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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I totally disagree. Without an exit strategy nothing is accomplished you are then simply committing to staying forever and propping up a bullshit democracy that can't stand on its own. Even if you win you need to have a vision of someday leaving the country to it's own peace. If you are loosing terribly you need to have an exit strategy to stop the bloodshed and loss on you side, especially when victory is near impossible. had. It has to do with the ideal that someday you'll leave. The American never plan to leave just like every other country they currently have bases in. If you stay there forever you are a target forever and how can the war ever end if you don't bring the troops home? I hat eto tell you (and I know this will raise you r ire) but the world was a better/safer place with Saddam in it. Now I do concede they guy was a tyrant and vicious dictator that killed innocents. But so is Bush and he's killed many many more. Also while Saddam was in power, the area was much more stable and the quality of like in Iraq was better. Now with him dead the US has turned him into a hero and a martyr, which will only give extremists another figure to rally behind. Iraqi's have no power, and live in a crippled war zone fearing instant death at every turn. The world is actually more dangerous and worse off with him dead. I would have had no problem with imposing him forever but the American needed him dead real quick so none of their involvement with his crimes and much worse could be revealed in court, hence the rush to hang him. As for Darfur and the like I think that the UN should direct all effort be the humanitarian, military or sanction based and the US should take their direction not the other way around. If it is not you country you have no right, regardless of what is happening, unless it is a clear threat to your sovereignty. That is why it is imperative to work with the UN. Problem is that the US already gave the UN the big Fuck you when it invaded and now the UN has never really recovered.
  2. I don't think anyone goes into war with an 'exit strategy'. You don't plan on losing a war when you wage it. You plan on winning. All of this exit strategy talk confuses me. I think moreso this is the look that modern warfare has taken on. It's not just in Iraq. This is what parts of South America and Africa have looked like for years. Okay, one more wwii reference and one more godwin for good measure. Hitler actually wanted to 'partner' up with Great Britain. You might not want to believe that Iran and Syria are crazy, but i don't. They're crazy. shit, you show me a government who hasn't lied to their people during wartime!! 1. An exit strategy does not necessarily imply a loss. It means you have a plan to eventually leave. Even after victory. It speaks to the fact that you have a vision of what success, failure and stalemate looks like. With a cogent exit strategy an army can minimize loss in the event of certain defeat. It can return its troops home safely and leave a sovereign nation to its own future when the job is done. Bush does not even know what victory looks like, in a clear sense. He simply speaks in broad stripes. They have no idea how to get out and leaving the last crucial step in any military action. If you never bring you troops home, have you ever really accomplished anything. It took them until 1975 in Vietnam to figure this out...how long in Iraq/Afghanistan? 2. I agree Syria, Iran and the whole bunch, yes they're all crazy and have radical leaders. However I do not believe they were ever a threat to anyone except themselves (which they have been waring with forever in one form or another). These small time dictators (or at least they were "small time" until the US armed them) just want to control their piece of the desert. They were never going to or had the power to take over country after county and one day take Manhattan. The US is a target because of their foreign policy and the fact they are an occupying force. I fail to see what gives the US the right to play world cop/judge/jury and executioner, where is the jurisdiction. Without the UN involved it's terrorism on both sides and that's why it's nothing like Hitler or WWII. 3. You are correct again gov'ts lie all the time during war. The difference is the Bush administration doesn't even attempt to hide it or even try anymore. It's also one thing to lie about a war but when you lie to start the war, you have lakes of blood on your hands and isn't the US suppose to be the "good guys" in this scenario? Or are they just Saddam Hussain, without the accent in a better suit?.
  3. And just like Vietnam the Americans have no exit strategy. And just like Vietnam they keep talking about training Iraqi forces to fight and Iraqi's taking responsibility for "their" war/freedom. This is what was called "Vietnamisation" by the Nixon administration and it didn't work then. Also just like Vietnam this is very much a guerrilla war with no clear fronts in which the enemy and friendly native folks all look the same to the troops on the ground. Again, just like Vietnam this is a war in which the enemy never had intentions of invading the US and there was never a clear threat to American liberty. And just as then the American war machine brought up the Domino theory to justify that war and now as then they bring up Iran, Syria and the like to justify this one. To top it all off like Vietnam the American people were lied to every step of the way and are now turning on their government in the most unpopular war since...... ... .....VIETNAM. Let's just hope they get out before they spend 15yrs in this quagmire. A side note: I have talked to my father who is 57 and was working in the US at the time of the Vietnam war in the late sixties. I have asked him if it feels this war feels the same or is this a entirely different situation. He tells me the fear, death, lies, and public disdain for this war feels exactly like the climate of the US circa 1967/68. I have also talked to some friends of his who are Vietnam vets and they tell me it is Deja Vu, for them, only this time worse because the government knows better how to manipulate the media. That is perhaps the one thing the US administration did learn from that conflict. I wish for peace.
  4. It's a shame that you wish it upon them. I actually wish the Americans would simply pack it up and go home to focus on the miriad of problems they have in their own nation, and make their lives better. However I am realist and given GWB's speech last night, that ain't happening. So the only way it is gonna happen is for them to lose, like they did in Vietnam. War is brutal and it's a cold cold world, and a loss in Iraqi is now the only "exit" stategy that is on the table. I wish and end to all this. It could end the easy way or the hard way and as always the American war machine has chosen the hard way. Not pretty but war never is.
  5. I don't know man. I think the only way they will ever get the message is to suffer large. I mean they got their asses whipped in Vietnam and have barely learned anything when it comes to foreign policy. seems to me the only thing the American gov't/warlords understand and respect is force. I think they will have to learn the hard way...again And the way things are going this is probably going to happen. It's a shame innocent American and Iraqi ahve to die so politicians can learn the "hard way".
