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Everything posted by mattm

  1. Rant that may not make sense and has no proof of anything: Here's my take. I think global warming is real, kinda dumb not to I think but I don't think that is what we should be focusing on. I think Al Gore needs to modify his direction ever so slightly. See, global warming is now a conspiracy and as such it is easy to shoot down. Since the only evidence we have of past patterns is crazy old air stuck in ice or some other thing then it's easy to just move charts around and to say things may or may not have been this way and that. Who gives two poops. What we can see on a daily basis: -Breathing problems are increasing due to smog -Old people are dropping way faster than they used to -Garbage dumps are getting bigger and bigger (I don't want to live in one) -Animals are going extinct nicely -Cancer is going up and up and up Lots of other fun stuff is happening. Now, lets say we battle those things. We think about respiratory problems due to smog and clean up some air then we think of better ways to store our garbage or maybe reuse it, etc, etc. Now, the solutions to a few of the issues I mentioned happened to coincide with the solutions for global warming. Though I will not provide facts here, I have read lots in newspapers and such about the smog problems and so have lots of other people, not only that, we can just go outside in the summer and see how hard it is to breathe ourselves then imagine having asthma. What if we fight these things instead of Global Warming? Meaning the words Global Warming may now have been tarnished but man, there's so much crazy stupid bad shit going on (hell, half of what we buy and use is made by slave labour in other countries far away so we don't have to acknowledge it). I say lets fight pollution, I'd like to see someone show me facts that there's no pollution. Rant that may not have made sense is now over.
  2. hey, happy birthday, 26th as well? Some people think I turned 30 today but I actually only turned about 22 as far as I'm concerned, maybe you only turned 27 or so
  3. My only thing with wires is that I like them to be gold plated at least so that moisture won't damage them but other than that, over short distances (average 6 feet or so) there really isn't a difference. There is a difference over large distances with better quality wires. The reason for this is the same as analogue but different in a way. With digital, the information will not degrade but what actually degrades is the amount of power running through it so that the receiver has a hard time determining the two different states. Good wires will be able to hold a consistent power level over longer distances (think HDMI connected home theater where 100' of wire is needed to get to a projector, etc). On these lines, you can just get repeaters that boost the signal fixing this. The other thing is that higher quality cables have better insulation and therefore are less affected by outside interference. Enough interference can cause a change in the power level and more importantly, the timing of the signals can change, confusing the receiver (timing has to be pretty exact and large magnetic fields can affect this). This would only ever be noticed in an area with a bunch of equipment running that hasn't been properly shielded (which most equipment is). Verdict: 99.99% of time it doesn't matter which wire you get if you're just trying to get a signal, the info won't change. If the situation warrants better quality wires, a company like Monster is not the way to go, there are much better high end companies out there. The main reason one should get high end cables is for durability rather than signal if digital is involved and this will almost never be anyone that is just connecting home stereo/video equipment.
  4. mattm

    USA is #1.

