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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Okonokos - MMJ I can hear the heart beating as one - Yo la Tengo
  2. st. louis deserved to win. the Tigers were simply outplayed.
  3. soooooooooooooooo many brutal errors... it was like getting kicked repeatedly in the teeth watching that last night. i feel sad. i hope they pull things together tonight and come back to detroit in 7.
  4. tiger pitcher errors are killing me. i can't WATCH!
  5. right on! think i'll pick up a copy of that show now!!
  6. no that water just comes in a larger plastic bottle. no difference. drink tap water!! it stops the mass production of plastic bottles, contains necessary bacteria for our consumption and costs much, much, much less. stop plastic bagging your furniture and strapping on that sars mask. you'll be FINE. think about what some people consume in parts of africa or south america!
  7. I receive a lot of spam in my different email accounts, everday. If i don't want to view it, i delete it. I don't complain though as i've been on the sales end of things plenty of times to know just how difficult it is to get your pitch out there. Whether you have permission or not to solicit, sales has a magical way of rubbing people the wrong way. Instead of getting all fired up and rattled from an electronic piece of paper, maybe the world would be a better place if we all stopped, took a deep breath, and realized without promoters half of the shows we all love wouldn't come to us in the first place. in light of that, maybe a click of the mouse isn't such a hard thing to do in the first place. after all.. it's friggin' electronic email... is it really worth the raise in blood pressure?
  8. Birdy

    QotD 2006-10-25

    12.30 - 1 am generally.. after a cup of tea.
  9. 8.15 after ten snoozes on the alarm clock. not happy, cold.
  10. hah! me too! organizationally (is that even a word?) speaking, i'd say the docks was a bit of a cluster fuck last night... parking, standing in the rain, late doors, security checks, beer barcades, two hour wait once you got in the door to see him, etc... i would have done things a hell of a lot differently. and i really did feel like i was in a synagogue too, understandable though... i did go to see matisyahu... but yah, i vote on the crowd sucking.. they definitely weren't the positive happy go lucky crowd that i like to see at most shows... but rather the kind of people that refuse to budge an inch just so you can get by to go to the washroom. grrrrrrr! that sucks! as for the show itself, i felt like a lot of the tunes were run offs from the previous... there were a few fun jams that i could get down too... mostly i was just in awe of the rockstar status this guy has achieved amongst the Jewish people... god-like stances and all!! luckily my ticket only cost $15 and not $40. now, at least i can say i know better. i had fun though.. really!
  11. anyone know if tickets are still available? got my answer!
  12. they should have pulled Verlander before they did last night.
  13. ^^ i have no idea what that means. women should vote as to their hearts, as to what issues they hold most important, and as to what government they feel would best represent them. If that be the NDP, Conservative, Liberal, or Green parties, it doesn't matter to anyone except themselves. What's with these comments making women out to be a minority group? We're not a minority. We don't all vote collectively. I don't go down to town hall on Monday night for my "i'm a WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR" rally!! My vote belongs to me alone!!! Comments like this do the exact bloody opposite of promoting equality!!!
  14. i got wasted with kato kaelin one night in phoenix... we stood out of a sunroof together, drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. i know he's not a rockstar, but really, he kind of is. and i talked to james hetfield on the phone once.
  15. hahah hahhahahaha.. i don't particularly care for belinda myself.. this is pretty funny.
  16. uh.. chameleon, i like you cuz you're a tigers fan and all, but i think our reasoning might be a little different!! haha.
  17. sweet story karin! have fun at the show tonight!
  18. Birdy

    STL - NYM

    that was an awesome pitch.. dropped right down. GO TIGERS!!
  19. anything with a sir in front of it that died in the 1500s is spooky, i think. i made my parents house a pumpkin grave yard one year.. spooooky!
  20. You find that: ? Puh-lease. People in Bush's own Party have said that. And if you think a few comments by an MP have any effect on the trading relationship, you underestimate that strength of the relationship. You're anti-Liberal bias is shining through again. Well, at least that explains a few things. of all people to comment on a bias!!! hux, if stephen harper himself broke out this talk, i would have posted the exact same thing.
  21. F.U Birdy. haha stu, i was going to invite you over for popcorn and some drive by truckers dvd watchin', but NOT ANYMORE. you and your liquid bandaid can stay at home! LOL!
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