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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Hello it's me- Todd Rundgren I wanna do something freaky to you- Leon Haywood What's goin' On- Marvin Gaye Melissa- The Allman Brothers Ten years Gone & All of my Love- Led Zeppelin Let me lick your pussy- Ween
  2. The young girls usually seem hot until you talk to them and they reveal themselves to be the mental children they are. I personally find women 25+ hot. Older women who have taken care of themselves are way hotter than some 18year old that hasn't had the time to fuck themselves up yet. Older women who are physically attractive and also have the mature mentality to act normally and not engage in head games, are truly hot.
  3. Maybe it's just me but I think Bobby is looking like Lanny McDonald with his overgrown beard. I really wish he's trim that thing down...
  4. Wow. What a setlist. I wonder is Bill Clinton was there smokin' headies. I wonder what the lot scene was like. Also Richard Gere!!?! Was he signing or what?
  5. Agreed. That guy is awesome. I once asked him to play Leory Carr's "How Long Blues" and played it ont he spot. He's got the blues repertoire down.
  6. I wish her a speedy recovery, good thing it wasn't more serious. Yikes.
  7. [color:purple]I wish. I was rather upset to see I couldn't choose the JYD. I know he isn't playing...but that shouldn't matter....
  8. Man people on this board are waaaaaay tooo sensitive. Fuck it's just trance. And for the record the first time I heard the term homo-trance it was used by one of my gay friends to describe the genre. Secondly the term Gino has nothing to do with Italians per say. Hell I've met Korean, Polish and Portuguese Ginos. It's a style people try to emulate that makes them Ginos. Just go Mississauga and you'll see what I mean. Look for the dudes in Honda Civics with skirt kits and massive tailpipes and neon lights under their cars. Either way these terms are simply hallmarks to identify a style of Trance. Nothing more, nothing less. And as I said previously that fact that Dima had a good time is what matters. I was simply giving my 2 cents, which I will now take off the table as it seems to be oh-so upsetting to y'all. Out. P.S. Toughen up a little. The world is a big bad place.
  9. I'm on it. I picked Bosh. i also noticed Arujo was on the write ballot, that made me laugh hard.
  10. I am thrilled you ha a great time Dima. Certainly that is what matters. But for the record neither me or any members of the Chameleon Project are racists, homophobes or morons. To each his own, and in terms of the gay greasy gino contingent, I know as I have witnessed 3 Tiesto performances. 2 in Miami and one in New york and that was a huge part of the crowd. I am glad you avoided this. I wish you well on your trance journey young lad. Do a glow stick show for me..... hahahahaa...... P.S. Fluffhead77 is right if trance is what you dig check out Spongle, they're the best of the bunch. also a a peacemaking gesture I offer you this....could be your new avatar..
  11. More to the point Meggo,,,, Homotrance or gay-trance or euro-gay-homo-terribly bad trance... Is a kind of trance in which, the music is pounding at all times, very superficial, usually has pitch corrected vocals with some diva screaming about "the love the power". Then there are normally really annoying electro 808 cowbells, whistles and retarded sing-a-long choruses, and parallel major chords to top off the whole mess. This brand of trance usually goes nowhere and does not have moving basslines. The people who enjoy this brand of Trance are usually Greasy Gino's muscle heads on GHB and their equally greasy Gina girlfriends (usually these dudes are waaaay in t he closet). This brand of trance is also played at every gay pride parade. That the best I can describe it for you. And yes it usually means people who should never take their shirt off in public do just that. Finally homo-trance is not a slight to gay people. I know and gave many gay friends who hate this type of music and call it "homo-trance" or "fag-house" and hate all it stands for. It is the McDonalds of electronic music and is just as bad for you. If you need to see/hear this brand of Trance up close, just go to the Guvernment on a Saturday night. But make sure you tell you next of kin where you are going, 'cause much like mountain climbing it can be fatally dangerous....especially when a geled out sweaty, g'd muscle with a soother in his mouth tells you that this is the best DJ he's ever seen as his eyes roll into the back of his head.
  12. What you are doing is something that will improve your life for the rest of your life. Most people never have the courage to face these major life obstacles. The good news is that you are on the path and with each day you march closer to success and healthy living for your mind and body. Please take this to heart: Your problem with alcohol is not your life. It is a part of your life. It does not define who you are. Your good will to others, life experiences and friendships define who your are. Never loose sight of this. My thoughts are with you... I know you can do it.
  13. For the record here are some homo trance DJs: Ferry Cortsen Paul Oakenfold DJ Tiesto Paul Van Dyk Marco V Gi Gi Daugustino Mario Picotto To avoid losing IQ point due to repeated trance exposure I recommend listening to: Anything on Ninja Tune Records, jungle, drum & bass, breaks, rare funk, Detroit techno, Swedish tech-house, tasteful Chicago House, IDM, breakcore and acid jazz.
