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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. awwww looks like I won't be able to make it... *shakes fist at working* ahh welll I hope everyone has a great time for me..
  2. I really really enjoyed the show. I do prefer live bands to Dj's but Bassnectar is freakin awesome. IT was extremely hot in that room..but it didn't take away from the awesomness I thought it was crazy how the floor would move up and down... Chameleon project was also awesome.. it was great to see so many people groovin!! I got the CD and it looks great!! I am about to listen to it too Hope he comes back
  3. awesome! the day is starting to look EVEN better with all those wicked bands.. yeeeaaah!
  4. Today I went to go to my favourtie little study spot, only to find the street where it is located totally blocked off. There is a huge old building in Downtown that the city has been debating over for awhile. It started to fall down last night, and apparently is leaking natural gas. It's pretty crazy and such a long story because peopel have been fighting to save it for awhile. It's totally crumbling and has been abandoned for like 30 years. Some of you may have seen it on the corner of James and King William (right near pepperjacks..) read about it below.. http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/355547
  5. YES just found out I can go!!!! woohoo I am seriously like sooo super pumped for this.
  6. how bout havintokes.. lol
  7. That video is crazzzy!! I can't believe how calm he looks in the middle of everyone... Exctied for Tomarrow!!
  8. oh man she is like 200 in human years and has really bad arthirits.. she would be really unhappy there... lol this is her with my Kitty hat on.. lol
  9. omg every year this happens.. I am stuck with the doggie when my parents go away... *SIGH* I thought I could go this year cause they usually have it on the long weekend... boooooooooooohiiiisssssssssssssss
  10. aww had no clue they were even in the area... love them...
  11. wow that is so dissapointing and discusting at the same time. I own one of those bottles and I use it pretty much everyday. awesome.. now I have chemicals running through me. I don't understand why manufactuers have to pump everything we buy full of crap...
  12. Sarahbelle


    I like it... I always have... I think I ate more in University than ever before. I discoved hot sauce and KD which is awesome... I really don't like it with ketchup anymore. *eww* heheh sometimes it's good to add veggie/hot dogs...sounds gross and it kinda is.. but it tastes yum~!
  13. rarg.. I remember selling my math book from last year back to mohawk... WHICH i pretty much never used cause or teacher didn't give us homewoerk, AND it was like 100 bucks... I got 20 bucks for it back.. I was super pissed.
  14. *diverts attention away from the pants* I'm glad the night went well!! looks like lots of people showed up... I wish I could have made it *shakes fist at my lame job*
  15. Sarahbelle


    mmm Kicking Horse...
  16. ..woah it is way to hard to read that like that.. yikes. does it hurt anyone else's eyes???
  17. Beck-Missing (it's on Guero) I love beck.... I feel like he's prety underrated sometimes.
  18. Happy Birthday Laurie!!! You are an awesomely generous, fun and wonderful person!! I am glad that you live just down the street from me I love having some great conversations with you or just a lot of giggles.. You ROCK and I hoep you have a wicked day today!!! Love Ya!!! Sarah
  19. Sarahbelle


    ...U guys can't tell the difference??? I can tell as soon as I take that first sip... Fair Trade Organic (it has to be both to make the best taste) is da booomb... THere is a certain flavour that is not in the more 'processed' coffees.. it just tastes more natural and earthy.
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