    That's absolutely nuts. 10% of black male adults behind bars. You'd think that seeing something like this they'd start to rethink things a little deeper. What causes the crime? Maybe it's poverty. Maybe if you're so poor you can't afford much and get into drugs. Maybe then you need money for the drugs so you commit crimes/violence. Maybe if you were helped out of being so poor in the first place you'd never have turned to the drugs and ended up in jail. Maybe if your country didn't waste so much money terrorizing the rest of the world and payed more attention to you, you'd be better off and so would everyone else. Oh, wait, you live in the states, oops, sorry to get your hopes up.
  5. I'll be there and I'll tell you, for those that haven't seen kae sun, they're pretty good and you'll be up dancing
  6. yeah, steph and I need tickets for at least one night (probably can't do both but we have a babysitter for the friday night), what are the actual locations? Also, remember to download your 2007 nero reunion dvd's: http://jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/244492/ Also, if you're in nero and you have a problem with the dvd's being downloadable, traded, etc, please let me know and I'll stop it immediately since I never did actually get formal permission to make them
  7. hahaha, same here, I had no idea there was any fireworks (I thought there might be later on but not at the time they went off). I thought we were under attack
  8. Hey Brad, I didn't totally read what others wrote but steph and I got a 32" sony bravia (and it's under $1000 now). I don't know what people mean up there saying that sony doesn't make panels, etc, but I'll tell you: they're the best and screw anyone who says otherwise. They have a mad wicked interface that a 2 year old could use, they have a wicked picture and if you have multiple sony device attached via HDMI, they will talk to each other and work together to make things, yes, even easier... Also, look up in google about HDMI problems. You'll find that sony is pretty much the only company to so far get it completely right (and it's worth it for superior picture quality and the inter device communication). Now, there's other things you might want to take into consideration. If you're watching music dvd's and they're from the internet, well, they suck as far as quality goes and look even worse on HD flatscreens (not a reason not to get one, just a warning) If you don't watch movies, don't worry about surround all that much. It's great for explosions and cars driving by but for concerts, well, the music at a show isn't in surround, it comes from the left and right so it's not necessary to have it in surround off the dvd, I'd say just stay with your current sound system. And 7.1 is better and will be the standard (if not 9.1 or even higher) so ignore anyone who says otherwise. With blu-ray discs and mad storage capacities, staying with 5.1 or 6.1 is just stupid but that's the future, ignore it all now. HDMI is the way to go from dvd to tv (does sound too but an optical cable will be best for that, no interference) but HDMI cables cost a fortune (one of the 3 foot ones I have was $100 though it's a really high quality one, the other is a 6 foot from costco that was only $35 and the difference isn't worth the extra money). Conclusion: My preference is Sony. Good price, great quality, wicked interface, you can't go wrong. If you don't really care, though, LG will be cheap and still looks good.
  9. Sorry Jake, I'm on the other side of the country (NB) but Rob's got a copy on dvd and so do Chris and Rosemary. I'm positive rob has a dvd burner. We'll be back on Dec 31, though, so if you're still in ottawa, you can drop by and we'll give you a copy (and you can visit little Trey). Try if you can to grab copies and you can bring them back TO way. Almost time for some more nero and we've got a babysitter for at least one night, woo hooooo!!!
  10. They should be full dvd size, both over 4gigs and I watched the first one upload completely (took almost 3 hours even at work), the second I only watched about 2.5gigs upload before I got bored. I know at my work I could get them in 7 minutes easy but that's a mad fast connection (one of the fastest in all of canada). actual link: ftp://ftp.mattm.ca/ username: trade password: nerodvd check the nero folder. It seems that IE (crappy as ever) doesn't like the links. You smart firefox users should have no problem with the links up there (except the http:// part as mentioned). I'm out east with Steph right now (moncton) so if anyone is out here and wants a copy, let me know and if I check this again and we have time, we'll meet up. Otherwise we'll be back in Ottawa on the 2nd...
  11. Nero Reunion DVD's (video), Jan 12-13, 2007: Night 1 Night 2 Audio: bradm's (converted to Dolby Digital) video: Ryan Leighton music: nero 1. These are ISO files, just download and burn to dvd or mount in Daemon Tools (or anything that will mount iso's). 2. I suggest very strongly that if you aren't already using a download manager, start using one, speed up your downloads by lots (and pretty much essential for files this big plus you can resume a broken download). Each of these files is a full dvd so it will take a while. 3. The video was shot at mavericks so it's pretty dark other than when that big spotlight would come on. EDIT: I fixed the links up there so they should work properly now but if not: ftp://ftp.mattm.ca Username: trade Password: nerodvd Check the nero folder for the 2 dvd's
  12. partition magic, it's your friend. Never just have a C, always have at least a C and a D drive. This allows you to save any files to D so that you can reinstall anytime you want.
  13. http://www.publicproxyservers.com/page1.html crap loads of proxies to use, just find one that isn't too slow and configure your browser to use it. The trackers aren't blocking canadian traffic, just the search page.
  14. that sucks http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Chntpw_for_Dos might have to do some research on it
  15. http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/bootdisk.html shhhhhhh...
  16. mattm

    iPod help...

    Same as AD says. You can just copy all the files onto the hard drive then use a program like ID3Tagit which has a function letting you do ID3 Tag -> filename to get all the file names back
  17. Bad drive, send it back or just suck in the gut and get another one. If you're really adventurous (and it's what I would do as the last thing before getting another one), reinstall windows entirely. If you decide to go that route, make sure to talk to me first (pm me)
  18. "good" or "bad", xp is xp, there's no difference, the only thing is if you feel guilty or not. By used to work, you mean it stopped working one day? Was there anything in particular that you can recall happening at the same time? Does it refuse to play ALL cd's/dvd's? I once bought two spindles of blank dvd's, 50 on each, and when I tried to burn then, about 10 worked (that's two seperate spindles, all defective except for about 10 and I tried burining them all I was so pissed). Have you tried pulling out the drive, booting windows without it then putting it back in? Best if you have another drive. Pull them both out, switch them (don't forget to change the master/slave jumpers on them). That will force windows to see them and reinstall them. What's the exact make/model of the burner?
  19. Steph won't let me call him Dude but I think that would be the best name in the world. He sure is a cute little thing and thanks for all the congrats. Here's the thing, we can't think of a name for him. Anyone wanna give some suggestions? Play a name game, whoever picks the name we pick wins absolutely nothing More pics to come, still recovering...
  20. Wicked show. I very much suggest that everyone check them out when they come back in November at the Mercury Lounge. Seriously guys, these guys are very much worth going to see, full of energy, great talent, very fun to listen to and their music covers a very broad range so anyone can get into it.
  21. The posters also mention lure and I've seen them several times without marc. We just had Kae Sun over at the house, they just played with GTB and said that the show was just great. I haven't seen GTB in quite a while and Mike (plays with Kae) said that they've changed up their sound quite a bit so I'm real excited for this. See ya'll there tonight.
  22. mattm


    Did he by chance have a really old leather bag that had been through a couple fires? I'm trying to figure out if I knew him and the picture seems familiar. Too bad for the loss as he sounds like he was a pretty cool dude
  23. Wild conspiracy or not, they do have a website and are having a meeting. The security zone means they are talking about something that would piss us all off (otherwise there's no reason for it, 1km would have been fine for security).
  24. Just a couple places down Photos I don't think anyone was hurt. It's a bit smoky in here but otherwise we're fine (though there is a river going past the front door).
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