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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Yeah, I've heard that about your reputation. Always not comparing liquid prices. But like it or not, a comparisson of all things is made by the market, and the common denomonator is money. The real question is, is it fair market value for the product?... and with oil, my answer is that the oil industry employ's unfair, risky, and nonsustainable methods to secure our supply of oil, and the market value is artificially low. Now things like Subsidies help people in a Political region to obtain goods as a discount... as far as oil is concerned... it's being subsidized by a war. "Democracy" in Iraq... Ha! Secure Oil Fields and cheap gas was more like it. But atleast gas is only $1.10 this weekend. War for resources is a vile subsidy. It contradicts some basic principles found in most nations constitutions. I know we are not in the Iraq war as a Nation of Canada, but when one of the "have's" does this in order to keep cheap supply of gas running, we all 'benefit' from those lower prices in as much as 'we' can afford to fly anywhere for like what $300 bucks... sit in rush hour traffic burning $20 of gas a day and still make enough money to go to a $14.00 movie, $200 concert... and buying crazy oil based products that were manufatured on the other side of the globe and brought to your house off of a boat, train, and your car. (I know this isn't everyone... but there is certainly enough to create the phenomenon of 'rush hour traffic' is hundrends of cities around the world) Sure it will change things if the gas prices rise... but if the market becomes aware and volunteers for higher gas prices (and no war would be nice too)... a) we will adapt we will have oil to use for a longer time, and use it more sustainably and efficently b) we will adapt in a peaceful voluteering way vs. a violent, desperate way (don't tell the people in Iraq though) Otherwise... there will be a cruch, and even we in our shelterd and safe and luxurious North American lifestyle, will go through radical and swift changes. The key is things will change one way or the other... personally, I predict a median between full on benevolant volunteerism, and devestating black friday, followed by dust bowlesqe style depression. ... I use the bottled water argument to suggest how, brain washed and status quo the market has become. We'll buy anything they have to sell... just make it fast, and we'll buy it. That's basically what Nestle does... puts tap water in a bottle, and drives it all over Ontario and sells it. Some 'genuis' is a billionaire becuase he made water into a gas insentisve process... and we are all to scared to drink water out of the tap because it doesn't have a label on it. Just speaks to the mindless of the masses, and how the market rewards oil intenive processes becuse the price of the commodity is kept artificially low.
  2. Maybe he needs money, and this is the only way he knows (or perhaps the most lucrative and easy to accomplish) to achieve this goal. Intellectual property does more harm than good IMO. The ideas are still really cool though.
  3. The Dominator is on a mission to get to the Sens. I'm personally licking my chops to get a chance to play them. Lets get' er done tonight.
  4. He should write a scathing bluegrass song with ironic lyircs about YouTube.
  5. Just wanted to give a big up to the Sticky Thread. I used to never read you, but recentley I've decided to change my mind. You can usually find me posting in "Rich Stadium" and "YouTube Forum". My name is William. Nice to meet you all.
  6. What station do they play "The Pope" on? Never heard of him.
  7. I was going to say something totalitarian about a subjective topic, but decided not to cause I wish to remain positive.
  8. Seriously... I grew up adoring Stockton and Malone (mostly cause of how good they were on 2 vs. 2 basketball on my gameboy)... Steve Nash is as good, if not better than Stockton. He took his team by the horns last night, and dragged them over the finish line!!!
  9. Yeah, in no way is the solution one that is as simple as: Go this way: Good Go that way: Bad if there was a common undercurrent though is that the masses are INCREDIBLY unaware of what this "market world" we live in is, and how it works. (Kind of like a driver who doesn't know how the car works, just that you stick the key in and it goes)... That's perhaps why raising awarness through things like 1 day boycotts are useful... but also a sign of how futile they REALLY are right now... they would only be impressive if a huge percentage of people participated... cause then they would be promoting awareness, and would see a democracy capable of imposing a REAL change on society, and that's kind of the goal... which in itself is only a step to an even bigger goal/paradigm/consequence that awaits us and our children, and our childrens children in the future. I can't say it enough though it seems around here. I am optimistic, in as much as I believe I will be able to endure the worst. My lifestyle I believe is slightly ahead of the curve of the masses in as I don't believe I will have to give up that much to change... perhaps this plastic box infront of me will be my biggest loss?! Naw... it's going to be Banana's in Feburary... that shit still blows my mind!!!
