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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. Birdy, you should have gotten on the loudspeaker and announced "Half off on Bibles, Aisle 666. Half Off on Bibles", and watched him knock her over in his rush.
  2. hey, that geetar player was pretty good enjoyed it a lot!
  3. which one is you, AD? almost everyone in that pic looks less than impressed.
  4. phishtaper


    i love onions in stuff but would never eat a raw one.... but hmmmmm, i do eat them raw in salads, so hey maybe i should try to eat a whole one raw. do you cry when you eat them? (we have a bumper crop of radishes now, mmmmmm)
  5. i'd love to meet lynn crawford. and see michael smith go all bug-eyed over white truffles or something.
  6. no doubt. pete got us the speaker wire for our surround. 12ga braided copper, wasnt monster. altho', he did suggest the monster surround cable package simply for the convenience of the connectors on them for our amp. he's at high sierra now.
  7. An Evening at the Chefs' Table this looks very cool! who's in?
  8. phishtaper

    Gas Range

    i'd see a doctor about that if I were you ...
  9. coolio dudes. thnx! may try to head down for this (if today's bathroom reno tasks go as planned, lol).
  10. i like him. he's interesting and talented.
  11. nice Happy Canada Day, you hosers!
  12. speaking of human rights in the middle east, there was a dude in the pride parade yesterday wearing formal saudi garb carrying a sign that read "Representing those in Saudi Arabia who cannot march". people thot it was pretty cool.
  13. phishtaper

    Gas Range

    i dont think you'd need that wok ring. most gas burners are already designed to allow you to set something with a not-flat bottom on top because of the way the metal grate doesnt go to the middle. by the look of that picture I sense you'd be fine, just as long as you dont play whack-a-mole on the wok handle.
  14. fair enough ... but, he's still a douche, right?
  15. oh my gosh, that's all way over my head. thankfully Bell is here to look after us. and now that Teachers has bought Bell, perhaps it too will become as successful as the Leafs.
  16. phishtaper


    or maybe just a bunch of geeks running late for powerpoint presentations.
  17. phishtaper


    until you see a red dot on your lapel ...
  18. YES! My panties are moist just thinking about it!
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