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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. not at all. kinda puzzled as to where you pulled that from? edit to add: sheeesh, nothing like being made to feel bad, in the want of doing good. :crazy: further edit to add: the more i sit with this, the more i resent that comment A LOT dj. like.. a lot, A LOT.
  2. good thing those kids aren't family.
  3. I think it's okay to be 'sick of trying'. At least that means you've tried to begin with. I think we've got to remember that the kinds of people who fall to the Evangelical church are the kind who are/were looking for answers in the first place. They were once receptive enough to consider taking the 'born again' plunge, so why, necessarily, can they not be receptive again? Even some good folk can be rescued from the grips of undying faith, nothing is impossible. This really isn't an overnight endeavour. Maybe it begins with the few that you actually are able to reach, and instead of continued support, the church sees declining membership. Change is and always will be gradual and it's best not to let those few stubborn roadblocks get in your way... even though, after countless head-wracking experiences, you'd be so inclined to. Not to be too sensationalistic (even though i'm so inclined to) but what if Martin Luther King gave up? Or Ghandi? Positive change isn't going to happen by walking away.
  4. I set up classic car auctions around North America, soon to be Europe and plan parties for rich people. I have a history background.
  5. Birdy

    Free Hugs

    i saw this video a little bit ago too! very inspiring!
  6. i had a teddy bear hamster too that took a huge chunk out of my finger. i have a scar. i hated that thing. just the image of that little rodent rolling behind the couch in his stupid exercise ball makes me feel weird. bailey was a devil pet, hands down. i think his eyes might have been red. then again my cousins had an entire hamster farm with the long windy tubes which made their home look more like a commune and they were great little pets! i'd say it's a gamble.. hamsters are risky!
  7. i've never read that one! fantastic mr. fox was good too... that was my little brother's favourite. i still have revolting rhymes on my book shelf.
  8. me too! james and the giant peach was fantastic.. so was Matilda... i loved Miss Honey. of course charlie and the chocolate factory too. And the Witches! good luck with the production Deeps!
  9. nor do i. i think moreso European highways aren't littered with transport trucks and SUVs like the 401.
  10. hahhaha... EXACTLY. jambands.ca has it's very own department of jambands security!
  11. i find a lot of things get 'mod'-ed out around this place that really aren't that offensive to begin with. it's like a 'just in case' deletion. things would be way better if say a person who did find something offensive, spoke up, confronted the issue, the person who was offending had the chance to be a good person and correct the situation, and IF that fails, the mod then steps in to "moderate". everything in moderation = BBBBBOOOOORRRRRIIIINNNNGGGG.
  12. i don't know what jaimoe is getting at, but i'd say this: getting hit by this: wouldn't make a pretty picture.
  13. I think we're all relatively on the same page here. It is really frustrating, but I can see there's a want in us all to do better, and that's cool. There really is enough hating, enough communication breakdown, enough wall-erecting in the world already, the only way any of us can do any better is the grass-roots approach, how we conduct ourselves in our daily lives, and in hoping that someone learns from our examples. really, that's all we've got. kev, thanks for the kind words. i'd put back a bowl with ya one day! DEM - glad to have you on the good side!
  14. I seriously cannot wait to see these guys! They're right up there on my list of favourite bands and for one crazy night in Chicago they're going to convene under the sweet ass roof of the Riviera Theatre with the Slip and I'm going to be there to fuckin' rock with them!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! haha.. i'm really friggin' excited. is anyone else in this place planning on seeing them this tour? now's the time, i think!
  15. yah, sick fuck either way. but seriously, SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY sick fuck who deserves worse than my brain can even imagine if he did do the crime.
  16. Birdy


    wow, our work kitchen consists of close to 100 cans of campbell soup and 50 boxes of soda crackers piled up in the corner! luckily, i go home for lunch most days. yesterday i had a toasted tomato and extra old cheddar cheese on rye with a little bit of mayo. it was an expected good! today, i'm taking the day off, so the sky's the limit!
  17. He's also playing: November 23rd - the Starlight Room - Waterloo November 24th - Call the Office - London November 27th - The Casbah - Hamilton
  18. my god. if that man is truly guilty, what a sick fuck.
  19. i understand... i have a good friend whose mom has fallen off the rocker in the name of 'god' too. she's crazy, and that's no understatement. i guess it's just too defeatist for me to accept nothing less than what you quoted from me above Kanada Kev. it's not in me to just shrug the shoulders and claim lost cause, i've always been the one to talk it out. hell, i've talked complete strangers out of bashing some guys face in at the bar. I just wanted to say that there's no positive in ill wishes, and every positive in at least trying to make a difference. We shouldn't make such a bold generalization and push them all under the same lot and give up... who knows, maybe we can get through to one or two people. That's progress! I'd just prefer we didn't through the towel in, it's kinda the equal to how they give up on us.
  20. i think you're right, and i think that they're expecting the response they've been getting.
  21. i dunno, i'd say it's a pretty real one. real enough for countless people to unite under 'god' to support a crazed man to go to war against the world, to fight an unknown enemy, to commit atrocious war crimes, to turn our society into a bunch of fear-mongering morons who nod our heads yes because we're afraid to say no. all the while, these people never question why, they never wonder if it's wrong. it's right to them, in an entirely new kind of right that most of us can't understand. hence, the brickwall. so in that light i think we really should make an attempt to chat it out with them in terms they can understand, to make them see the other side of the story and let them know it's gonna be OK.
  22. I'd agree that swift kicks in the butt do serve a purpose to remind them that there are 'others' out there, but to these born agains, people like you and I are lost souls, just as they once were, who with a little guidance can be saved, just as they were. So to them these little jolts do the exact opposite of what we would intend them to do, but rather just strengthen their ideas of how lost we really are. I've always subscribed to the idea that the best way to defeat your enemy, is to think like him.
  23. It's funny, down here in Chatham we're practically begging Home Depot and other big box retailers to open up shop. They could very well play a key role in saving us, from a consumer attraction angle, in a town full of shoppers who hit the 401 every Saturday to get what they need. In an ideal world big box retailers/developers wouldn't exist, but they do, and our consumer society has become so used to their convenience, so used to it, that they'd prefer to drive an hour to do an all-in-one shopping trip, rather than hit four independent stores in their own town. bizarre. where it becomes a problem is knowing when to stop, when enough becomes enough.
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