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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Wicked I'm almost 20 again! Bitchin'
  2. This is yet another hallmark of Haliburton money laundering. This whole ware is the biggest money laundering/make work project in history.. Sick genius.
  3. Scientology is the "bling" or high profile designer acessory int he worl of religion. It also costs money to reach new levels in it. This is why so many celebrities are Scientologists. They can afford it. Sadly, Isaac Hayes is a Scientologist too....
  4. Big happy B-day to you Jay! All the best as you get another year younger!
  5. As a side note Apple and Steve jobs have not paid a penny for may music sold on iTunes in Canada. This has happened because there is no established/legal royalty rate for on-line sales in Canada. It is being litigated as we speak. In the meantime Apple has sold a billion sons and refuses to pay even the standard CD rate. Thier arrogance in this matter is currently causing the CMRRA and CMPA (the two bodies that represent music publishing and licnesing in Cananda) to possibly pull the plug on them until the pay at least the standard mechanical royalty rate. As it stands Apple is fleecing the Canadian music industry and it's artists.
  6. Wish I could go this year. Heard great things about this festival and has a great line up every year.
  7. bump for your own good..... too funny to miss.....
  8. See it have the soundtrack. The Garcia "Love Scene" track is awesome. It is also one of the only films The Dead ever licensed their music for. The film itself is very hippy/flaky complete with a desert acid/sex orgy.... The soundtrack has also been remastered and re-released so you can get it on Amazon or order it at HMV.
  9. OK for all of you not familiar with this Euro/Trance cheesemaster.... Click these links and get ready to laugh your head off...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtX-38E-L90 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWRQ_In1KBA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBASW2PfoG8
  10. The only reason the Us has not attacked Iran already is that they are a "real threat" that may have nuclear weapons. This is why the US hasn't attacked North Korea. The only respect the gun. Also the US military is so weak right now they don't have the means to fight that war right now.... If the Us attacks Iran they are fucked...... ...bets to leave that one be......
  11. R U talkin' Bob Wier? I can't find any new Ratdog date or such. Help a brother out?
  12. It required a little more actually - 2004? the begining of negative campaign ads in Canada? Sorry, wrong again! (From Wikipedia) During the 1993 Canadian federal election, the Progressive Conservative Party had an attack ad broadcast on television against Liberal leader Jean Chrétien. Many felt that the ad focused on Chrétien's facial deformity, caused by Bell's palsy. The resulting outcry is considered to be an example of voter backlash from negative campaigning. On October 14, the second ad premiered. It featured still pictures of Chrétien’s face interspersed with comments by actors posing as regular Canadians. The first asked "Is this a Prime Minister?" and others questioned his record. The final, and most prominent, line was "I would be very embarrassed if he became Prime Minister of Canada." While the ad's creators insisted that the lines referred to Chrétien's policies and ethics, the intercutting with images of his face focusing on his facial deformity convinced many that the commercials were an attack on Chrétien's appearance. Oh yeah. I remeber that ad.smear campaign. That seriously backfired on the PCs at the time. We'll see what happens this time.
  13. I really think this early "pre-emptive" strike but th e conservative, in relation to their "smear" ads, will backfire. Already in talking to average folks at work, at the gym etc... they all feel this look bad on the conservatives and don't like the negative tone. Not a good way to bolster public support going into a time of possible election.
  14. Anyone seen these yet? They are really weak. All they can say is that Dion is not a leader and he does not stand strong on the environment. (talk about the pot calling the kettle black!) None of which is corroborated. If this is all the Conservatives have they are in trouble. I also like how the Conservatives say they are not going to call an election, yet they release these election style smear ads. This only makes the Conservatives look even worse and desperate. LAME!
  15. Yeah he's pretty crazy! Amazing co-ordination.
  16. anything by the Black-Eyed Peas or Fergie....
  17. The next tune in the preview series, "Eris" is now up on the CP myspace for listening.
  18. Look forward to this one. Nice! Page is all class.
  19. Sloan's first album was really good. slightly left of center was agreat tune. Then they lost me and their Velvet Undergoundy edge... I also thought "Everything you done wrong" was a grea tune with and excellent arrangement.
  20. Yes it is a joke and was already posted in the other Coachella thread. Either way TOTO is a great band.
  21. NOW THAT's a line up! One of these days I gotta make to that.
  22. agreed... The pair of you are fools. Mike Anthony is no Tony Levin' date=' but he's an original member with an excellent low-end bass sound and his backing vocal harmonies are dominant even more than they are complimentary (in a good way). Thinking you can replace key original members effectively rarely amounts to a better product both commercially and artistically - see The Allmans, Santana (arguable), Van Hagar, The Rolling Stones, The Who and even AC/DC etc... One of the few bands that got better with replacement members was The Yardbirds. [/quote'] Hold on there TEX! Me and the Jaydawg didn't say all of that. If I could see Van Halen w/ Anthony then I'd be all for it. His time is good and he does have the harmony vocal thing down. What I was saying is that if anyone has to be replaced, he is the easiest to replace. I would personally like to see him in the fold running around the stage with his Jack Daniels bass all sweaty and in work out pants. I guess what you hearing is that I'm a little pissed that finally Diamond Dave and Eddie agree and now Michael Anthony doesn't want to do it.... all original line up would be best..
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