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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. regardless of who the person is and what they did, no picture of a person bawling their eyes out can make me feel "happy". sorry, but some of these posts are f'ing ridiculous. she BROKE PROBATION! stop acting like she's a pedophile.
  2. within the first week or so of owning my car I must have hit about six bunnies... it was absolutely ridiculous and i felt so terrible. they were just running out in front of me like you wouldn't believe. But i too have had a friend die because she swerved for an animal. It's a tough choice to make, but you make it. I really don't know the circumstances here without witnessing the whole event with my own eyes, but people get distracted so easily. Ever just zoned out on something while driving? I have... you're awake and eyes open, but mentally noone's home. there's been times where i'll snap out of it and think to myself "whoa, where'd you just go?" all while driving down the road. I don't hate people at all. What if you did kick the shit out of this guy and as it turns out, he really didn't see the ducks? What then?
  3. haha.. sorry I was actually replying to AD. You jumped in there ahead of me!
  4. ^what he said.. that and Sarnia's chemical valley.
  5. Port Elgin has great beaches! Nice town.
  6. Amen. I miss Vancouver!! Worth mentioning here is Cafe Calabria... the best little coffee shop in the world. I'd spend hours daily sitting outside of that place drinking latte after latte. I love Commercial! MMmm... and Thai Away Home... the cheapest lunch specials around!
  7. Chatham's cool... Water surrounds us to the north (lake st. clair) and to the south (lake erie)... little bays provide great fishing, boating, swimming, kayaking, sailing, windsurfing... and in the winter snowmobiling, ice-fishing and ice-sailing... sandy beaches provide great bonfires, stone collecting, chilling... wide open country provides great star gazing. Any given night in the summer you can catch countless shooting stars-- some of the craziest i've ever seen.. land on water is still super cheap... provincial and national parks are a short cruise away. detroit in all of it's music glory is 45 minutes down the road... country roads provide sweet cruises.. life is slow and enjoyed and simple... the area is rich with history - the battle of Tecumseh (1812) happened across the river from the downtown core, Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Underground railroad is 7 minutes away... we've got loads of beautifully restored historic buildings... the people are chilled out and down to earth, always happy to see you, always up for a good time. Life s'alright.
  8. LOL you two body slammers are hilarious!
  9. i personally vote on a brontesaurus.
  10. detroit sold out in one minute (literally) this morning. i feels sad.
  11. There's alwasy Detroit! Tickets onsale tomorrow morning at 10AM on ticketmaster!
  13. Happy Birthday MarcO! I think you're pretty great. Have an awesome day!
  14. Way to go Larry Flint! I like his open-mindedness.
  15. Yikes. What does this say to anyone who's wanting to get a message out there? I see this example as a healthy form of awareness that has started a healthy debate as to what we can do to effectively bring about change. Without it, these ideas wouldn't have been brought to the table. Spreading awareness, no matter how logistically ineffective, will never be futile.
  16. funny, but look at what has come about, simply by introducing your original idea M.O.B.E. More than reason to continue!!
  17. Yes, because the alternative is sooooo much better. M.O.B.E. - kudos to you. Nothing has the power to change the world overnight, it's all in the steps. Your attempt to create awareness hasn't gone completely unnoticed.
  18. And that $4 is more than the daily wage of the guy who picked the beans of your brew!
  19. Thank god you were kidding. And sorry your sarcasm went unnoticed... but those remarks were off the wall and I don't know you. I think it would benefit to look at what percentage of company revenue actually is alloted to charitable contributions. It's easy to pull up a bunch of charitable organizations corporate support pages and say "oh yes, they must be good, they give!", but a lot of the time this just boils down to 'image'. Google EXXON and take a look at the absolutely wonderful things they do for the world about them. Yet in terms of their corporate take home, should such philanthropy be a reflection of the corporation as a whole? Starbucks own green coffee team admits that the majority of coffee farms grow sun coffee (clearcut land) for the simple fact that they produce higher yields (and require greater usage of pesticides, etc.)... and also admit that shade-grown coffee requires a change in priority. A priority that one of the world’s largest coffee purchasers has the power to change, should they want to. But yet only 6% of Starbucks total coffee purchases annually is fair trade, shade-grown coffee (according to the company's own workers union). And fair trade coffee a lot of the time is only brewed in their shops should the consumer ask for it. Of course this excludes awareness weeks/days and the such. It's just frustrating to me in particular because I'm very much anti-legislation, and by being so, put an even greater emphasis on corporate responsiblities. And when a company such as Starbucks, one of the largest purchasers in the world of coffee have the power to create demand and to pay a price for these beans that is in the least bit fair, don't, it kind of deflates my whole political philosophy and man-kind loveydoveyness.
  20. well, isn't that awesome. Where's the purple font on the quick replies? please tell me your wink indicates that you are kidding. if not, then you're a big fat loser, in the kindest of you're my internet friend ways. i'm nowhere near perfect and unfortunately do contribute to the blisters of poor, young, starving, soon-to-be-villageless children in developing countries, but i'm trying daily to be more concious about what I can do to better certain predicaments.. acknowledging the fair trade movement is one of them and encouraging corporations to acknowledge and take part in the fair trade movement is another of them. Unlike you, i do give a damn. I've never visited ihatestarbucks.com, but I do commend you on your googling abilities. I'm sorry, but your post above makes me want to vomit. Way to exploit your fellow man and feel good about it. Yuck.
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