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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. Not sure if this article should be here or in Rich Stadium! Palin set to drop puck at Philadelphia NHL game PHILADELPHIA (AP)—Sarah Palin’s next faceoff will come at center ice at an NHL arena, not at a debate. The GOP vice presidential nominee will drop the ceremonial first puck when the Philadelphia Flyers open the regular season against the New York Rangers on Saturday. Palin, the Alaska governor and self-described “hockey mom,†will join the winner of a team promotion for the “Ultimate Hockey Mom†to drop the puck. Last month, Palin visited a Philadelphia bar with Flyers owner Ed Snider, who has donated money to Republican presidential nominee John McCain’s campaign. “Because of the tremendous amount of publicity she has brought to our sport, we invited the most popular hockey mom in North America to our home opener to help us get our season started,†Snider said in a team statement Wednesday. “We are very excited she has accepted our offer and we are very proud of the publicity she is generating for hockey moms and the sport of hockey.†The team will award all hockey moms entered into the contest with a free “puck-er peach†lipstick and four tickets to a hockey game of the Flyers’ minor league affiliate, the Philadelphia Phantoms. The winner will appear on the ice with Palin for opening faceoff.
  2. Anyone watch the Obama/McCain debate last night? I forgot about it until it was almost over. I caught the final 20 minutes or so. It was amazingly civil. Compared to the Palin/Biden and our Canadian debates, it was like a tea party.
  3. That site may as well be called "voteforliberals.ca"
  4. You people probably haven't heard of Cheryl Gallant. She's gotta be in the top 3 of bad Conservative MPs. She couldn't even be bothered last night to show up for an all-candidates meeting in Deep River.
  5. Palin 'a disgrace to women': Bardot French actress chastises U.S. vice-presidential candidate Agence France-Presse Published: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 PARIS - French film icon turned activist Brigitte Bardot took a swipe at Sarah Palin on Tuesday, saying the U.S. vice-presidential candidate was a disgrace to women. "I hope you lose these elections because that would be a victory for the world," Bardot wrote in an open letter to Republican John McCain's running mate in the November vote. "By denying the responsibility of man in global warming, by advocating gun rights and making statements that are disconcertingly stupid, you are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe," wrote Bardot. The screen icon from the 1960s, who now heads an animal rights foundation, went on to assail Palin for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could jeoparize delicate animal habitats and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears. "This shows your total lack of responsibility, your inability to protect or simply respect animal life," Bardot wrote. In a final salvo against Palin, the 74-year-old ex-star picked up on Palin's depiction of herself as a pitbull wearing lipstick and said she "implored" her not to compare herself to dogs. "I know them well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal for that matter is as dangerous as you are," Bardot wrote.
  6. That's hilarious Hal. Last year I had both Emery and Thomas as goalies in my hockey pool. I also had Giguere. I managed to trade Emery for Ribeiro before the sh!t hit the fan. What you said about the strippers and blow was funny too!
  7. Welcome to the board PMatt! I've taken over your old cubicle.
  8. Both league championship series will be great matchups. Can the upstart Rays be the ones to defeat the Red Sox? Will Manny face his former team in the World Series? Who said the playoffs was boring?
  9. The "T" (subway system) in Boston is excellent. I'd recommend not driving in that city. Walk the "Freedom Trail". This self-guided walk will take you past many historical sites of the the American Revolution. If you get a chance, go over to Cambridge and check out Harvard. The grounds and buildings are beautiful. There are some amazing museums at Harvard too. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts is huge. Their collection of paintings from 400-500 years ago is amazing. The aquarium right on the waterfront is good too.
  10. I can't believe the Frolunda team is called "Indians".
  11. Will you be watching the airhead with the glasses debate the guy who thinks television existed in 1929, or will you watch 4 guys and 1 lady shouting over each other? Me? I'll be watching baseball.
  12. Games on the west coast don't agree with me - I was asleep by the 4th inning! Thankfully I PVR'd it, I'll watch when I get home from work today (even though I already know the Red Sox won). Caught the end of the Phillies/Brewers game yesterday, yes it was exciting.
  13. Finally a baseball thread! Thanks Hal. Being from Boston, I'm a lifelong Red Sox fan but they've won a couple of times in the last 4 years. Probably not going to happen, but it would be great to see a White Sox vs. Cubs world series. This is a great time of year - NHL season starts, the NFL is getting into the swing of things, and baseball playoffs!
  14. Great news! I'll probably pass on these shows though and wait until they play closer to home.
  15. This "Do Not Call" list is bullshit. I'd prefer a system where your phone number is on a do not call list by default. People who'd like to receive calls from telemarketers can then register. The first politician who campaigns with this idea would have my vote.
  16. Freak By Night


    I watched TSN 2 on Saturday night for a while. Roger's ain't carrying it until Bell ponies up some more $$$$ - they don't want the competition against their Sportsnet channels without compensation.
  17. I watched one of his movies recently - "Absence of Malice" from 1981. Also in this movie were Sally Field and a young Bob Balaban. I don't think it was a great movie but one thing that amazed me - something you don't see much in movies anymore - was that most of the characters were smoking constantly. Except Paul Newman - he didn't need a cigarette to look cool.
  18. What happened next? I assume Eric didn't pull out his tazer.
  19. Hey sonny! I'm only 4 years older than you. Requiring a permit to park in that area is not true, but they definitely do not allow parking on Glebe streets during the Ex.
  20. I suppose this entire discussion is moot. I can't see Ottawa being awarded a team ahead of Montreal or Vancouver.
  21. I attended every Ottawa Rough Riders home game between 1988 and 1996 and I never had a problem with parking. I often parked for free on a nearby side street.
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