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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. Thanks everybody. I've decided to skip 29 and move right into 30 next year. On top of my grandfather passing we found out that my dog of 16 years has cancer. What's next? A green beer shortage on St. Fatties Day? Now that all my family obligations are done with, I say it's time to get super drunk like the days of yore. I'm talkin' emergency room and stitches kind of drunk. Maybe even get robbed by a couple strippers.

    Thanks again evrybody, now back to being a shit.

  2. Shit lady, his head's huge. He looks like a bobble head doll on doses. I can't believe he's even capable of keeping it off his shoulder. At least you didn't call him Jared or all the kids would be callin' him Jar Head.

    That goes for all babies not just yours.

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