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Everything posted by edger

  1. Sounds very interesting. Add that to the list of october shows that I really want to go to but know I can't... Fitting/funny band name too.
  2. Cheers to you Tim. Always a pleasure running into you.
  3. Depressing. On a somewhat related note, perhaps less depressing note, I am becoming increasingly impressed with the ability of eco-minded lawyers (that are grounded in community-based concerns) to successfully navigate regulatory frameworks (and their labyrinthine nature) to encourage meaningful changes. I seem to be coming across that more and more when looking into toxic management. Hats off to those who can wear multiple hats! Maybe there's still some grain of hope here...
  4. Sweet! Last time I saw them I wasn't as impressed as the first time, but hey, I'd definitely check them out again, based on my initial impression alone.
  5. Cool. Where'd you meet him? Looking forward to catching him in a nice small venue in November.
  6. Despite being able to celebrate with you in person in the land of the Newf, it just wouldn't feel right without putting a belated shout-out on this thread. So glad you guys have come into our lives. Some pretty beautiful jam sessions this past week. Thanks for introducing us to so many fine folk (always need more dobro and mando players around) Blur on!
  7. Hmmm...maybe if my playoff game is cancelled I will try and make it out. Come on rain!!
  8. Anyone know anything about who else is playing Ghostown this upcoming labour day? The Fatties are playing on the Saturday. Diesel Dog? Stumbleweed? Any of the Good Rev's other many projects? I'm assuming Mark Wilson is playing? United Steelworkers? I haven't been in a while so i'm a little out of touch. Probably futile to ask for the Burt Boys..but that would be AWESOME for old times sake! Or at the very least Flip should get his ass down here and deliver an acoustic set!!
  9. edger

    RRE Tomorrow

    Wish I was able to go ( LOVED their set at Rothbury. Alas, we're heading out early morning tomorrow to Newfoundland...between preparing, etc. it's just not in the cards. Have fun folks! I hope they get a good turn out so that they'll come back.
  10. Damn...October is slaying me already. So many good shows in the works, but my comps that are scheduled at the end of the month will make things REALLY difficult for me to get out. REALLY hoping that I can make an exception for this night. I've only seen them once... Bonnaroo 2006 I think? They certainly surpassed my expectations.
  11. Happy belated Sarah. Hope you're enjoying the new pad!!
  12. Wow! That's a great shot phorbesie!! Makes me pretty jealous.
  13. This festie is ALWAYS a good time (although I haven't been in years)... Fatties were asked to play, but alas we will be in Newfoundland at that time so no dice. But have fun folks! I have some pretty epic memories of Bob's bashes.
  14. Happy belated Joni. Have a safe and enjoyable ride and I'll look forward to the next time we cross paths!
  15. Happy belated Mark! I feel blessed to know you and to be able to call you my friend. Hopefully we will be seeing you 'really' soon? Either way, the best of wishes!
  16. Happy belated Mike! Hope your summer is treating you kindly!
  17. It's okay I'm a 'little' lame
  18. I say thank god someone is. Rock and roll is rooted in the preacher to congregation call and response and to me too many jambands have taken this out of the mix opting for an introverted approach that can at times be frustrating. You listen to Phish in interviews for instance and these are sharp individuals who have interesting viewpoints' date=' and sometimes I want to hear from the artists and not just have the abstraction of their music speak for them. Just my .02. [/quote'] I think preaching and good songwriting are two entirely different things. Both convey a message, both have the potential to impart their little pearls of wisdom, and I suppose both can be powerful. I 'tend' to personally prefer messages that can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on who you are, space, time, etc. Having said that, I also like a hard-hitting song that just lays it on the line (if what is being laid down is something interesting to chew on). To me The Hold Steady's song "guys go for looks but women go for status" came off as one big cliche, and didn't offer up anything particularly innovative that I hadn't thought about before. I don't think the melody that accompanied that message made up for this in any way. Although I am sure they have better songs if someone wanted to point me towards them. I can't help but feel it's the delivery and not the content that's freaking you out, and my opinion is that this delivery is quite overdue, as I am tiring of the enigma that a lot of the Jambands have created, it's actually pretty prevelant in the indie scene too. I say, listen I've got a boring job and I'm out on the weekend fill me up with energy and leave your passive nature for the afternoon set that I'll skip at some festival. Random thoughts: Obviously people have their energy filled through different avenues. I think you made an accurate observation that its probably more the delivery than the content that I was less than enthusiastic about. And again, I love a 'rockstar', but some pull it off better than others. I don't know if i can put my finger on the 'quality' that allows this to be so. I don't equate humility or understatedness or rawness with being passive. Thanks for the recommendations on other tunes to check out NW! Actually after reading through the rest of the lyrics for Girls go For Status, it's not a bad song. Got hung up on the shitty chorus I guess.
  19. I say thank god someone is. Rock and roll is rooted in the preacher to congregation call and response and to me too many jambands have taken this out of the mix opting for an introverted approach that can at times be frustrating. You listen to Phish in interviews for instance and these are sharp individuals who have interesting viewpoints' date=' and sometimes I want to hear from the artists and not just have the abstraction of their music speak for them. Just my .02. [/quote'] I think preaching and good songwriting are two entirely different things. Both convey a message, both have the potential to impart their little pearls of wisdom, and I suppose both can be powerful. I 'tend' to personally prefer messages that can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on who you are, space, time, etc. Having said that, I also like a hard-hitting song that just lays it on the line (if what is being laid down is something interesting to chew on). To me The Hold Steady's song "guys go for looks but women go for status" came off as one big cliche, and didn't offer up anything particularly innovative that I hadn't thought about before. I don't think the melody that accompanied that message made up for this in any way. Although I am sure they have better songs if someone wanted to point me towards them.
  20. edger

    Rothbury bound

    Well...yeah, as you said it is apples and oranges in many ways. A lot of my most favourite moments from gratefulfest had as much to do with the people that I shared them with as it did the place. Having said that, the set-up at gratefulfest is pretty damn sweet, and you can see some awfully great acts within a nice, comfortable, care-free, no hassle, intimate setting. The re-charge swim each morning in the quarry is hard to beat too! Musically Rothbury provides way more options, and for the size of the festival it ran really smooth. While it is a friendly atmosphere, and there are certainly lots of people with their children there, I don't think that I would personally bring my son there....not until he is much older at the very least. I just think it would be a little overwhelming for him, and I think that I would prefer to have the freedom of having no parental responsibilities when committing to a larger festival. I know your children are older than mine, so perhaps it would be easier. Apparently there is a family-only section to camp in as well, but I never checked that out. I think it's easier to have your children with you when everything is centralized, and when the walk back to camp is a short one. It's also nice to be able to have a bonfire back at camp on those nights when you are stuck hanging around the tent while the kiddies sleep. That is not an option at Rothbury. So for me, at this point in our lives i think Rothbury would remain a 'vacation' time for mom. I personally hope that rothbury & gratefulfest do not fall on the same weekend next year, cause i'd love to do both.
  21. I'll bite. That someone would be me. It's just an opinion. I gave them a chance, and if you read my quote above it said that I would give them another. I had 'thought' I had heard from somewhere that they sounded similar to the DBT's. The fact that they didn't had nothing to do with why I didn't like their show. The 'few' songs that I heard did nothing for lame old me. The singer kind of rubbed me the wrong way. But if you're into it, then great. I love an 'incredible rock show' just as much as the next guy. Their portion of the show that I caught was not that. But hey, enjoy.
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