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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. that last line is beyond scary.
  2. hehehee.. sorrrrrrrrry deeps. i know, i'll shut up. i've made fun of her for that ridiculous pose that she makes in every single picture... and i've almost mastered it myself in photos my friends take of me. but tina's being a "bit" of a bitch here.. i wouldn't take it that far.. funny, but not so funny too. and now, soooorrrrrrrrrrry marco.
  3. I'll bring it back for ya! Sounds like an awesome book Basher, definitely has the heart. I'm into checking it out. Thanks!
  4. me too. ripping on paris is just the 'cool' equivalent to paris ripping on jessica.
  5. "trains" ryan adams & the cardinals. i want to clap and cheer right now! i Luhuhove ryan adams.
  6. ok.. i agree! no punches for you.
  7. I have to agree. I've tried to enjoy Jack Black but he just doesn't do it for me. Plus I have heard some rather unfavourable reviews of the new album from some fairly hardcore Tenacious D fans. me three. i kinda like him when he's a sidekick, but when the whole enchilada is jack black, i can't bring myself to do it.
  8. let the good times roll! whaddya mean by best foreign image of a PM since Mulroney? best as in you agree with his and Mulroney's foreign policy, or best as in everybody in between didn't even really have a foreign image? for what it's worth, i like the way he handled the Chinese too. My problem with Harper is that he seems to pick and choose his battles. edit to add: i do appreciate that he actually has a voice though!!
  9. will do basher! and i hear ya AP! it's all about the $$$$$ though!
  10. yay chitown! i'm gonna be there too basher.. friday night - mmj and the slip at the riviera! right now we're kinda unsure if we're going to do moe. on saturday night though... we'll see!
  11. i hate your idea of chicken french fries. right now, just thinking of them, i kind of feel sick.
  12. YHF! YHF! YHF! all the way, baby. it's the album that turned me onto wilco in the first place, and while a ghost is born is a great album, it doesn't compare to the studio masterpiece that yankee hotel foxtrot is, in my opinion. it just clicks along awesomely. i LOVE it!
  13. people have no idea, NO IDEA, how much 'junk' is really worth, or how desirable it really can be. Old signs selling for over $100,000!! crazy! if you're ever looking to liquidate dr. j! haha.. my job requires me to be online pretty much all day long.. 9 hours at a time when i'm not traveling. 9 hours online! c'mon. I'm not going to be 'working' every single second!
  14. i'm not talking for them, i'm talking for me.
  15. I would suggest you wear a raincoat. wow. if so, i suggest you come in with full on gear, wading boots, oars, some mode of sending a SOS signal and a fish finder.
  16. haha.. i wonder what would happen if we moved these debates from an internet forum to an actual bar somewhere, where we'd be forced to chat it all out face to face under the heavy influence of lotsa booze! i wonder if we'd survive.
  17. Birdy

    Free Hugs

    awwwwww! you need a poster.
  18. Birdy

    Free Hugs

    hah.. holy rant is right! i think it's all in the eye of the beholder dima. what you consider NORMAL is a direct result of your society and how you were raised, but to someone else raised differently, you freaking out on the subway to some rando guy trying to kiss you could be considered crazy. I'm sure that's what Borat was trying to convey in his movie. What makes this video awesome isn't that a person is standing in the street holding up a sign that says "free hugs". It's the response of all the strangers walking by who actually take them up on the offer and watching their interaction. It's kind of endearing to see. You know, after tuning into CNN after work and watching all the bombing and crap going on in the world. Does it even matter where their inspiration to be nice comes from? Maybe they are doing it to make themselves feel good. Feeling good IS NOT, nor ever could be, a bad thing! Egocentric is not a bad word when it entails bettering yourself!
  19. look at that! dj- all that stuff being said up there, i'm sure you didn't mean to trivialize anything and i apologize if i'm trying to make it sound as if you were. i think more than anything, i'm 1/2 irish and feeling feisty today.
  20. Birdy

    Free Hugs

    yes, you're right. let's go back to hating our neighbours and elbowing whoever tries to come into our personal space... and instead of hellos, i much prefer a low belly grunt and maybe if i'm lucky a nod of the head. no eye contact please. that's too much! one thing I loved about Borat, is how he showed how cold and unresponsive north american society really is through comedy. BRILLIANT! god that movie was funny. the shy people in need of a hug are much better off with a chance of getting one, than not dima.
  21. Doing good, in whatever light you're attempting to do it in dj, isn't 'hilarious'. And in light of how i feel about evangelicals and just how much power they have in society, which my views are expressed here: i think it's pretty damn important that we attempt communication. They are extremists. Extremists who are bombing and killing innocent people EVERY DAY by the thousands, who are wishing people written off the face of the earth for their sexual preference, who think the lot of us are going to burn in eternal hell for not accepting the word of their god. So yah, in this light, comparing it to the civil rights movement doesn't seem so bad to me. The connection i drew was to show that we all have it in us to be great and to show that people like Ghandi and Martin Luther King didn't give up when they felt like they weren't making progress, that to do good, you've got to keep trying, even when you think you are and when it feels like, you're failing. Ghandi and Martin Luther King didn't become great overnight, there's always a starting point.
  22. Birdy

    Free Hugs

    i'd take this 'lame' self-righteous agenda over all the other lame self-righteous agendas this world has to spit out!
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