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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. yah cowboy.. "La de Da" is such a fantastic album!!
  2. "butterfly" - weezer that song makes me feel sad too.
  3. Steph- what album is that from? doesn't ring a bell..... I believe it's unreleased MarcO. check out the bedhead, vol. 2.
  4. you know you're losing the battle when any city's idea of preservation includes the development of more condos and astroturf soccer fields.
  5. ryan adams - "young winds" my morning jacket - "i will be there when you die" bruce cockburn - "mystery" elvis prestley - "in the ghetto"
  6. i'm not really the sucker punch type myself... but i'd have words for this loudmouth nasty mcnasterson.
  7. daisy chains around the sun. compassion and understanding. rising above and being a bigger person. volunteer efforts. all kinds of music. all kinds of good people. all kinds of fun times.
  8. i absolutely love that bruce cockburn tune DEM!! it brought tears to my eyes when he performed it in chatham last year!
  9. hah! after all that hard work of uniting the right to boot! i'd love it DEM, if I can just figure out a way to steer people off that left-right lineage to think that you could possibly be left, while being right at the same time, and maybe we could garner up some support! i think it's an uphill battle though, just on judging how hard it is to convey around these parts!
  10. ahh ok. i just mentioned them as they were some of the quotes from him that i didn't think were 'brutal'.
  11. i watched a little bit of Beetlejuice on tv... and "The Libertine" with Johnny Depp.
  12. what about the political compass?? try this! i do it with my kids: www.politicalcompass.org thanks for posting meggo! i'm a little above half way down on the bottom side of the chart (decisively a social libertarian).. straddling the line between neo-liberalism and communism on the other scale! political quizzes are fun. i'm at my parents house right now and my dad thinks i've lost it.
  13. i don't have the audacity to say that i have anything figured out hux and would love to meet the person who thinks he does. i share my ideas and listen objectively to other's ideas and call out bullshit if i think it's bullshit. i admit my faults and i try my very hardest to be polite and compassionate to others. i'll change my view point, as i have very well done in threads, when i feel like i have learned something new that would warrant a change in views. i don't post studies or throw statistics around because i don't have hansard records at my disposal 24/7. i keep things pretty tightly on an ideological level for this very reason. and for this, i don't understand how an IDEA can be WRONG. i DO NOT tell people that their ideas are wrong as a matter of principle, nor do i respect that quality in others. i try my damn hardest to stay impersonal when talking about politics, but sometimes when people make me feel less than what i am, that becomes really, really hard. i KNOW that i am a good person with a good head and no amount of 'you're an idiot', 'you're wrong', and 'you're bullish' comments from you can make me reconsider this. why would you want to make a person feel less? so i'm left here with this lump in my throat wondering what you really want to accomplish here. if it's to make me upset, good job. you get an A+.
  14. umm.. i thought this was about your challenge and my response to that challenge, not rehashing a previously had and concluded debate!! i think you're the most politically competitive person i've ever encountered, which is cool, but i'm really not that competitive. you can have the medal this time around!
  15. haha.. no, you challenged me to find anything that supports left-leaning media playing up a possible WWIII scenario if Harper were to be elected, and i did.
  16. here ya go: good times. I didn't bring them up unprompted!!! They were included in the "brutal" quotes from Stephen Harper!!!
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