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Everything posted by mattm

  1. mattm

    For the moe.rons

    Almost famous? I'm about to read the article, good job lara.
  2. I'm a local from that town, all you hippies go home!!! Just kidding Well, I am from there and I can easily see something like that going on. Small town man. I really want to make it this year.
  3. Did you watch the whole thing whoever watches this?
  4. They have video footage, doesn't matter how old, the company should have been shut down. Thing is, most of us humans don't even give a rats ass about the people being tortured to make our goods (and probably used as test subjects though we'll never really hear about that one) so I can't really see a huge following for people protecting animals, especially since they are up against big corporations who can easily screw them over. Who knows, maybe they do suck too. I don't know what I'm getting at but the level of sickness we humans are capable of (and of ignoring) is disgusting. I have to stop now.
  5. That is weird. I have yet to hear the clip, actually.
  6. I forgot to add in my last post that I'll be watching quite closely, quality assurance you know...
  7. I haven't been there since it became the lounge but these guys are dishing out tonnes of cash for music so it will probably be pretty good. I'm pretty sure not to many folks on here like the Big Money Shot thing (I thought it was a great idea and a way better way for a radio station to throw money away then all inclusive vacations and such). I bet it's pretty pricey though.
  8. hehehehehe, good job stephi, feel like grabbing a friend and rolling me a cigar?
  9. I get stuck in loops. I will listen to the same shit (literally one song or even part of a song but usually a whole show) over and over and over until my friends think I'm absolutely crazy. I live with slavetothegroove and debob and between us we download lots of shit (live) not to mention borrow from friends (and burn), etc. I can't afford to buy albums except the odd one at a show. Then again, I'm not the hugest fan of cd's. They are made from plastic and a few other select materials which, when they could just be digital or at least on tiny little memory sticks, is a huge waste of an already deadly substance (oil). If I had the money, I would download lots of albums (minus the packaging). After I finish school, that should be possible. Then again, I'm not the hugest fan of studio albums since I really like the diversity of live shows (not saying albums suck, just that in my opinion they aren't as good as live shows). I also don't have a clue how to stay on oink. How in the hell do you build up a ratio short of just leaving something run for 10-15 years which should net me 1 or 2 K worth of download ratio. I've even downloaded albums I would be ashamed to have on the computer, just because they seemed popular but I still can't get any upload ratio built. There has to be a secret. Live shows (audio): ~15-30+ per month Live shows (video): ~1-5+ per month Actual Albums: ~1+/- per month.
  10. Steph and I called them with that very same question (food) and they said yeah.
  11. See you there. Steph and I will be coming for sure and most likely the rest of the crew too, Chris taping and dancing as usual
  12. Hey folks, I'm putting together a dvd of the nero reunion shows and am wondering if anyone knows how I can get into contact with those who taped the audio. I have brad's copy from archive but I'd like to listen to as many as possible so I can pick the best one. Thanks
  13. mattm

    Need a life?

  14. dvd preview, 100mb, 2min, big but same (or very similar) to final. Cam by ryan, sound by bradm. This is the very start of the first night and only one cam so far. It's pretty dark, a la mavericks, but still great. Here (might have to right click, save as)
  15. Look at that smile on dave, though, isn't it cute. It's nice to see someone enjoying themselves so much making such sweet, sweet music.
  16. Edit: just got ya, yeah, not in that context, I'd much prefer not to live there but tonight...
  17. Hey, that's where I'm from, too bad I don't live around there anymore
  18. On those same lines, does anyone have a good digital version of the nero logo that's on the t-shirts or a high quality shot of someone wearing the shirt? Or even a good quality shot of the circle sticker?
  19. What I'm really hoping is that someone makes a matrix of the audio sources in the next couple days. So far brad's is the only external audio source I have. I've got ryan's cam now (right side front of stage for both nights) and jakes will be in the mail in a couple days (taped up by the mics). we'll see what happens.
  20. dvd coming soon. I'm putting together the first night right now with 1 cam source and brad's audio. The second cam source will be here in a few days so hopefully it'll be a dual cam (triple if I can get copies from the third guy that was on the left of the stage the first night, not sure where the second night).
  21. Hey, Steph and I would like to come down for this. We need a ride from ottawa though so if anyone has an extra one of those, please let us know.
  22. south keys but the plaza has a pool and we don't.
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