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Everything posted by edger

  1. I always figured you were more a sheep kind of guy. http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/12-01-2010/111621-sheep_human_face-0
  2. Buffalo show PLEASE!!!
  3. Really? I'm by no means an avid fan, and probably couldn't name more than one of his songs, but I bet his shows are a hoot! ...seems like a small venue for him
  4. I'm meeting up with some girlfriends tomorrow night. I'm hoping I can talk them into going to the show. Happy birthday Bob and briguy!!
  5. Wow! Amazing work KevO. I hope this night goes over well.
  6. Well said localcrew. It is exactly that which makes sleep challenges seem pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Nothing better.
  7. Crying it out wigs me out too. Although I think there is a difference between not necessarily jumping right out of bed at their immediate beckon call (in the hopes that they may develop the ability to put themselves back to sleep) and letting them cry it out to the point of exhaustion. Our son slept with us, or near us, throughout the first portion of his life as well, but he came to a point where he would actually ask to be put down in his crib in the other room. There are no rigid rules for us...if he is having a night where he appears to be upset for whatever reason, I often bring him back into our bed to sleep. However I have noticed that the older he gets the less he likes to stay there. He often will come into our bed for an hour or so to sleep and get some reassurance, only to wake and then ask to go back to his own room. Guess he gets annoyed with our tossing and turning and feels secure enough after some reassurance. Still...continuous sleep for him has been hit and miss and once I went back to work full-time I began to increasingly sympathize with people who decide to try the cry it out option. It becomes increasingly difficult to be a present, tolerable and happy parent when you are deprived of sleep for months or years on end. There was one night I remember trying to let him cry it out because I felt at my wits end...but after spending about 15 minutes curled in a fetal position doing everything I could to ignore the primal response of going to him I gave in. Over recent months we generally try to console him with a hug and a conversation about what the morning will bring without removing him from his crib and it seems to be working (for now). As I said before I just "try" to be more open/tolerant with whatever phase seems to be presenting itself. Otherwise I just over-rationalize things which doesn't seem to get me anywhere. Sleep is so underrated! For those of you that get a full night on a regular basis, do me a favour and bask in its full, sweet, rejuvinating glory!!!
  8. Wish I was, but it's not in the cards. My sister is going though. I'm surprised that he is not performing in any other cities. Nothing against peterborough, but I just would have assumed that he'd do a couple of shows to make it worth the trek.
  9. [ I am in agreement with most of the opinions that have been expressed on this page of this thread (re: weighted risks, etc). Nevertheless, this woman seems to be responding very reasonably to a terrible predicament. Perhaps Quebec's no-fault vaccine injury compensation program should be implemented nationally.
  10. Just realized I'll be in Washington during this show. Damn!
  11. Grabbed a pair for Tuesday! Yeeehaaawwww!!
  12. Aha! Thanks Ms.H I kept second guessing myself on that one.
  13. While I'm no good at posting pictures on here, I have been trying to figure out whether Brian Hastings (Director of CTU New York on 24) is/was Bubba from Forest Gump (without the lip). Anybody?
  14. We still have sleep challenges and our son is two. We have tried everything in the book. He always goes down like a champ, but is unpredictable when it comes to how many times he may get up in a night. We were never very good with the whole 'let him cry it out thing' although we have tried it on many occasions. I believe our son had a very difficult time with teething. I second the cool humidifier...that seems to help him. Especially once he started daycare and started catching every little bug circulating around. If you do feel that he is teething to the point where he is in distress and are thinking about medication I always found that Advil/Motrin worked faster and longer than Tylenol. Do you change his diaper in the middle of the night when he wakes? Our little guy often needs a change through the night as he's a little guzzler with the beverages and sleeps much better when he is dry. I feel your pain. Sleep deprivation is by FAR the hardest part of this amazing journey (for me). Lots of second guessing one's strategies and many instances of one step forward and two steps back. I hate to say it but sometimes it has been easier for me to just come to a place of acceptance regarding the lack of sleep. I think if one lowers their expectations they are less likely to get frustrated by it all, which helps with the whole mututal tension thing....This is easier said than done. It has worked for me for bouts of time, but it does catch up for sure! I do hear lots of stories about babies who sleep like a log from day one...definitely has not been our experience and unfortunately I have come to accept that there may be no magic antidote. Developing healthy sleep patterns takes time I think...and all the other developmental milestones add enough excitement into the mix that the journey to good sleep is not a linear path. All the best!!
  15. You crotchety rogue you. Miss you guys!
  16. Well you sure know how to get the lurkers to come out full force!
  17. Tonight. Gratefully Deadicated Soundsystem is opening...and I would hazard to guess spinning between Fat Cats' two sets. Should be good times. I've put in a request about the tables...
  18. Camp Canada! (and our lovable American friends...and wives club)
  19. If you can guaruntee that you'll be blasting Lionel all night long again than that should seal the deal.
  20. Ha! There's been a few people from the board over the years that have assumed I am a man named Edgar.
  21. Ouch! Ha! I doubt that it will take much persuasion for me. I was sad to miss the ledges last year. As long as it jives with my the family life and I can find a partner(s) in crime to travel down with I am there!!
  22. My arm is there for the twistin'
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