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Everything posted by edger

  1. Toronto=NO Buffalo=YES I'm happy with that...as long as I actually luck out with decent seats during the presale tomorrow.
  2. edger

    Allgood help

    All I know is that I'm going!!
  3. My initial thoughts were 'all natural chunky'! Don't know why I never really got into jam.
  4. It's sounding good Deeps! Todd is away next week, but if I can find myself a sitter for the Friday I would love to make it down to this gig.
  5. PJC reincarnated! Man, do I need to blow off some steam! This couldn't be better timed!
  6. The blonde haired woman reminds me a little of MuleMomma.
  7. Wow! Those were my old stomping grounds. Scary stuff. Thankfully no one was killed.
  8. Guess I don't have to say it, but have fun tonight folks!
  9. I think this is a great lineup...kind of wish it had been released earlier. Summer plans are well underway for me at this point and I don't think I can make any of this happen. I think even the 'lesser knowns' look/sound extremely promising. You lucky o-towners!!
  10. Voted. Slippin in your rank a bit though...shower some Skank love folks!
  11. This is significant news in my world. Really hope I am able to catch one of their shows on this tour. I didn't see all the cities/dates listed in that link...assuming more info will be forthcoming. Thanks for the heads up Greg!
  12. I'm still a dinosaur...due in large part to my shotty internet connection... I like having the discs in hand too though.
  13. All the best to you and yours on your wedding day!
  14. Have fun folks! Definitely can't make it happen this Tuesday, but I'm sure it will be a fun night.
  15. REALLY looking forward to this. The boys are out jamming in the barn as I type. Made it out to this venue for my first time the other week...liked the room a lot. Hope to see some of you out.
  16. Wasn't able to make it today, but I see you do these shows every so often. Can kids come?
  17. I was feeling travel weary until you absolutely made my night with that one!! Our song was To Lay Me Down. But during our 'service' we were also blessed with my cousins singing Attics, and MarcO singing They Love Each Other... Topped the night off w/ some Friends of Hefner... Weddings are extra special/fun when they comprise a community of folk that are tied through a mutual love of music.
  18. Hamilton that photo of you with the party noodles on top of your head is....EPIC!!!
  19. Happy belated Laur. Was happy to spend an evening in your honour the other night. Good times for sure. You know how I feel about you...I'll spare the rest of you folks from the sap.
  20. I think I catch your drift...way to go mom!! Oh and Dave-O I love the look on that girl's face with the red sweater on in that pic.
  21. Although I think DBT is an AMAzing band, I'm not so certain I would qualify Tuesday night's show as amazing. It was a good show for sure, just not so sure I'd go that far.
  22. As long as I can hear the tunes...and the banter!
  23. Man that sounds like a fun carload...got room in your trunk?
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