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Everything posted by edger

  1. Didn't even know about this show. How are they sounding these days?
  2. When I put my birthing mix together I tried to think of songs that would rhythmically work with my contractions and the ebbs and flows of it all.
  3. Well it's looking like I have an extra for Tuesday now. Sandman want to join me? Anybody?
  4. It's tempting sandman.
  5. Um, private topic please boys? We don't need to hear about such matters.
  6. I don't know my mitten is still at large...ruining my whole week!
  7. I lost a mitten if it's any consolation. Party good indeed.
  8. Weeee! That was great fun. Thanks livingstoned!!!
  9. Happy birthday! Can't wait to celebrate with you. For tomorrow I anticipate nothing but 'SUCCESS'!! ::high five::
  10. edger

    Drum workshop

    Stop spreading rumours.
  11. Don't go starting rumous now...
  12. edger

    Drum workshop

    You drum c-towns?
  13. Love the name Ezra...can't seem to sell that one to Todd though...
  14. Tip of the hat to you sir! Maybe we'll see you this weekend?
  15. Yuppers. Nice name for sure.
  16. Get her one of those kits where you can imprint your child's hand/feet, whatever once they are born. Many come with a nice frame. Or at a craft store you can get similar kits that are meant to create garden stones...some come with nifty little gemstones and everything. You could carve in a nice motherly or grandmotherly message...
  17. Definitely sad, but unfortunately this does not really surprise me.
  18. Not sure whether an instrumental depiction of a song would be considered a 'cover' or 'rendition'...guess I'd lean towards the latter...but what I do know is when Jazz is Dead came to The Comfort Zone (featuring none other than Mr Jimmy Herring), their whole show blew me AWAY!! Made me fall in love with the Dead again through a whole new light.
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