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Everything posted by edger

  1. edger

    Furthur 2010

    Does this mean we can count on you to be there to help us tear up the rug? Oh, and Tonin my friend. It has been MUCH too long since we crossed paths. Here's hoping that we'll both actually be able to make it to some of the same shows in the near future. BNB is a DEFINITE for me (as an example).
  2. Sweet. Basher, didn't realize you folks were heading down too. Yay!! Pre/post party time folks?
  3. I'd love to pick up a disc. Won't be in Hamilton on the 5th...is Adam still on campus these days? If so I could meet up with him and make a deal.
  4. edger

    Furthur 2010

    I'll probably check out the Buffalo show if that counts. Chimenti impressed me a great deal at the Dead's Buffalo show last April (despite the fact that I was underwhelmed by the show in general)...Rothbury was MUCH better. And I'll admit the first time I saw DSO I had some serious doubts going into it, but Kadelecik does a VERY respectable job of filling some difficult shoes. I still have a grand old time taking in the music of the Dead on a live stage with some good folk when it's done well. I'm willing to take the chance that there will be some trainwrecks along the way. I realize it's not for everyone and I'm glad to be able to round out my musical fix through seeing many other great, perhaps more original acts. But the little remnants of 'headnation' that I'm able to bask in keeps me truckin'. I'll take what I can get, and I'm thinking this run of shows will be well worth the short drive to Buffalo.
  5. edger


    Fantastic news!! Congrats to both you and Hart and best of luck as the contest progresses.
  6. Sounds great! Unfortunately I won't be able to make it as my nephew is coming over for a 'sleepover'. I'm surprised I haven't heard of these folks before.
  7. Butterflies, moonbeams & daisy chains folks. Oh, and don't forget to buy me a beer on your way out.
  8. Just a heads up folks. It was recently confirmed that Mike from Burt Neilson Band and Todd from the Fat Cats will be doing an acoustic show together on Friday Dec. 18th at The Thirsty Cactus in Dundas. I'll post more details as I hear them. Two of my favourite guitar players together...how sweet it is. For those of you that were lucky enough to catch their show last holiday season at the Boathouse in Kitchener, you'll recall what a rare treat this is. Hope to see some of you out!
  9. I obviously don't know my ass from a hole in the ground! from JK's website: I really need to get down to Buffalo ! Best of luck John...you deserve it brother Tickets purchased the other day (even before I knew this was going to be his last show...although I had made sure that he was indeed playing with them that night)... Hopefully they'll serve it up real good.
  10. What a brilliantly, achingly beautiful show that was. Pretty much sums things up perfectly. We were fortunate enough to end up second row, left of centre. It was just Bruce and his guitars (and one of the largest set of chimes I had ever seen). The crowd was definitely a bunch of die-hard fans, silently soaking up every note for the majority of the night, and increasingly calling out requests as the night rolled on. Amounted to a great exchange of energy. I had seen Bruce once before, but never solo acoustic for a whole show and for me it couldn't have been better. I truly gained a further appreciation for his beautiful melodies and tone, the pain in his voice, his scathing poetic angst. The venue couldn't have been more perfect (other than not being able to bring our drinks in I suppose). Nice seeing you & your fam Kanada Kev. Same for you and your bro TimmyB! Thanks so much for posting the setlist, and for taking the time to include the album each song was off of. I definitely need to fill out my collection. Sigh! Needed that.
  11. To tell you the truth I can't recall where I stumbled upon it. Although I remember you talking with you about TAH before. Thanks for the info. Not really familiar with anyone advertised on the link you posted. If there is an act in particular that you would recommend (you probably have a pretty good idea what our general, open tastes are), then please do. Otherwise I guess we'll just cruise the strip and see what happens! Thanks for the info Ken!
  12. This sounds great. Thanks for the heads up. I know we'll be looking for a place to have a post-show bevvy. Been meaning to check out 'This Aint Hollywood', and i've always wanted to see Tim Gibbons. Any additional info on the venue or this artist.... I really know nothing about either. Worth the trek? Will it be too busy if we don't show up until later? Noticed Huron is playing there next weekend too!
  13. I love their selection of covers. They did a WICKED Eminence Front at Rothbury.
  14. Yup, stoked as well. Myself, Todd, Josh (Drawbar), and his wife Amber will be in attendance. Should be a wonderful night. I picked up the 'Slice o Life' double disc the other day, and it is just beautiful. Bruce Cockburn at his best as far as i'm concerned....stripped down acoustic, melodic goodness. I hope that's what we get tonight. Man can he ever play! Do you think they'll be serving drinks when the doors open at seven?
  15. edger


    Vote submitted. Good luck! Edit to add: by the way did you ever get those piano lessons?
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