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Everything posted by edger

  1. This is great news! I loved Dirt Farmer and expect this new release to be gold as well.
  2. Yeah, I'm totally looking forward to this, especially now that we have the entire night at our disposal with no responsibilities.
  3. I think at one point AD was looking to trade a saturday night ticket...not sure if that is still the case?
  4. Congrats on all the accomplishments Mike! You would make one cool teacher with some extra life experience that you can't learn in a classroom. Good luck on the tour and we'll see you on saturday.
  5. I don't think I saw this posted earlier, and I am sure that many of you would be happy to hear that \/\/illy is now the proud father of a baby boy. Welcome Garnet Sidney Russell!! He was born on April 4th, and apparently mom and baby are all doing well. Congrats to you all. I am sure that little Ada will look forward to bossing around her new little brother. Much love!
  6. The songs in these sets get me much more excited. Admittedly I haven't had the chance to listen to any of them though.
  7. edger

    Dead kickoff!

    Hmmm...i'll admit that lineup only gets me marginally excited.
  8. edger


    Ahh...Jimmy Herring...
  9. So that's what they're calling it these days eh? Actually I like it. Really looking forward to this night! Oh, and as a side note I'm pretty sure that BEAUTIFUL picture of MarcO was taken at my wedding. Ah sigh... Oh, and yes, Carson is the Führer!
  10. edger


    Haven't been on the board for a few days so I am just getting the chance to read through this thread now. I have known about this for a little while due to the Fatties gig being booked for the closing night, and have been 'mourning' in silence until Kenny was ready to make it public. I am very saddened by this, but am supportive and excited for kc as he embarks on a new chapter. As many have said, going to pepperjacks is like hanging out at a good friend's home. You can't fabricate that, or put a price on it. The music, the people, the vibe, the patio, the staff...they all just seemed to come together at a space and time that worked. I hope for all of our sakes that we'll continue to be able to capture little pockets of those moments at other times and spaces throughout the Hammer. Sometimes I hate turning a page.
  11. Ya beat me to the punch MarcO! Happy birthday laur! Thanks for being such a great friend to me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Wishing you love and happiness.
  12. Anybody check this out last night? It's a new show where he converses and plays with various different guests. Last night the special guest was Elton John. It marked the first time that they ever played together on television. Some interesting commentary for sure. Given that i'm basically homeward bound on friday nights these days i'm relieved to see some quality programming. Worth checking out...
  13. Mark Toninism: You have two cows. And they're gonna fuckin' kill you!!
  14. Hey Anne! Hope you're having a great day. Nice to see you the other night...jacket and all!!
  15. Congrats! Ava is such a pretty name.
  16. Oh, I would have definitely tried ot make it out to this if i wasn't already coming down to pjs tomorrow night. Alas my days of getting out twice in one weekend are gone...
  17. Happy birthday Deb! Hope you and the family are well. Perhaps we will cross paths in the land of the jam sometime this summer?
  18. i'm using my geo degree ya bunch of haters...sort of. does an academic career (if it all pans out) count? Mind you i'd probably be a lot better off financially right now if i'd taken the dart board option and gotten a "real" job. Come to think of it...damn...
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