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Everything posted by mattm

  1. I'm just wondering about it. I find it scary because I find the US to be the most terrifying country on the planet and so I'm curious to see what other, more informed folk, think of this. I'm a computer nerd, I don't do politics (or politics forums for that matter, sorry if this is supposed to be there). I worry about the future of my country. We used to win best country in the world (7 or some years in a row late 90's, early 2000's) but we don't anymore and I think it's because of our trend toward doing things US like.
  2. Addition: Canada's Site Things like this I wonder about: Does this mean our drug policies will be as strict as the US? Jail time for a joint, etc? What about foreign law enforcement walking around? I like that canadians don't have guns at the border though that will probably change anyway. This could probably be a great benefit if done properly but I think about things like is my new baby going to go to jail for life for a joint? Is he going to get even more hassle when crossing the border? Will there be anything left of our health care system in a few years? Not sure. The websites don't actually specify anything and I'm a tad worried...
  3. I'm looking for info on this. I read lots about the protests that will be going on but I really don't know anything about this. From what I see, it's the politicians making north america into a union like that in europe but I don't know for sure. To me it looks like the states just taking us over. Either way, it's not in the news that I can see and the only info I can find is from the americans (not to be trusted) or people hard against it which will be biased. I'm wondering if any of you guys know what it is and what you guys think about it? Think we'll ever get to vote on it? The way it's going now, with 25km security perimeters on the conferences and such, it doesn't look too public... Is it as scary as I think it might be?
  4. Man I wish I could go, crash at the parents house for the weekend and enjoy the music AND free food. One of these days
  5. So do you think that means they can start confiscating the property of anyone who demonstrates against the Oil war?
  6. What does this mean, anyone know? It was on digg.com Here
  7. The Internet Crashed! Sorry if that's been posted before
  8. Nice, and she gets into it with the face and body too which I thought was great to see in front of a church choir like that.
  9. Oh yeah, for the laptop problem, make sure that only 1 finger touches the pad at one time and also that there isn't finger grime in the corners of the touchpad. I often accidentally touch the corner of the pad while moving my mouse finger around and the pointer jumps but I've seen the same thing with general dirt built up on the sides.
  10. Here's the link to the newspaper: http://www.metronews.ca/uploadedFiles/PDFs/20070717_ottawa.pdf pdf format. I pasted the whole article above but I've read other things about this. It's the whole idea that 6000 or so people die of smog that gets me, not the problem with coal plants. Cars, planes, anything that produces exhaust. It just seems odd to me that when I get old but still don't want to die, I might have to so that everyone can get around and have lights. I think I'd rather play with my grandchildren than die, to tell the truth, and since I smoke and smoke (if you know what I mean), there's a chance that I fall into that 6000 or so people that won't make it. I just think it seems kind of mean on our part to say to people that they have to die so we can have luxuries. Hahahaha, just read that statement and thought about ALL the luxuries we have and how many people die abroad so that we can have them. Now I feel just terrible
  11. to elaborate on the last post: If it's a trackball, take the ball out and clean the rollers you see. They will most likely be black but the plastic is actually white, the black comes off easily using a paperclip (unfolded) or something else pointy like that. You'll see what I mean. If it's optical (red laser coming out of it), blow on the two laser spots really hard (try not to blow spit) as there is most likely dust in it. Should work after that.
  12. So I was reading the metro this morning and came across this, which I already knew about but really don't like: hmmmmm There's just something wrong with that statement. I don't really understand how we can justify the killing of 660 people just to have some lights. I see buildings with all the lights on all night, every night. Why are they not being held accountable? Should we not really start doing something about this?
  13. I used to live on St Patrick just past King Edward (across from La Salle high school). I have walked around in that area many, many times at all hours of the day and night and have never seen anyone smoke crack (does not count the shelter on murray). I have never been bugged or harassed (except by the odd homeless person for some change, same as any city downtown) and I have never been scared walking around down there. I also noticed she says things like: which leads me to believe that she grew up with a silver spoon up her ass so obviously she's going to think things like that. I see that all the time. Hell, I've been to places where I can see they keep an eye on me or take extra long to serve me, etc, because to the eye I'm a dirty hippie looking dude which, I think, might have some stereotypes associated with it. She's never been to amsterdam, that's for sure. She should take a walk around dam square (doesn't matter the time of day). I've seen homeless folks and addicts in every city I've ever been in (and I've traveled a bit myself). Ok, enough ramblings for me. I was just rather insulted with that article.
  14. One year my friends and I built a whole living room in the front yard using snow. It had a couch, coffee table, two chairs and a snow tv (with stand). It was pretty cool until we realized that you can't watch tv on snow.
  15. I have some left too. I'll be giving some out tonight at xavier...
  16. mattm


    Yeah, I wanna know more as well
  17. mattm

    moe. tonight

    moe. blew my mind as usual. Short set but a great one. Here's some more pictures: Oh, did I mention they were signing autographs after the show? Woo hoo
  18. if they were to survey everyone and everyone decided to actually tell the truth, I bet the number would be even higher than they say (same in all countries though, like some countries in asia have folks that smoke but a survey would reveal that no one did since they'll be killed if they admit it)
  19. Read that yesterday, good job canada, now if we could convince the states to smoke so much weed, 3/4 or the worlds troubles would up and disapear
  20. mattm

    moe. tonight

    lol, L and 3.1 here and yup, getting way to excited for moe. right at home. DEM and CJ, you guys are in for a good time. Too bad it's only an hour set (during the day so no outrageous light blinking) but it will give you a little taste of the moe. which is far, far, far from better than nothing. C'mon moe.
  21. mattm

    moe. tonight

    Or the 30:39 timmy tucker I'm listening to right now (W&A Vol 1) but wooo hooo I'm excited.
  22. mattm

    moe. tonight

    That's a long drive for folks without a car but the thought is going through my head now after having checked the tour schedule...
  23. I grew up around there, I agree wicked place and the locals aren't too bad. Just watch out for the tourists from TO in the summer hitting up wasaga. Nice to read something about home though.
  24. mattm

    moe. tonight

    Who's in? Do you think they'll tear down the house or will they get conservative and not jam as much? Anyone know of any other shows they'll play in the area (or is that wishful thinking)? They aren't doing anything on the 11th... What about them only getting an hour to play, kinda sucks but hey, it's moe., one hour is better than none, especially since steph and I won't be able to make it to moe.down this year...
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