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Everything posted by timouse

  1. timouse


  2. wow, tim. that's amazing. best. brother. ever.
  3. i am enjoying bokonon's newfound perpetual horniness. sadly i am both happily married and a drummer and thus unable to help
  4. {{{{{{{{{{{{tim}}}}}}}}}}}}}} a class act indeed.
  5. niffermouse's company live music good friends shopping at a farm store & buying non barcoded food my cats & turtle
  6. congratulations baj and captain! moosehead, in addition to making good beer is an incredible employer. that's awesome! if you need a realtor, try dave watt at exit in fredericton. he's a total stand-up guy and was awesome to me when niffermouse and i were down there house hunting. good luck both of you!!
  7. RIP norman. "Harlot's Ghost" is the one of the biggest heaviest and best books i've ever read.
  8. did it twice, all tunes, 6 out of 10 both times. that's a tough quiz.
  9. i'm the engineering manager at a custom metal fabrication shop, but i liked charles bukowski's answer better
  10. ooops...I forgot to mention, the Zenn car has now been approved in Canada! taht's aewsome news. and an hilarious avatar
  11. ...and it was awesome. errol nazareth thought so too.
  12. timouse

    Tax Cuts!

    i don't want more taxes by any stretch, and i don't think that donating my $12 a month to the CONservatives would help anything other than the conservatives. i'm really tired of hearing them trumpet tax cuts, then in the next breath announce beneficial program cuts. it insults the intelligence of the electorate imo.
  13. that's the one. the first chapter of that book has done more to keep me away from coke than anything i can think of
  14. timouse

    Tax Cuts!

    i'm not above it, but i'm a bit pissed about the way that these thigs get made out to be such a fabulous thing. the gst cut amounts to like $12 a month for most folks...then as was siad above, the ugly twin, service cuts appears, and there's less available for folks that need it. i would happily have them keep my $12 a month and do something good with it.
  15. "Long Time Gone" was a great read...was that the one that opened with a copy of the police report decribing Croz the night they arrested him? Matted unwashed hair, giant boogers stuck in his mustache, drugs sure make you lax about personal hygeine. nice post, sp, thanks for the excerpt.
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