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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. I was at the game last night. All I can say, as a Sens fan, is "Yikes". An awful performance by everyone on the team. The season is still young, but the Leafs look a lot better than last year - especially in the goaltending department. There was a couple sitting beside me - him in a Leafs jersey, her in a Sens jersey. I'd be surprised if they're still together this morning!
  2. That is like going back in a time machine. $20 tickets? Shake Records and Records on Wheels are long out of business. Unfortunately ticketbastard is still around!
  3. You could say: "I marked your words, and I gave them an F" Hang onto my quote though... I have until 2009 to be proven completely wrong!
  4. I guess you were right Booche. I bow to your superior hockey intellect!
  5. Milly barked up a storm that time I came over to pick up those CDs!
  6. Your response should have been: "Dave's not here, man!"
  7. I scored free tix and backstage passes at the last minute. Seats were awesome. Backstage was a letdown - no orgy of booze and groupies. As a matter of fact there was no nothing. No band members, no hangers-on, heck not even any surly security guards. My friend and I had a couple of complimentary pints, then they kicked us out after 10 minutes. The show was great though!
  8. Section 228 Row E seat 14 I will more than likely hit the smoking area out front during the break.
  9. My brother got free tix and backstage passes for the show - delivered personally by Derek Trucks! He said that backstage afterwards was a bit of a let down - both Eric and Derek were no-shows. Only the bass and keyboard players were there but there were plenty of free cold beverages for everyone.
  10. They're already postponing shows!
  11. I'm looking forward to the riot and trashing the Sens souvenir shop when jerkwad storms off the stage 4 songs in.
  12. The show last night in Montreal was awesome! Totally enjoyed it, despite having possibly the worst seats ever. Same set list as Toronto. I'm off in a couple of hours for Halifax to see the Stones! Woohoo!
  13. Looking forward to the show in Montreal tonight!
  14. I don't know why people complain about that. I think it's a good thing. If you work the next day, you can be home at decent hour to get a good night's rest, if you so choose. Or, with the bands done at 11, there's plenty of time to go see more bands at a different bar.
  15. For sure, excellent work kitkat!
  16. this thread is hilarious - 2/10 of a pound, oprah, and girlfriend's father being a shroomhead. keep 'em coming!
  17. You're picking the best time to come to Ottawa... not only because of the nero shows, but also it will be really really cold! welcome aboard.
  18. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". (that's the same thing I said after the last upgrade!)
  19. Actually I've got a second complaint: The opening band wasn't moe.
  20. What? I can't hear you! The show was frickin' wicked. Lotsa energy out of Roger and Pete. Pete hasn't lost his stride, even into his 60s. Great windmill guitar. My only complaint? Not long enough.
  21. I seriously think of hitting Philadelphia or Boston for this one. Especially with The Slip on the bill.
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