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Everything posted by edger

  1. Great spending the weekend with you Buddy! We're glad to have you as a friend. Way to keep it mellow on Sunday night eh?
  2. It's Sierrah. I am SOOO excited for you guys. We missed hooking up with you all this weekend, but we were well aware that you were likely in the thick of things! Todd, Rowen and I cannot wait to to see you all again. Much love. We'll talk real soon.
  3. How would you describe the sound in comparison to past albums?
  4. Thanks guys. I think I just might try and make this one happen! All aboard for railroad earth!
  5. So do you actually 'purchase'/reserve seats, or any kind of admission to the park, or is it simply a general admission, first come/first serve sort of event?
  6. By and large I'd agree with that assessment. At this point I am not rushing to commit to any of these shows, but they're all good artists. Any time I've seen the DMB they have always delivered too.
  7. Haven't been online for a couple of days...so just getting the chance to read your thoughts now. I had a great time for sure. For me, first set was the highlight. Loser, Stella Blue, They Love Each Other, Ramble on Rose...I was pretty happy by all of that. My interest wained somewhat for second set. I've never been a huge drum/space fan to begin with, and I didn't like the housey lead-in (to me it sounded like bad techno), but it could've just been our vantage point I suppose. I thought their cover of Maggies Farm was a little weak...Eyes was great. I'd agree with Tonin's sentiments. For me Chimenti had many tasty moments. I was having a great time floating along to some of his runs. And Warren's voice sounded great. We were at the back of the floor, and his voice certainly carried. Bobby's...not so much. We only hit the lot for about half an hour prior to the show. That was enough for me. Glad we did though. Also glad that we opted for hanging at the Adam's Mark for the majority of the pre-party. Great vibe throughout the hotel there. Full of hippies that like to party, but a more 'mature' (for lack of a better word ) vibe for sure (if that makes sense). Hotel staff was really chill from my take too, which is always appreciated. Great to cross paths with so many good folks. The ones you know, and the ones that seem familiar. All and all, really glad that I was able to hit this show. Kinda wish we weren't so lame post show as we pretty much got back to the hotel and crashed. That was not my intention at all, but a full night's sleep without waking for a baby is a pretty sweet buzz in and of itself. Peace.
  8. Don't have my tickets in front of me, but I know we're in section Floor 5 somewheres...
  9. I'm surprised miss neko doesn't get more love on this board. What a great night, that gal is mesmerizing. Some pretty hilarious banter between songs too, and what an AMAZING venue for sound.
  10. That she is. Otherwise I was a little underwhelmed with the episode.
  11. I was dissapointed to have missed both Marco and Manzik's sets. On the other hand I had the pleasure of hearing Neko Case live for the first time. Her vocals just soared through Trinity Church...what an amazing venue. Mike's set was the perfect topper to a wonderful night out. Interesting to see him in this new light again. Hope the rest of the tour goes well...show this guy some love O-town!
  12. Mr. T wants to make it back for work the next day (yeah' date=' as if!) but I think if you let him spoon Todd for a couple hours he might change his mind. 7th row floor! Apparently that's still within Bobby's spit range! Whooo Hooo![/quote'] Never thought I'd see the day where I'd be selling Todd over the internet, but that seems like a deal that I can't pass up. 7th row eh? We're at the back of the floor. Now I have a destination if I can weasle my way up closer!
  13. Looks like the guests for tonight include Roseanne Cash, NORAH JONES, Kris Kristoffrson, and John Mellencamp. Should be good! I was dissapointed to miss last week with the Police!!
  14. Glad to hear it Joni and Tonin!! I had wondered if you y'all would end up changing your mind. We're staying at the Adam's Mark. Will you guys be crashing in Buffalo or making the trek home that night?
  15. Wow! That's a great set list. Looks like they got a bigger range of tunes up their sleeves than I intially anticipated.
  16. Okay, the hounds have been called off. Carry on.
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