians. Yet, according to the minutes of the Houston meeting, to multiply its output by five and to do it quickly, Canada would have to "streamline" its environmental regulations for new energy projects. "We need to look at additional pipelines from Canada to the U.S. as a new source of supplier, a growing source of supply," said Bob Greco of the American Petroleum Institute. In his state of the union address in 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush set out a goal to drastically reduce oil imports from the Middle East and make American dependence on Middle Eastern oil "a thing of the past." "America is addicted to oil which is often imported from unstable parts of the world," Bush said then. Paul Michael Weaby, a Washington insider and an expert on the geo-strategic aspect of the oil industry, said Bush is counting on Canada to achieve the U.S. of goal to wean the country off Middle Eastern oil — a goal now defined as a national security objective. "He wanted to have a reduction of 1.5 million barrels a day by 2015 from the Middle East. Although he did not mention Canada, that is in fact where the replacement supply will come from." story link CBC
  19. here's some more gems.... This has been tough weeks in that country. --George w. Bush Washington, DC 04/13/2004 One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected. --George w. Bush Los Angeles, CA 09/27/2000
  20. yeah I've been using these for a while. They burn really good and if you lick them good the glue is great. They are from Brazil? I guess the need to see what they are smoking down there.
  21. I scored a 32. Some of those are pretty tough though
  22. Agreed! Water street is killer. I saw Medeski, wood, Stubblefield and Scofield there on the "a go go" tour when Martin was sick and it has great acoustics.
  23. In fact most of the people who have dies on E (which is small) have not been fromthe drug but from drinking waaaaaay to much water. Usually these people have read the need to keep hydrated on E and go overboard. As for this contest these 10 people at the radio station are lucky they are not up on charges. What a waste of life. Over a gaming system, retarded!
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