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Everything posted by timouse

  1. i'm sort of partial to the Old and In The Way bluegrass version.
  2. indeed. i saw a bus with a single VW grafted to it at shows in the 90's, but have never seen a double.
  3. my head hurts. where's that stiff drink that deb was on aboot?
  4. People. I cannot stress this enough. do not throw your garbage out the window. put it in a bag. and keep your milk in the fridge or in a cool wet sack. parenting classes>
  5. i see. so the dying inuit can separate recyclables from trash while waiting to run out the clock.
  6. Don't dump garbage in Arctic waters, Inuit leaders tell Canadian navy. why is it that they even have to be told this??
  7. good to know that it's a good fit. he sounds like most of our also crazily named cats...
  8. what he said. good luck!!
  9. happy birthday indeed! jennifer wants to know how the cat is getting on
  10. you rock, margaret. or in this case, you boogie. nice.
  11. very sad indeed. i have many happy vague fuzzy hallucinatory quasi memories of that place
  12. i heard that healy will be giving out soundboard patches in exchange for "gifts."
  13. #281. Songs With Serial Killers or Mass-Murderers In the Song-Title (Either Their Real Name, or the Nick-Name They Go By In Their "Trade") 1. Dan Bern - Krautmeyer 2. Judas Priest - The Ripper 3. Kinky Friedman - The Ballad of Charles Whitman 4. Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy, Jr. 5. Link Wray - Jack The Ripper 6. Disgruntled - Free the Unabomber* 7. Screaming Lord Sutch - Hands Of Jack The Ripper 8. Elliot Smith - Son of Sam 9. Ry Cooder - Billy The Kid 10. 11. 12.
  14. so there's this little cake next to your name...happy birthday josh!
  15. mayybe this will become standard operating procedure for anyone who asks more than one complex question in a public forum.
  16. and again, no canadian dates. bastids.
  17. i have a naive question. what exactly is better about diesel? it certainly can't be the emissions because they are horrendous (honestly' date=' I dont know how any diesel car would pass a regular emissions test). so, is it just that you generally get better mileage, and therefore use less gas? or, is it something in the way it is refined? inquiring minds want to know ... [/quote'] less energy input to refine the fuel and better mileage combine to make diesel a slightly less evil choice. the exhaust that comes out of a diesel tailpipe is chemically much cleaner or simpler than gasoline vehicle exhaust. not only that but you can run a diesel engine on a variety of oil products from biodiesel to straight vegetable oil. the original question was about a hybrid...i have a friend who owns the escape hybrid and seems quite pleased with it no idea how the advertised mileage stacks up to reality though.
  18. #279 - the 12 song albums game's 12 greatest hits (cant pick your own submission) 1. George Michael - Careless Whisper (seems to be popular around these parts) 2. Frank Zappa - Billy the Mountain 3. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up 4. David Sylvian - Orpheus 5. Red Peters - (Come Stains)6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 10.
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