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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. How 'bout I promise to tease "hot in here" for you next Saturday at the Elmo? That way you get the best of both worlds.
  2. Nelly who? this Nelly?.... Haha, just kidding. And pre-tell where was Nelly saying this rumored Chameleon Project show would be? Just hold the line one more week and come out to te ELmo. The Good news is after the Elmocambo gig The Chameleon Project will be finishing up our new album and then touring a bunch in Ontario, the East coast and the US.
  3. Hi there. Yes the rumour is bunk. Sorry we are not playing on today (March 17th). We are playing a week today March 24th at the Elmocambo with drum & bass phenom KJ Sawka. I suggest you come out next week as it will be a barn burner and we will be doing an exclusively breaks and rum & bass show.
  4. I know Ray Sayer aka Dr. Hook is way past his prime. That's the point, it's gonna be a drunken laugh fest. dude, check his myspace....all the songs are about drugs and the classic Jaydawg mentioned "too many mushrooms" is included.... Awesome.....hahahaha
  5. Sharing the night together always makes me a little misty.... Sharingthe night together I am so going to Brantford!
  6. I am banking of the whole band being drunk/high and it being a sloppy good time with a high cheese factor.
  7. Are there any other fans of the band Dr.Hook on ti sboard? I am really into these dudes recently. Everyone knows their biggest hit "Cover of the Rolling Stone", but I am really getting into their late 70's output when they went more disco and ballads, with tracks like "Sexy Eyes" and "Sharing the night together". So groovy and cheesy all at the same time. Cool grooves and very funny if you see the videos... There can only be one Dr. Hook and the Medicine show.... Sexy Eyes live video Even better the current verison of Dr.Hook (which is really just Ray Sawyers' band) is playing a little bar in Brantford called Jack Hammer's on April 7th. I might just have to go and get loopy..
  8. Time has been printing questionable cover photos since the Lee Harvey Oswald cover in '63. Not surprising.
  9. The method you are metioning is the "pirate" or "moonshine" version of MDMA. Real MDMA is not made like this and does not involve dissolving tinfoil. They do that because it is difficult to get some of the controlled chemicals to make it. Real MDMA as synthesized by Shuglin is a pure substance. Regulation could get rid of all the dangerous manufacturing techniques, like the one you detailed. In any case it is all academic as there will never be decriminalization of MDMA or pot in this country. The US would never tolerate that and we haven't the spine or economic will to stand up to their influence. And many people still see a need to fear and demonize drug use. So I imagine everything will keep on going on as it has. Many people will still do "E" and love it. Many will still demonize it and hate it, and criminal organizations will continue to laugh all the way to the bank.
  10. Ok I will. For example weed is not legal anywhere in the world even in Amsterdam. It is decriminalized in the city. This means it is allowable in certain locals under specific circumstances and the gov't taxes it. Much like alcohol here. That is my understanding anyways. As for the tax thing. By regulating it and allowing the gov't to tax it like any other vice the economy would take a boost and we could free up cops to track down other more pressing threats. The social implications I feel are nil as people are already doing whatever drugs they want and will not stop at all. So really socially it would be better as we would mark ourselves as progressive and throw out prohibitionist theory that does not work. We need to stop treating drugs as a criminal issue and start regarding them as a health issue. Just my view. As has been shown in Holland, decriminalization does not equal more use.
  11. Many for to Phil who I believe to be indestructable at this point! WERD!
  12. how exactly do you think decriminalisation will make dirty chemical drugs like ecstasy "safter for everyone?" Like this..... If it is decriminalized then it can be regulated. It would also take the $$$ out of the hands of criminal organizations and put it above board into the economy. Furthermore, there would be no need for clandestine labs like the one busted in this article. That means there would not be children near the drugs in danger as in this article. To go further if it is regulated and decriminalized then for the user the contents of the drug would be known and the risk manageable, much like alcohol. For the community it gets the dealers and labs out of thier neighborhoods. It would also open up more research and harm reduction as we could put our resources into harm reduction and addiction management as opposed to prohibition like tactics. Really it is a winner for everyone in my view... but then again I am obviously pro drug. And yes I think all drugs should be regulated and decriminalized much like alcohol. I feel the government has no place regulating what a grown adult chooses to put in their bodies.
  13. Ahh so he's got the tiger. Other Jerry guitars are on display at the Rock'n'Roll hall of fame. I wonder who owns the wolf?
  14. Hear Hear! You go girl. All things in moderation. Decriminalize all of it and make it safer for everyone.
  15. Yes good news for law enforcement, bad news for ecstasy users in Toronto. I saw on the news this was another Asian run deal with some fresh of the boat fall guys taking the rap. No surprise there.
