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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy

    STL - NYM

    i nearly puked all over the floor of my hotel room watching that last night. hahah.. wow!! i'm no major leaguer, but i think if the bases are loaded with two outs in the bottom of the ninth and you have a 0-2 count against you, the very next pitch you swing the bat no matter what. poor guy. i could have cried for him, had i not instantaneously pitched myself the story of feeling happy for the relief pitcher.
  2. it would be cool if previous winners could win again!
  3. lol sorry to dissapoint! i like a good self-cutting story. I don't see how this has anything to do with my point, Doc. I'm talking about your duty as a politician to act diplomatically, especially when you are aspiring to a position that very well could make you the Prime Minister of this country. It's good to have emotion, but to have reason to garner that emotion is better.
  4. Yay! Another public official bad mouths the administration of Canada's largest trading partner!! Until I read the article i'm about to quote, i didn't think the guy was half bad. So i'm sitting here in a freezing cold warehouse-like building in Toronto breathing in car fumes, bored out of my skull, reading the front page of the Globe and Mail and here is what i see: *sigh* You know, i too think the American administration consists of big headed boneheads, but there is definitely something to be said about diplomacy and tact and those who possess it and practice it. Sometimes, in the interest of other things (ie, TRADE relationships), it's best to keep your big yap shut. I find this kind of behaviour from our public officials particularly disgraceful.
  5. ooh davies i did that run last year for NYE (not 3 nights of UM!!), but still.. hands down my best new years EVER... those boys can put on a show and the Aragon is a SWEEEEET venue... with the el train right outside for travel convenience when you find yourself screwed without a cab on new years eve, you can't go wrong. fuck was it ever AWESOME.
  6. ooh norfolk county nice! what hux said! port dover is great in the summertime.
  7. YAY OLLIE! most media sources are nothing but tabloids these days... makes it difficult to get to the truth as you have to weed out all of the bullshit on your way there. i'm so skeptical of almost everything i read... even the slightest bit of sensationalism in an article throws me instantaneously off of whoever wrote it and images of blabbermouth michael moore come into my head. what's worse for me is watching people eat this stuff up, like it is the truth. and a lot of people do.
  8. keep things human. put yourself out there on an extremely 'real' level, just like you did in this thread, and people, on the most natural and good-intentioned levels will respond, just like they did in this thread.
  9. Congrats Stonemtn, from one winner to another! It's such a nice feeling eh? The DBT dvds are the second thing i've won in my life ever... the first being a BMX bike when i was like... five. YAY!
  10. I KNOW! haha.. likewise booche, even though we don't see eye to eye when it comes to child rearing.
  11. lol easy there member of the firing squad... LITERALLY. i feel... attacked. i feel like i've been saying 'easy there' a lot lately too. and for what it's worth when i was referring to the Canadian people, at large... not me.. i outlined elsewhere how i felt about the whole thing!!!!!
  12. sweet jesus.. the firing squad in the politics forum kept me away from here all day. come on december!!
  13. i know... literally, ALLLLLLLLLLLL i'm trying to say is that i need a little more time to fully conclude that change ain't always for the best. i normally try not to jump guns.
  14. yah, unless. it's a lot to stomach though when it's the Prime Minister of your country on the line. for me in that time period, i was just more excited at finally seeing a chance for change. i really didn't sink too much into the scandal, other than providing the opportunity for someone else to have a shot at governing.
  15. *sigh* so then using that logic, you too really shouldn't object to anyone pegging the entire Liberal party under that scandal umbrella then, should you? I mean from your posts in this forum, the picture you wish to paint of the CPC looks like a friggin' Van Gogh. It's a two way street Hux. Only difference is you work on Parliament Hill, are in the game, and very well know what you're doing. but I'm not totally a subscriber to that logic. the Sponsorship scandal came to light in 2004, Martin's name wasn't cleared until November of 2005. that's almost a WHOLE YEAR where the Canadian people are left to think that their Prime Minister, serving as MINISTER OF FINANCE {of all cabinet positions) is corrupt. i agree booche.. but i don't think anyone tries to be average.. i think life flies by before anyone really realizes what's going on around them.
  16. blown out of proportion or not, it's still to the average eye a strike against the libs, something to remember when one goes into the voter box. it still happened. it still required some amount of damage control.
  17. okay i see... i guess you can refer to my post to hux.. kind of applies to this as well - the whole scandal part (without getting into the details).
  18. again, easy there 'my job is to sit on parliament hill'... i do okay considering how far removed i am from the place. no need for the "yeeeeeeeesh....". i will give you the whole snake, oil thing if you want... but i think the majority of canadians who aren't politicos, such as myself, looked at the sponsorship scandal and pegged the entire liberal party under the same scandal umbrella. they weren't so much concerned over who said what and who did what within the party, just that the party itself was involved. that, coupled with a decade long rule by a party that seemed to be enjoying the whole 'governing party of canada' title, tipped the voter scales. so i'll take back that the CPC gave the 'same luxury' and say instead that they gave some amount of luxury, considering what was going on at the time. right now, scandal doesn't shroud the CPC.
  19. okay ollie, yes i remember stephen harper in opposition. 2004 Paul Martin gets his minority government which doesn't come down until January of 2006, when Stephen Harper forms his minority government with the CPC, two years later. I mentioned that I hoped Harper be given at least a year before they topple his government and you said if only the CPC afforded the liberals that same luxury. By offering up those dates, i'm saying the CPC gave them more than that luxury. And I'd go onto say that they had legitimate reason to attempt to topple the Liberals too! SCANDAL!
  20. lol If only the CPC had afforded Paul Martin's Liberals the same luxury. Don't you remember Stephen Harper in opposition? hmm.. 2004 - 2006 vs. 2006 - still' date=' 2006 [/b']
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