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Everything posted by edger

  1. Shucks guys. Thanks. I appreciate the love.
  2. Hopefully the same can be said for the 'douchitude' I've witnessed on the part of the staff there (particularly soundguy and security). That was quite some time ago mind you.
  3. DEFINITELY want to get in on this (even though I hate Lee's Palace). But will be great to see them in a smallish venue. Thanks for the heads-up!
  4. Yeah I was SUPER dissapointed to here this new this past weekend. Rothbury was definitely a summer highlight for me last year, and by far one of the best festival experiences I have ever had. Very well run. Great lineup. Nice and close. Lots of eye candy, and canopied adventures. Great crew of Canadians went down last year too. I respect their decision as to why they decided not to go forward...and really hope that they are able to pull it together again for 2011. Back to gratefulfest I guess for that weekend? A whole different can of beans, but well worth opening. Livingstoned?
  5. edger

    let us pray.

    Oh MarcO how I miss your tender voice of reason around here
  6. Would like to catch these guys this time round.
  7. I agree about the tables. But we should probably divert the energy we'd put into bitchin about it to actually lugging a couple out of the way. If I'm there early I'll start the process...better get the lugging done before the jager starts flowing.
  8. That's kinda the problem, isn't it? Do you think anyone under thirty (or some arbitrary technology/internet threshold age) gets their personalized news from anything other than a gadget or the internet? I do. Start my morning off with local news every day. It's like a warm blanket....that smells.
  9. Lots going on in the Hammer for Haiti Relief. Finger Eleven is performing on the 30th at Hamilton Place. Along with locals Steve Strongman, Tomi Swick, Dodger, etc. Also, the Skydragon is hosting a smaller afternoon/evening benefit on the 30th as well which involves a variety of local musicians including some of the Fat/Acousticats...(I know Todd and Dave are confirmed at least)... Doug Fever is also supposed to be playing, along with Mike Trebilcock, Steve Sinnicks...I have also heard rumours that the Brian Griffiths, Jesse O'Brien, Sharon Musgrave crowd has been asked to participate...not sure if they were able or not. Also a benefit going on at the Afro-Canadian Carribean Community Centre that night as well. Lots of great things to choose from to show your support! http://www.thespec.com/News/CanadaWorld/article/708257 Edit to add: This is the latest line-up I was able to find for the Skydragon benefit...little more clear than what I said above: Start Time: Saturday, 30 January 2010 at 14:30 End Time: Sunday, 31 January 2010 at 01:00 Location: 27 KING STREET EAST-NEAR JAMES NORTH Hamilton Helps Haiti Benefit Sat. January 30 @ The Skydragon – Christopher Claus., Mike Trebilcock,The Acoustic Cats, Steve Sinnicks, Ray Materick, Alfie Smith, Kelly Grrrl Raphael Keelan, Alyssa in an Apple Tree, Klyde Broox,Martin Verrall, The Katie Caron Band, Keisha Neoma Quinn, Juliana Lachance, Pailface Brad, Shelley Gravelle, Matt …Jelly + Child Art Area with Russ Smith, 2:30 till close I'm assuming that it will be a pay what you can sort of scenario. Don't know the exact schedule yet...will post once I hear more. I believe Todd was told that they would play around five.
  10. edger

    Coachella line-up

    Thanks. Sounds VERY intriguing.
  11. Hey NW can you use your powers to predict me a Rothbury lineup? As much as I'd love to get to Bonnarroo this year, it is logistically much more difficult for me.
  12. edger

    Coachella line-up

    The way it is presented makes me think the former....which is weird.
  13. Hey pholks, Next Friday (Jan. 29th) the Fatties will be playing the Corktown. With the last unfortunate cancellation due to uncontrollable circumstances, it feels like it has been a while since they rocked the Hammer. Come boogie!
  14. Hmmm...wish I had known about this. Not usually on the board on the weekend. Sounds like good times!!
  15. I believe The Be Good Tanyas did well over in the UK as well...not sure if they're still touring together though...
  16. edger


    Just tried donating online to Red Cross but I'm assuming due to overload I lost the server connection and how I'm not sure whether they received my money or not. Guess I'll have to wait and have a looksee at my visa statement
  17. Wish I could come out to this. Happy birthday marks!! What's the start time (in the event that my circumstances change)?
  18. Hence the eye winky thingy following said post.
  19. Thanks for the tip NW. Maybe if we rounded up enough skanks we could convince Levon to give us a private party
  20. yep. has to be later in the year though. Todd and I were recently talking about how we would love to do this. I'd prefer to go a little later in the year as well though.
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