  10. First thing I said to my godfather was, "Well, he knows what the gates of hell look like now." Hadn't heard about him in years... hopefully the muting of many of his beliefs is a sign that we now reject what we once would of acknowledged as a society.
  11. I'm just going to try and stay positive. Has anyone heard of this book, "The Secret"?
  12. I'd go a step further and mention that he learned to play shortstop with a peice of couragated cardboard for a glove.
  13. Nice one troll (I've been reading alot of Sens and Sabres message boards). I got my Red Oskar out and ready to go. That's right... for the first time in my life I have a reason to worship a Red Broom. It feels good.
  14. Hey Thanks Paise! I think it'll snow tomorrow night, and then get nice for the weekend! Should be a good one no matter what!
  15. Just get the whole pass then at $65 the boiler rat. I'll be there Thursday... Just looking forard to camping under the stars, or the rain!!! Sounds like it's going to be a small crowd!!
  16. I'm with the Llama Man. We have to change our attitude (as a society) about oil. We have to freely choose NOT to use it, and be Happy and Positive about that, or more accurately... REDUCE our consumption. Cheap gas and cheap cars/cheap flights only leads to more consumption. As far as a global war starting over oil... well sorry, it's already started... WWI... the first deployment of troops was the British to Iraq to prevent the creation of a Railine from Berlin to Baghdad, so that they wouldn't be able to secure their own source of oil. This video was really enlightening, and with the comedy, I found he got his points across quite well... Sure, an individual may think they are not consuming much gas/fuel if they don't drive... but our food source is essentially a TRADE of oil for food.. At the turn of the last century (1900), we used 1 Calorie of oil to create 2300 Calories of food... now with industrial farming, that ratio has shrunk to a 1:1 gas to food ratio. Wether is the pesticides, industrial farming machines, or the distribution, and don't forget the marketing!... it's an oil intensive process. If every one choose not to use gas on one day, it would be impressive. However, every gas station I drove past today had people in them... and it only goes to show how far off we are... especially when we complain about the rising cost of gas, instead of volunteering not to consume things that are gas intensive. At this point, making the price of gas goes up is the only way to effectively control the consumption of the resource by the masses. I welcome the $3.00 Litre... I mean a cup of gas costs a QUARTER... a cup of Coffee cost $1.50... to $5.00... I mean that's just a fackin' Grand Canyon gap in terms of the raw power of each of these 'resources' when you consider how much WORK a cup of Gas can accomplish compared to a worker with a cup of Coffee... I'll take a chainsaw with a tired worker over a Worker with an axe all jacked on Java any day. And more GOOD news... our dollar is as high as it has been since 1978 today. We are now worth more today than we have in 30 years compared to America... when you figure in the per-capita factor... us Canadian COULD be very influential.
  17. If there was ever a pinch hit situation. I would want Mookie Wilson in the lineup.
  18. I think his foot was in the crease!!! Shhhhh.
  19. Somehow someway, I think you just achieved your most controversial statement on jamband yet. I'd never have the guts to say that around thse parts, for fear of my internet ego.
  20. My next topic is going to be "Songs that aren't on an offical release." Then I'll sit back and watch the interweb implode.
  21. Oh yeah, game 4 prediction... Chris Neil destroys Vanek... and then Destroys Tallinder. He's been playing coy... I KNOW IT!!! Schubert can take care of Afiniganov.
  22. From couldn't win a 1 goal game, to cannot lose a 1 goal game... so lets just make them all 1 goal games. Fackin' Brilliant. The disrespect I have for the refs has grown into hillarity. I think I'm going insane, but I think I might just like it!!!
  23. Sorry about this in advance! I gotta go!
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