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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. i vote for the Departed too. it's a wicked flick.
  2. Are you threatening me? ahhhh no. i'm scared.
  3. hux i do wiki most of my shit, thanks. you nor anyone cannot guarantee the CPP won't go to shit as long as it is reliant on foreign investments (yay global uncertainty!!) and that it's intake exceeds it's output. there is a reason that the pension crisis was sparked, and why it was made very clear that all governments review the pension plan every so many years in light of that crisis. from your post it appears as though the Liberal camp isn't at all concerned about the future of the CPP. is that so? not cool. quotes are quotes, often of which are taken out of context anyway. i know harper won't be judged on these, but i still stick to my original post that they aren't all brutal. and as for my many factual errors, until you can prove me wrong, am I just supposed to sit back and think 'hux knows better', i must be wrong? no thanks! i mean come on, i took one of your challenges and won.
  4. Birdy


    lol i've always preferred a green granny smith apple.
  5. is OBVIOUSLY in the eye of the beholder. i'm so sick of the friggin' political spectrum. i vote to strike that from school curriculums. there shouldn't be an instrument to measure schools of thought. and chameleon, please try to understand that it's possible to think the inclusion of feminist rights in our constitution is wrong for other reasons than trying to take away women's progress or somehow make them feel unequal. or that settling for kyoto protocol is like throwing in the towel on trying to find effective environmental legislation that will actually make a difference. or that our public health care system really is a piece of shit and can't adequately cover the majority of our citizens, as it pledges and promises to do. or that in it's current state of affairs, the Canada Pension Plan will not exist by the time you or I go to collect the money we put into it. or that lesser government may really in the long term bail us out of many fiscal burdens. or that there are unemployed people collecting unemployment who don't necessarily need to be collecting unemployment, but prefer to. hell, both of my brothers and a few good buddies have all been there. the point is there is a distinction between socially conservative thought and what you might refer to as 'right wing' thought. it's completely unfair and ignorant of you and anyone else who consistently lumps these schools of thought under one umbrella. while i agree that Harper has some pretty strong views, ones that i don't particularly agree with, he does stand for some stuff that i do believe in and there is a bloody difference. even the beloved Liberal party agrees with some of the CPC's mandate. ps. i don't mean this to sound bitchy so i apologize now if it does!
  6. i couldn't agree more... fantastic movie. i think marky mark was born to play that role. definitely not the ending that i was hoping for, but it is a scorcese flick, so i should have known better. jack nicholson had a great role too, with those classic jack nicholson lines, "Everyone's going to die, act accordingly". loves it! all in all, they assembled a fantastic group of actors for this movie who all played their parts perfectly. go see it!
  7. i'd agree with you if you said 50-60% of the quotes were brutal. the rest pretty much hit the nail on the head, imo.
  8. not all of these are "brutal". kyoto fails it's objectives. privatized health care already exists in canada, it's called 'cross border shopping'. too bad we can't tap into some taxes on the millions of dollars canadian citizens spend on their surgeries in the US, instead we continue to push our ridiculous, failing, underpar public system on our citizens, rejigging budgets over and over and over and over again to find new and innovative ways to make it work for two more years, not understanding why we have to lay off orderlies and give nurses bigger plates than they can handle, or why our doctors say screw Canada and head south of the border. yes, Stephen Harper, how brutal of you to say : [color:purple]clearly.
  9. i'll be mystified if they reelect bush. the man really does come across as a complete moron at each and every public appearance the he makes. if all US politicans were like this guy, the world would hands down be a better place: Josh Jennings for Congress Jennings on the Campaign Trail Jennings on the Energy Crisis
  10. nattymatty... that there is a serious avatar! wow
  11. nice nattymatty! we have one of those things near in chatham! funtimes!
  12. this video is pretty funny. i woulda loved to have youtubed it, but it was deleted because of copyright infringements. Girl's Costume Warehouse
  13. Birdy

    North Korea

    haha.. i wrote something in response to something on page one of this thread... sooooooo never mind!
  14. A single mother of two children brought her kids to church on a Sunday morning. The two little boys really didn’t feel like sitting through the service so they complained to their mom and asked her if they could play in the graveyard beside the church instead. They told her that they wanted to look for their ancestors. Their mom thought that was kind of cute and agreed to let the boys play in the cemetary... it really wasn’t a big deal because she could see them out the church window. So the boys take off, the mom goes inside the church and the service starts. The mom, being a good mother, is consciously keeping one eye on her children at all times. She sees them running around, playing, etc. She bows her head down to pray, and when she looks up she notices that there is now a third child running around the cemetary with her kids. She thought it was nice that her sons were making friends with another little boy. The service ends and the mom leaves the church and calls for her two boys to come meet her. They race over, but their friend is no longer in sight. The mom asks her sons where their little friend is and the boys tell her that they don’t know what she is talking about. She scolds them and says that she knows they were playing with a little boy, she saw them out of the church window. The boys continue to tell her that there wasn’t another little boy with them, it was just them. The mother grabs her two boys and drags them back to the cemetary, imagining something horrible that her sons did to this little boy, but she searches everywhere and there is no sign of him anywhere. Her sons now start crying, insisting to their mother that it was just the two of them, no one else was near them. The mother at this point starts to believe her boys, obviously they weren’t lying to her. But in her head she swears that she did see another child in the cemetary. Next Sunday at church she relays the story to one of the clergy men. As it turns out the little boy she saw that day was the ghost of a little boy who died a tragic death, and according to this man he often comes out to play on gray and dreary days, just like today. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! haha HAPPY HALLOWEEN! lol
  15. Maybe for the 10 minutes prior to and two minutes in, but after that it's all downhill. Then it starts to churn and roll over in your tummy and those feelings of "i could puke instantaneously" take over you. deep fried cheese curds? nah.
  16. the thought of waiting for your food to float in a vat of grease is gross. food that is see-through because of the grease is gross too. knowing how unhealthy coke is, coupled with deep-fried grossness, is really, really, really gross. i'd like to do a serious sociological study on the people who line up at this counter.
  17. oh it was! haha i love that movie.
  18. no offense, but i feel like gagging just thinking of 'chicken jello'. i've never thought of jello the same way since i saw that moldy jello that aunt bethany brings to clark's christmas dinner in 'christmas vacation'. that was sick.
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