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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I don't think it's you... but that really pissed me off. Like holy fack, this is a game?! right?! How ABOUT does ABOUT have to be?... not like the song was instrumental about Rivers (which incidentally I could concieve as being the parents of the ocean)... Talk about contributing to the uptight vibe of the board! My time would be better off concieving of an alternative way to score baseball.
  2. Available at Kanada Kev.com Attention... you've been sniped.
  3. Buffalo has 39 Goals from 13 Players. Ottawa has 40 Goals from 15 Players... in two less games. Heatley is due to breakout... which is scary/stupid, cause he's already leading the playoffs in points... but, how many shots can he get in prime real estate without potting some more? And the Vermette line who has been playing soft (as well they should... no need to crank up the heat yet), looked poised to raise their level of play at the end of game two. Go Sens!
  4. [homer whisper] I think they are talking about the sens [/homer whisper]
  5. Ok, seriously though... where are the shots at Alfies Sunglasses from the pre-game report! I say those things are totally fair game. I wish I had a picture!
  6. Proof that I have a direct influence on the Series. Hey Spezza... stop lurking and get an account here!
  7. Piece of cake. It probably would of helped the Sabres if 5000 more fans could of watched Overtime in the building!
  8. He's a smart man. That's right. The women are smarter.
  9. Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Me too! a-dag-a-duck-a-dag-a-duck-a-daa a-dag-a-doug-a-dag-a-duck-a-dee I love the dead!
  10. Hmmm. Quiet confidence. Feel about 1/10th as nervous as I did before game 1. Go Sens!
  11. Unstoppable!!! Nice highlights... they kinda looked like they knew what they were doing! The crowd really looked into it too from the highlights! Good day for a win!
  12. I heard from Mark today that last night was INCREDIBLE... on so many levels. I hope to make it out tonight, atleast for the 2nd set.
  13. #225 the song you are listening to RIGHT NOW ... 1. Pretenders - Mystery Achievement 2. John R. Butler - God Will fuÇk You Up 3. Metallica - Orion 4. H.N.I.C. - Blue Mitchell 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. And it has nothing to do with Hockey Night in Canada!
  14. What's the season up to now? 230 games or something? I'm with Guigs too, unfortunately for this year... it is a great opportunity to get the sophmores and juniors some more playing time, and when they need the depth and have the chemistry it'll be all good. ... in '08. Someone's gotta wake up Frank Thomas too. He's playing like a chump.
  15. I find there's a subtle difference between disagree with an opinion and disagreeing with the person making that opinion. There should be a rule that every post should say something atleast about the topic in the thread title. But that's probably silly.
  16. No doubt he wants more questions from you Julia. That was pretty sharp! The Raptors are in an enviable postion... worrying about having too much, instead of having too little... except playoff experience, and now they have a little more of that.
  17. I'm with you MarcO. I liked most of Phish's recorded stuff, but couldn't get into the live show recordings. But I loved the live shows I saw... and the jamming is fantastic when it's all unfolding infront of you in real time. It's kind of like a magic trick. And I don't know if I could stand to listen to an audio recording of David Copperfield, and many live shows are like that... for me. Same thing with Umphree's... I think though the Live show thing, is that I have to be there... then I like to hear the show again... but ultimately a live show recording is only a small small fraction of the totality of the live experience... To summarize: For me, live stuff needs to be experienced live.
  18. Haha, "Hemp Wallet"... Nice!
  19. Hey Ollie, I think you got the person you're replying to mixed up.
  20. Thanks Booche. The four lines are nice... and it would be cool to keep them under the radar. Sure the top line did most of the damage in the first two rounds, but they really didn't need any more damage to win those series (an OT winner here, and a 4th goal there in the game two's would of been nice)... and those two teams were themselves 'one liners' (except Zach Parise had an impressive first playoff)... Just because the 3 lines focused on defence with the lead doesn't mean they can't turn around and play offensively... it's a faulty logic, and I hope Dean McCammond showed exactly what that means to the Sabres prognosicators last night. But the one line of scarry good is pretty impressive for the Sens. Just the chemistry they have is far more sublime now then when they were first put together... which at that point was pretty freakin awesome. Heatley could of had 4 last night.
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