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Everything posted by timouse

  1. Huh? sorry' date=' should have been clearer. i was referring to [b']21. The Band — “Up on Cripple Creek†/ “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down†as being more worthy of a higher ranking than 13. Blue Rodeo — “Try†carry on.
  2. any list that puts blue rodeo ahead of the band needs some sort of qualifier - maybe 100 great canadian singles in no particular order.
  3. my only complaint with the chip is the potential for absent minded people like me to walk out of a store without my debit card. they are beginning to make the handsets beep loudly when finished to remind you to take your card. if it makes debit cards harder to pirate, i'm all for it.
  4. it is indeed a baby boom lately. congratulations!!!
  5. Its funny' date=' b/c if you watch the video at the top of the page, they obviously put a lot of effort into the overall [i']sound of the record, but it almost seems that these days it's rather futile to do something like that, as most people are just gonna download it and give it a listen through their lap-top, never fully hearing what the artists intended them to hear. Weird. Berry Gordy used to monitor the final mixes of Motown stuff through 1" speakers, the same 1" speakers that were in transistor radios, which were the main source of music for teenagers in the '50's and early 60's. Maybe the idea now should be to mix down using tiny built-in computer speakers. i was talking to a sound engineer over the weekend who once finished mixing a record, will take it with them and play it on as many different stereo setups as possible before making final tweaks.
  6. same here. i do agree with the headphones thing though...there's a lot of subtle stuff going on.
  7. brent bambury on the cbc this morning pointed out the only laughter was after colbert said that "following my testimony, both sides will work together on this issue in the best interests of the american people as you always do." bloody brilliant.
  8. interesting. is Nestle spokesman John Challinor the same one that is running for Milton council? ...or Wellington Water Watchers is an environmental organization committed to not giving away our groundwater to a multinational that re-sells it for a buck a litre and returns very little of that money to the community.
  9. [rant] this is a vegan belief that i cannot reconcile. one of many realities of omnivore society is a glut of animal products/byproducts. if you want to honour the sacrifice of an animal that gave it's all for the food system, make good use of its' hide. vegans in plastic boots make me crazy. [/rant]
  10. Dystopia - the movie brought to you by a not very happy prof at WLU.
  11. to get back to normal, press ctrl + zero. this applies only to zoom state in firefox, not to one's life in general.
  12. thank you chewie. that's a pretty remarkable collection of GD.
  13. was the book called Eating Animals? i really liked it. He was pretty blunt about the conditions that most meat is produced in. It's largely put me off of eating meat in restaurants too, or choosing restaurants that are up front about where they buy meat from. Having animals has given me a whole new take on eating, of really appreciating where my food comes from. Eggs particularly. If you have the space and the inclination, chickens are awesome animals to have around. they go away in to the barn at night, and come out on their own in the morning, and roam around eating bugs and grass - and every 25 hours out pops an egg. Link to our farm blog.
  14. hold down the "CTRL" key and scroll with your mouse wheel to zoom in and oot.
  15. ok, i am definitely going to use that for next year's lambs. :chug:
  16. hmmm... nice thread, jay, and congratulations on your engagement! levon helm at massey hall. best. show. ever. jamland(s). hillside. leaving a bad job and working at home for a lot of the summer was pretty exciting but also sucky as most of the work that i got this summer was pretty rushed and we didn't get much vacation time. but it did mean that i really got to enjoy time spent close to home.
  17. we're quite happy to kill our own chickens, and have done a number of them. lambs are a bit more of a challenge, and short of backing the car over them, i don't really have the equipment to do it properly. it's all about humane. one day we will, but for now, it's a car ride to the abbatoir.
  18. what a great debate. i really feel like I need to weigh in on this. as lots of you know, jennifer and i raise sheep and chickens, and are avid and ethical carnivores. this past year, we produced enough compost from animal poop to feed our gardens, which in turn produced food to feed us. the wool from shearing every spring provides fiber for clothing. (felted hats rock.) two of our lambs went off to (humane) slaughter and continue to provide us with many fabulous home raised meals. animals on our property (and in our diet) make our system work well. friends of ours run a mixed farm down the road, and take in interns each season. one of this year's interns is full on vegan, and i had a very insightful conversation with her not long ago. one of the biggest challenges in growing food organically is fertility. many veggie growers that i have talked to are challenged to find a source of soil fertility. in the same way that growers who raise vegetables exclusively are continually looking for a source of compost, vegans (and vegetarians) seem to need to work harder than omnivores to get all the nutrition that their bodies require. many fats, vitamins and amino acids that are present in meat are a challenge to find in the plant kingdom. contrast that with the mixed farm - a small herd of cows, some chickens and some pigs (all cared for very well) produce ample poop that is composted and used on the field to grow food for people and animals. they have refined their ratio of animal types to acres in production and have a successful self reliant farm. while they are not producing huge amounts of any one food, the overall productivity of the farm due to the wide variety of foods produced is orders of magnitude higher than the "100 acres of field corn for animal feed" farm. one of my favourite agrarian authors, wendell berry, nails the thing. "Industrial agriculture takes a perfect solution and divides it neatly in to two problems." what he means by this is animal poop is a huge part of building and maintaining soil fertility.in smaller numbers on a mixed farm, the animal poop is a resource and is treated as such. in a massive hog barn or cattle feedlot, that poop becomes a waste management problem, and is often managed using an "industrial effluent" mindset. at the same time, the "100 acres of corn or soybeans" guy is applying nitrogen fertilizer to his crop as it is cheaper than trying to do the right thing with the volumes of animal manure produced by the meat factories. factory production of any food is not the answer. the energy required to turn 100 acres of soybeans in to human food is staggering, as is the energy required to feed and clean up after 10 000 pigs. veganism or vegetarianism as a reaction to the horrors of factory food production is a start. buying ethically produced meat and supporting small farmers who are caring for their land and their animals is another way that we can all as consumers make a difference. "you never change things by fighting the existing reality. to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -buckminster fuller
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