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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. You ever get around to watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? "First we go over the rules of the fight." "Rules, what Rules" Newman kicks the guy square in the nuts ending the fight, and retaining his leadership role in the 'gang'... what a movie!
  2. Mini Baby Bel is better than Mini Bonnie Bel
  3. Hahah, what a team: White Brooks Bennett Levens Winters (the year after sterling Sharpes career ending injury)
  4. That will teach me to worship false idols. Red broom back in the closet.
  5. Looks like Elgin is the party spot tonight for the win! Sounds like a great idea!! Wish I was there! Have a good game guys! ...
  6. Jay, you seem to be arguing for both sides, and then getting defensive when someone argues one of the sides. It's also getting a bit 'personal' considering the topic is about Grisman, and for what I know, I, nor anyone else on the board have a 1 degree relation to the guy... And in terms of the democracy, that's exactly what we are doing. We have the right to make a personal judgement! If you can hustle someone to pay for your art... all the power to you, But if your art is duplicated and mass produced, I don't think there is anything inherent in the mass production that you have a right to 'a piece' of. But once again, if you can convince someone to pay, Respect. I just think something like this will go on to further hurt the Dawgs bottom line, as opposed to helping it, which I think is what he ultimately wants to accomplish.
  7. Alas, I have reached the end of the alloted time I have afforded to participate towards Jambands today, and I just wanted to say farewell for now, and have a nice day!
  8. I love how you support the idea of Grisman being the victim here, then go right ahead and support/benefit the sorce of his pain. FTR, I think he's wrong, and watched the video. I could be wrong, but atleast I'm consistant. And 'hurt the most'?! How has he been hurt? An unrealized gain is not a loss. And it sounds like he has assests over a million dollars with all those fiddles... he'll survive. Just another example of an artist unable to reconcile their ego with the changing market forces in the industry!!
  9. Get me an grape or an orange soda, but nonna that stinkn' root beer
  10. Hehe, I like to stay to my logic... but if that's the case... Boo Grisman.
  11. Just watch! Nash will get it done!!! They'll go for the 3 ball and if it falls for them... it'll be just like last years team!
  12. Actually, thanks Kev. The focus right now is the Sabres. One step and it's a big step. I think they are going to run over Buffalo tonight. I think Murray has created a system which allows for plays and players to remian dormant in situations in order to utilize to situations when they really need them. Chris Neil refusing to hit being one of them. This is maximized especially in a close out game where there will be no (slim) chance for the other to to inflict revenge once the catch them by surprise (bury them in the ice), and get the lead and psycological edge for the game. Translation... it's going to be a hit parade. And if they get a big enough lead: It's justice time. No pre-game speech needed tonight from Murray... the guys know what to do... and they are going to get it done.
  13. I'm bringing a commode... that early morning Piss was life threatening last year.
  14. Looks like I missed a couple of great shows last night. No doubt they got lambasted in the Star and Sun... that is if they even sent out reporters!!
  15. Yeah, I'd go for that. Ask for the stuff to be removed... flag his name and have it automaticially remove things which refernce him... from the site in question. End of story. Hopefully that's where the lawsuit ends, and he's not suing for a million bucks or something. Hard to argue the YouTube wholely preventing him from making a thousand bucks or something.
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