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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. I liked that movie so much I watched it twice!
  2. Tim! I totally forgot about your b-day. Have a good one dude, and I'll give you a call later this week.
  3. I was at this show and it was my favourite show of the year (and I saw The Who, The Stones, Allmans, Mule, and Roger Waters this year!) Jimmy sure was playing with them and he was really shredding it on guitar. Interesting you noticed the Black Sabbath tease - the house music between sets was Black Sabbath's first album (kind of fit in with the Hallowe'en theme of the evening). It was nice to run into Basher and Large Marge in the drink line-up between sets. You guys really know how to party! Marge demonstrated her meeting with JB to me, and I'm sure it's something he won't soon forget!
  4. Pretty much... with all the beer and water he bought for me... and the long lines for the porta-potty... I made it but it was a close call!
  5. Having a great time here in Vegas! The shows yesterday were incredible. MMW + Maceo, YMSB, Raconteurs, Mars Volta, Keller + SCI, Killers, Black Crowes, and Tom Petty. Caught them all. There's a lot of overlap of the bands playing on different stages so it's hard to see everything you want to, but I'm catching most of the performers I want to. The beer is a very un-reasonable $7. Thought that would keep me somewhat sober but no! Gonna have to pace myself a little better today.
  6. Happy Birthday from Vegas Sharon! 30 is the new 20. Or is that 40 is the new 30? I can't remember.
  7. see you there folks! I'm leaving tonight.
  8. This is just a cash grab disguised as environmentalism.
  9. I acknowledge new bands all the time. "You guys suck!"
  10. can I pay with a credit card on the 21st? or should I bring a wad of cash?
  11. Way to wear out those Avs last night!!! The game started out well for the Leafs, but they fizzled out. Here's hoping your birthday party was better than the Leafs performance last night.
  12. Guelph, Hamilton, Toronto, and TBA does not constitute a tour of this province. Let me know when they hit New Liskeard, Pembroke, Wawa, Thunder Bay, and Timmins. Now that would be a tour! I'm just joking around of course. Fingers crossed that TBA means Ottawa.
  13. Am I the only one who sees this Rock Star thing as a colossal waste of time? Now if you'll excuse me, I have re-runs of Star Trek to watch.
  14. We're gonna have to find some way of getting out of that 10 a.m. meeting this Friday morning to order tickets, gameboy.
  15. well that seals the deal bouche. Friday morning at 10 am let's order up the tix.
  16. In British Columbia! and Quebec too.
  17. I feel cold just looking at those pictures!
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