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Everything posted by Lazlo

  1. Too bad a good idea's not one of those things.
  2. I know this is hardly the time or the place to bring this up but, I'm pregnant. There's no boubt in my mind that the child is yours, Mike. I've decided to keep it. I know I can trust you to do the right thing. Congratulations anyway.
  3. I'm officially changing my penis' name to Brian.
  4. It's a shame you can't say the same for your bar.
  5. Lazlo

    I love

    Hope is my pet name for it. I said Hopes because there's two.
  6. Lazlo

    I love

    Can I come over for dinner?
  7. Lazlo

    I love

    I read crack and thought ass then realized I was just getting my hopes up.
  8. Lazlo

    I love

    And oh yeah! I love a freshly shaved ball sac. Preferably not my own, but I takes what I can gets.
  9. Lazlo

    I love

    Smoking crack's cool and all, but think of the children.
  10. Happy birthday Stu. I haven't clean my bathroom since that night. I love you.
  11. very best of Blumpkins wishes brother First blumpkin's on you Charlie Echo Bravo. On my way to PJC to ruin yet another liver and Ken's evening. You're all welcome to come and watch me cry.
  12. Because God hates you. So do I.
  13. Finally, a good reason to shave my balls. First one's free big guy.
  14. Paisley! Come and get me if your car has found its second wind. Or you could carry me there.
  15. Quickly, somebody give me something to care less about.
  16. Ha Ha you fuckin' pussy. Love you lots.
  17. Lazlo


    How do people manage to shit themselves on a 30 second salvia buzz yet maintain composure on a 8 hour acid trip? Take two deep breaths kids.
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