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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. even worse how? this guy is about as 'worse' as there is. should we say "well, he did all that sick and mean stuff, but he's really an OK guy within, so it's all good, here's a daisy chain (hehe ) for you sir"...? this dude was not a 'to each their own' kinda guy.
  2. ^^lol now that's a review! and glad to hear you've boarded the panic train girl! sounds like a great trip!
  3. i'd like to thank velvet for making sure we got there in time to see the foo set! (in ottawa)
  4. i think they could go on with out him, but probably won't. or they at least change the name. he can't be replaced as a member of the band, though his influence is not nearly what it was... since they have been moving more and more away from the bluegrass and more towards the trance, his material really doesn't fit with them anymore.
  5. you could dress up as japanese superheroes no one will know of... my favourite is goya-man (he's a type of squash from okinawa) i made a goya-man costume one year with bubble wrap.
  6. cool. we are working friday so probably will just show up in the evening, drop our stuff at the room and go. i'll give you a call (provided that the phone in the room works, hehe)
  7. Do you still have the same phone # since you moved?
  8. ha... i stayed there last time. had a hard time hooking up with my friends...then finally realized, the phone in my room was dead. dead. also lots of other little things like that. i'd forgotten about that place (and it's only been 2 months, lol). it is decent though. and close...and near the cheval blanc...mmmm...sounds like the place!
  9. i loved days between! the lyrics are so cool.
  10. looks like rain don't think twice, it's allright the one that got away (john henrys)
  11. character zero. ugh. waste was also good for a pee break.
  12. totally agree. best of you was amazing. very impressed with them.
  13. same last night in ottawa. dylan was alright (sounded OK but not stellar), foo fighters were really good.
  14. i used to eat bibimbap (thanks for showing me how to spell it though! ) all the time in tokyo. i love it. i make a breakfast variation that i like, if i have leftover rice. fry up in skillet: 1 egg (shuffled around so it cooks and doesn't get the rice wet and soggy) leftover rice (brown) kimchi bit of fresh spinach, bean sprouts, green onion, bok choy... or any other leftover veggies you might want to add. fry it up together and it's a yummy filling breakfast!
  15. Oop, that was (and still is) velvet pos(t)ing as phorbesie.
  16. Also at the former Bayou, the Ottawa Folklore Centre celebrates their 30th anniversary with a show featuring Sneezy Waters.
  17. from the SCI website: After summer 2007, Billy Nershi is leaving The String Cheese Incident to pursue other musical projects. There will be only a limited number of Incidents between now and then. Current plans include Thanksgiving in Atlanta, a New Years Eve blowout in San Francisco, Winter Carnival in Colorado, and a return to Red Rocks. Presently, there are no plans for The String Cheese Incident beyond summer of 2007. The band would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our friends and fans for all your support.
  18. meh. i had a feeling V would be excited about this news!
  19. the dead weren't as concerned about sales i guess. i too think this SCI stuff/bands taking hiatuses is all about ticket sales. maybe NYE tics haven't been selling well.
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