  16. Accidental Find Leads Cops To One Of The Biggest Drug Busts In Toronto History Monday March 12, 2007 It is, by any measurement, a staggering find. Toronto Police have confirmed they've helped make one of the biggest Ecstasy busts in the city's history. And it happened almost totally by accident. The story began last Friday around 6pm, when observant undercover York Regional Police officers were in the McCowan and Steeles area on an unrelated matter. They spotted three men allegedly trying to break into a house at 60 Penmarric Place. When they hauled the trio into custody they noticed something about the home they were apparently trying to enter. They called their Toronto Police counterparts, who secured the address until they could get a warrant. What they found inside stunned everyone involved - at least 140,000 Ecstasy pills and 214 kilograms of MMDA, worth an estimated $21.4 million on the streets. As if that wasn't enough, detectives also discovered what's called a cutting agent, which allows the drug makers to turn out even more pills using a kind of filler. If that had been added, the entire haul could have been worth an unbelievable $40 million. "This would be a significant dent in the supply for Toronto," comments Deputy Chief Tony Warr in something of an understatement. And he notes that while that 'filler' may have added to the profits, it likely also added to the danger. "No idea what it's been cut with when you receive it on the street. It could be some poison." But that wasn't the only find that disturbed authorities. Two children - an eight-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy - were both living inside the house. The lab was in the basement. They've been turned over to the Children's Aid Society and checked out in hospital as a precaution. As if having the two kids there wasn't bad enough, there was evidence that whoever was making the pills was designing them specifically to appeal to young teens. They found pill presses ready to imprint pictures of popular cartoon characters on the Ecstasy. "These drugs are widely available at school dances," reveals Det. Sgt. David Malcolm. "They're widely available at raves." Cops are warning parents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. "Any parent that finds their children in possession of these, it's not candy," advises York Regional Police Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge, whose force helped start the ball rolling. "And it can have a debilitating effect on the kids in the short term and on our communities in the long term." Four Toronto men are facing a variety of charges, including producing a controlled substance and possession for the purpose of trafficking. All four made their first court appearance at Old City Hall on Monday. How to Spot An Ecstasy Lab In Your Neighbourhood It goes on all the time behind closed doors. And those doors may be closer to your home than you think. No one who lived near the house where one of the biggest drug busts in history was made last week seemed to have any clue about what was going on inside. Yet there are ways to spot an Ecstasy lab and the suspicious activity it causes. Here's what to look for: -A strong smell of chemicals coming from the premises or the garage. -Blackened or covered windows so no one can see inside. -Tenants who appear to be overly secretive, keeping their distance from neighbours and frequently displaying paranoid or odd behaviour. They may suspiciously eye cars as they pass by the house. But there may also be visitors at unusual times, especially late at night. -Smokers who are always going outside to have a cigarette. This could be hard to spot, since many people sensitive to tobacco's effects on their family now smoke outside. But in this case, health isn't the reason. It's to keep errant sparks from causing the chemicals used in the production of the drug from exploding. -Those who live in the house may not appear to have any jobs or a visible source of income - but they drive expensive cars and wear the best clothes. They frequently pay their bills with cash. -Expensive security systems watching the property. -Garbage that seems out of place, like bottles and containers that once had ephedrine, rubbing alcohol, or paint thinner in them. Be especially suspicious if they start to spread the garbage around on other people's lawns to make the contents less obvious. Source: Abbotsford B.C. Police Dept.story link -------------------------------- [color:orange] I have one beef with this article....enough with the scare tactic of "it could be cut with anything even poison!" No it wouldn't be because these guys want to make money. They don't want you sick or dead, they want you high so you will come back an buy more. Dead people don't buy pills. Yes they do cut pills, but in my experience they only do that with agents that are fillers and benign.
  17. I love Ween as much as the next man but the Greyboy Allstars don't tour all the time. That may be your only chance. I vote Greyboy.
  18. I know the place is fine, but they have no availability. If you know of a band there that wants to share let me know please... Thanks.
  19. Levon has always gotten the raw end of the deal with the band. Especially when Robbie Robertson fucked him out off all the publishing and writing credits..... I feel for him..,
  20. Hey Gang, Does anyone have any leads on rehearsal space in downtown T.O., where I can rent by the month and leave gear? My band has lost our current rehearsal space and are looking for another. We have a budget for the right space. If anyone knows anyone or of any space appropriate, please PM me. Thanks....
  21. how do you unpack .rar files? I have never dealt with them.
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