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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I just figured if I wanted to listen to a song with specific lyrics, I would look up the title of that song to find it. In other words, I refuse to answer this.
  2. Alfie has the sweeeeetest Audi. He once almost ran me over once outside the Novotel in a Volvo. I'm glad he's ditched his nationalism, and gone with the best car brand in the world. The Audi is so tricked out too, it's awesome! Loved all the focus' too! I'm guessing they belong to Chris Kelly and Oleg Saprikin.
  3. I saw a piece on this kid during an A Channel or CBC broadcast... Mike Fisher really had this kid under his wing, and the whole team was playing with him with a little scrimmage and it was really touching... Some Sad News:
  4. Sorry I missed this thread too! Happy Belated Birthday MarcO!
  5. If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy other offerings found in the YouTube Forum.... as far as I can figure, there's only about 10 other people who regularly check in on the hillarity... who throughly enjoyed this when it was posted a month ago. :p ... I'm a nerd... but enjoy a robust and efficent system! YouTube Forum
  6. Ok... I'm back! Bring back Schwa.
  7. Ok. I'll grab my things and leave. It was fun being part of this community. My silence is all I have left to offer. Good luck to you all!!! Who's coming with me!!!
  8. Oh yeah, real nice to meet you 'bama Man. Getting close to 10,000 posts eh? hehe. Remeber, everything I told you about Paisley and Show_Whore is true. Unfortunately. Ha!
  9. Wow good times. Hope this clear weather in Toronto is also up there outside Dundas. It was cold and wet the last 24 hours, and I'm glad to get out of there. Traffic wasn't too bad either! But there were some hardcores sticking it out for one more night, and I hope they don't have to deal too much with the rain anymore. Super fun! Good vibe for sure! And lots of people... many fresh faces, and many familiar ones too. Good to connect with many on the board too! Lets just say after the Sens won and I found out on my cell phone... Saturday night was a hell of a night! Can't wait for the next one!
  10. Shit... tonight. I want to go. Maybe I can get someone to drive my car!! why?: cause I'm three beers into reading Sens stuff!!! Ya!!!
  11. I'm not going to say happy birthday until I figure out which is the official birthday thread... Aww nevermind. Mamma trumps it... Happy birthday dude! Hope it is/was great!
  12. Nope. Come To G'iver is a great place to let loose after watching the score on my cell phone. Just got in and spent thte last couple hours going over highlights, blogs, and articles. I shed a little tear for Alfie, Redden, Murray, and the rest of the team. I'm so proud and happy for them, and for Ottawa. This city deserves everthing it is about to go through. I can't wait. Going to try desperately to get tickets!!!
  13. I can just smell the glowsticks!!!
  14. That pretty much sums it up. Except for one thing. You are WRONG!!!
  15. Getting an early start on this shindig by heading out tonight. I think I'll be slipping into the Stanfields before I go!!! Brrrr...
  16. Hehe. I'll drop a line, and see what they say! Sounds like it could be fun! Thanks Kev! Seriously who rivals Kev at this point in terms of content to Jambands? That in itself is worth of respect! Thanks again.
  17. Blaylock fans are AOK in my book. Even in light of strange allegences with a multitude of rival hockey teams.
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