  14. Hey Dima. I got noe beef wioth your new found love of electronica. I am a proud drum & bass/techno hippie myself. Steve Lawler is a respectable DJ too, and can play decent sets... My only beef with your adventure was TIESTO! That guy eats dick. I've seen him (unfortunently) on a few occasions, at outdoor festivals in Miami and beyond and he is a wanker. The dude is all hype. He plays the worst brand of euro/electro/homo trance and can barely mix a record. On top of that he usually just stand in front of the decks and claps.. and don't even get me stgarted on the gino's and gina's that adore that dutch trance bastard! Glad you had a wikkid time....just stay away fromt he Trance dude... .,..It's for your own good...
  15. True. However the one thing about heroin is if you get heroin that is too pure, you will die from an overdose. So every time you shoot up, or snort it you could die, unless you know the purity for sure. That's the one draw back............
  16. Democrats set to take control of Congress Last Updated: Thursday, January 4, 2007 | 9:39 AM ET CBC News Within hours, the Democrats will control the U.S. Congress for the first time in more than a decade as newly elected members are sworn in. The party took control of the House and Senate during November's mid-term elections and has promised an aggressive agenda during the first 100 hours. Nancy Pelosi, left, Harry Reid, right, and Sen. Charles Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, celebrate with fellow Democrats on election-night, Nov. 7, 2006. Nancy Pelosi, left, Harry Reid, right, and Sen. Charles Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, celebrate with fellow Democrats on election-night, Nov. 7, 2006. (J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press) The Democrats are poised to push through new bills to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour, increase research into stem cells and cut interest rates on student loans. The legislation won't be open for much debate or amendment by the Republicans, the kind of heavy-handed tactics Democrats used to complain about when they were in the minority. "It appears the 'first 100 hours' of the Democrats' legislative agenda will come from a smoke-filled room," said Republican House Representative Jeb Hensarling. Democrats defend the move, saying they are merely delivering on election promises. Continue Article California Democrat Nancy Pelosi will also make history Thursday, becoming the first female Speaker of the House. She will address the House after she's sworn in by Michigan Representative John Dingell, the longest serving member of the House. She has promised immediate steps to ban gifts from lobbyists and to clamp down on travel funded by private interests. Nevada Democrat Harry Reid will become Senate majority leader. Iraq war a focus The mid-term results were seen as an indictment on U.S. President George W. Bush's Iraq policy. "If I was going to quantify it, I would say it was maybe 60 per cent Iraq, 35 per cent scandals and five per cent other things," said longtime political analyst Charlie Cook, who believes the Democrats might be missing the point about why they were swept back to power. Democrats promised a new direction on Iraq throughout the mid-term election campaign, but two months after the vote, the party has yet to deliver any plans. Bush on Wednesday urged both parties to set aside partisan politics and work together to "focus on the future." He also said he was working on a five-year plan to balance the budget by 2012. Bush, who said he looked forward to working with the new Congress, challenged Democrats to avoid passing "bills that are simply political" statements. His Rose Garden news conference echoed the same themes the president discussed in an op-ed in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. Other priorities Democrats have pledged to tackle during their first 1000 hours include: * Require the government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower medicare drug prices. * Create an intelligence oversight panel within the House Appropriations Committee and implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations. * Promote renewable energy and conservation, and repeal a handful of oil industry tax breaks. * Expand current bans on some privately financed trips, eliminate gifts from lobbyists, prohibit travel on corporate jets and require greater public disclosure of targeted special interest legislation.
  17. Burroughs was the exception to the rule. HE was one of the few Heroin addicts that knew how to dose himself safely and properly and most importantly he kept eating. There are very few of his ilk.
  18. Heroin! Man I thought trey was smarter than that! Shame! Where are these guys gonna learn. Heroin will kill you. Plain and simple.
  19. More to the point Salvia is not a party/social drug. When you are high on it you have no depth perception and talking coherently is an effort. Personally I would prefer to do it alone, so I don't have to try and interact. Therefor it is not in high demand nor do people do it in public. The best way to do it is at home with a buddy and you both take a good hit off the bong hold it in for 20 seconds and blast off. It's cool and all, but it will never be a popular drug...this is why the law doesn't care... P.S. you can get pure Salvia extract liquid which is a powerful psychedelic...be careful of that stuff....
  20. I have heard the exact opposite. The ganges and the rivers adjacent are some of the most polluted anywhere. The locals leave corpses to rot on the banks, and pollution in the form of sewage flow into it from tributaries.... too bad.
  21. This has been a long time in coming. They are one of the few "legendary bands" along with Van Halen, that could actually reunite as all the original members are alive. Can't wait. I hope they do a decent size tour. I'd really like to see them somewhere indoors. Bonnaroo would not be my ideal venue for this band at all.
  22. They are an interesting mix of punk, noise rock, and electronica, very eclectic from what I heard on thier album. Wonder what their live show is all about..
  23. The war is now officially pointless. As if we needed more assurance. Ugh.
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