  6. The US now simply invades whoever wherever. If any other nation did this we'd call it fascism and compare them to the Nazi's. This has to stop.
  7. Mr. Hoffman is living proof LSD is not lethal and has little long term effects. Mr. Hoffman I owe you my consciousness and view of the world.
  8. Jennifer Dances is one of the worst songs Phish ever attempted and that Rochester 1999 show was one of the worst Phish shows I have ever seen. But out of the 75 shows, I did see that is the only one that was obviously terrible, although the second set from Albany with original member Jeff Holdsworth was a total train wreck. Not to bad an average all in all.
  9. I've read that book and it's awesome. If there are hallucination weapons then someone please target me ASAP!
  10. Agreed. The encore was lacking but the first Roses and a killer Johnnny. B. Goode made up for it. I also agree Dayton is killer I was at that one too, man I wish they were still playing shows like this!
  11. I was just listening to this show. It is truly an amazing display of Phish at the top of their game. Before the drama, the hiatus and the hard drugs. I was at this show and was blown away then and today I still am.. Phish: 12/11/97 Rochester War Memorial, N.Y. Thursday, December 11, 1997 Rochester War Memorial, Rochester, NY Set I: Punch You in the Eye > Down with Disease -> Maze, Dirt, Limb by Limb, Loving Cup, Rocky Top Set II: Drowned -> Roses Are Free -> Big Black Furry Creature from Mars > Ghost -> Down with Disease -> Johnny B. Goode Encore: Waste Show Notes: This show marked the debut of Roses Are Free, which segued out of an amazing Drowned, as well as a hot Disease. BBFCFM (first since August 6, 1996, or 118 shows) featured teases of Black Sabbath's Electric Funeral. Video footage from this show appeared in Bittersweet Motel.
  12. Who watched this? Thoughts? I personally thought it was the most ardent display of bullshit fear mongering I have ever seen. He pulled out he Iran/Syria card. He basically brought up the specter of the domino theory without saying it. He even had the gall to say American freedom was a steak. PLeeease. No Iraqi was ever going to invade the US, until "W" started his war. It also seemed that the initiatives Bush was talking about would take years to complete. I don't think they ever plan to leave. Maybe stop fighting one day btu they aren't leaving. Iraq is basically a state now. On the upside not 5 minutes after the president delivered his speech the Democrats rejected it point by piont right down the line. I hope they do all they can to stop this madman. All I kept thinking was that Bush sounded like Lydon Johnson talking about Vietnam.... "we face more cost..more loss". The difference is Johnson had the good sense to step down, Bush is far to retarded to do that. Expect another generation of destroyed American and Iraqi lives Vietnam part 2 indeed. The Americans need to lose this war, if they do not have the sense to leave before it gets worse. Withdrawals with honor is impossible. Just go already.
  13. R.I.P. He was one of the best. I had no idea he was that old.
  14. I'm not so sure you sure you knew (the rave scene was dead), nor did everyone get your sense of humor or attempt at it. I'm sorry I upset your fragile sensibilities.
  15. I wish Magnum was still my friend. We've never really reconciled after him spotting me that weed and me smoking it. sob.sob.sniffle.sniffle.
  16. I was fan of the WWF in the 80s when I was a little kid. It had so much flavour then. No wrestling isn't for kids anymore. It's all T&A and high drama. They've squashed all the fun out of it. Bring back Koko Beware and leaping Lanny Pofo I say!
  17. Happy B-Day bassman, from all of us freaks in the Chameleon Project! To many more too!
  18. Agreed. Sam Roberts and his bearded brand of campus pub-rock, bug me too. P.S. Shave the beard and you won't look like Roberts.
  19. The Raps fell apart in the fourth and took a beating, by 16 points. Ugly. too bad.
  20. This whole tread is too much. I like the facvt tha people are calling moe. "so last year" and that house music raves are so "now". Are you people all on crack! moe. has been a band since the late 80's/early 90's (sorry if you just found out!) and house music has been in exisitance since the early 80's and raves! Please! there are no more raves. There has no been a bonified rave in Toronto since 1999 and even then it was on the decline. Sorry if you missed it. The heyday for raves was 1992-1998. What ytou are going to are clubs or concerts with DJs...big difference. Man. If you are gonna call something passe, make sure you know what you are talking about. P.S. I also agree that this line up does not really excite me and the prevelance of so called "indie alt/rock" bands is not to my taste at all. As someone said far too predictable.
  21. I'm guessing a huge part of the reason the Decemberists are there is the publicity from Stephen Colbert! I'd like to see Colbert in the comedy tent.
  22. Yipeee! The Raptors are finally getting it together and are currently in first (without the help of the JYD which is shocking in and of itself). I hope they can keep this trend up and bump own winning % up to .500. I am still puzzled on how you can lead your division and be a sub .500 team. In any case we're on top!
  23. The funny thing is that if McGwuire had not used steroids I think he would have made the hall without his 73 homner year. I mean he won rookie of the year and in his first year he hit 49 homers, and after that him and Conseco pilled up the stats. If he just stayed the course he'd be in. But he got greedy. I don't think he should be in. Although the fact of if it was illegal at the time does factor into it. Also I think Pete Rose should be in. I mena yeah he gambled but that in no way affected what he did on the field or his stats, whereas McGwire's indicent did affect his numbers.
  24. I know nothing of the band, but the flyer makes me wanna go for sure. Bitchin'!
  25. I offer this as a peace offering: Tiesto live in 2004 Enjoy this politically correct, non- denominational, non-European, sexual orientation neutral, trace set...
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