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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. I agree' date=' but I'd take the oldest looking teenager I've ever seen play ball if I had 1st pick in the draft next season, Ohio State's centre Greg Oden. I can't seem to post his picture. Google him for proof. [/quote'] Oh hell ya! You don't pass up the best player to come out of College since LBJ just because of your depth. If we had first pick overall we definately take Oden. Oh wow, I can see it now...remenisent(sp?) of Duncan/Robinson except we have a three headed monster of Bargnani/Oden/Bosh. Holy jeebus...although the draft is deep this year, so if we get number 1 we could trade down and still get an awsome player (think Hansborough or Durant...or even that kid from Arizona if he declares...or Noah, or Horford...wow what a draft)
  2. Actually what the Raps need is a consistent 2 or 3 that can take the ball to the hole and shoot threes as well. They are set at the 1 (when Calderon gets back anyway) and definately set at the 4/5 (when Bosh gets back). We need a swing man that can get it going. Although Parker, Peterson and Jones should play just well enough for us to not make the playoffs.
  3. sorry cully man, kaya is a beautiful soul...i still remember how awsome she was on the car ride up to lys, so well behaved and happy keep smiling dude
  4. afro poppa


    Anyone else watch this show? I found a website that has them all on-line and I watched 11 episodes today (holy jeebus its addictive). Anyone know if there is another episode or whats goin on with the show? Wow what a TV show.
  5. how many times are we allowed to request a day?
  6. there goes any credibility i had on this board, if any
  7. This would be a huge boost to our team if we re-signs. It would be the first time in awhile that we've managed to keep our best player (I guess, since Halladay, who signed for WELL UNDER market value). Huge news for Jays fans. Wells is gonna be an all star for the rest of his career. With Glaus and Thomas now in the lineup to back him up, pitchers are gonna have to throw him strikes. The Jays are gonna score a ton of runs this year.
  8. I highly doubt it You know how many cover bands roam the guelph bars each night? I know one in particular that does mainly Beatles tunes...garanteed they've played it before sorry dude.
  9. I wish I knew him. My prayers go out to his family, friends, and him.
  10. not too sure what you mean by their techno love affair but your not the first person to tell me that Al has ruined the band for them...although he is underrated. Listen to the songs Akimbo, Plane Crash, and Rebubula and tell me you still don't like em...and if you already know those songs and don't like em, well then they just aren't for you.
  11. I always feel terrible when I take people out to shows and they don't seem to have as much fun as me. Although this is usually impossible for people to do, I have begun to accept the fact that people are old enough to make their own decisions, and if someone didn't want to go to the show then they wouldn't have come. Oh and Jaimoe, moe. is a FANTASTIC band
  12. seee what did I say? great win last nite for the good guys...AB with 23 and 5-8 from beyond the arc? nice.
  13. have a groovy holiday season!! who knew santa was a head?
  14. www.xmasjam.com is anyone going to this? please tell me so I can shower you with jealousy
  15. UG has a plentiful amount of beautiful, heady women. Love walkin around seein all the dreadheads and girls dressed in hemp and earth tones... hippie girls are definately the way to go.
  16. I think this is great, we need to keep Wells. If we don't it will be a huge step-back for an organization that is only a few steps away from winning for real. I say give Wells as much as he wants, he is one of the few players in the game that are actually worth it...he is a 5-tool player, great club house guy, and just an all around good person. Unlike Soriano, who is only a 4 tool guy at best (some might say a 3-tool, he definately can't play defense, and does he even have an arm?), and he is a complete and total head case. Good for the Jays to offer up a serious contract offer to a player who deserves it. Looks like we are gonna trade Reed Johnson me thinks and put Adam Lind in the field for good...I think Reed and a pitching prospect could land us a better starter than we would've gotten on the free agent market. As far as not following baseball anymore because of the contracts, would you rather the Jays not pay any money and lose all the freakin time? Jeez, they can't win with some fair-weather fans...
  17. The Raptors will be fine. Colangelo said it himself "...the quickest way to get to where you want to be is through adversity..." I tend to agree with him. To be honest, I'd rather the Raps not make the playoffs this year and get a good lottery pick in what is shaping up to be an amazing 2003-esque (LBJ, Carmelo, Bosh, Wade) draft...could you imagine the Raps with Joakim Noah, Andrea Bargnani and Chris Bosh as the front court??? Holy jeebus I can...and as far as the Charlie-Ford trade, it had to be done. As not good as we are now, we'd be in even more trouble had we not gotten a true starting PG.
  18. uh oh...gkord mentioned "the scene" what is "the scene"? does "the scene" exist? if deeps makes tee shirts can I have one?
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