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Everything posted by edger

  1. Evans!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. Glad that I have had the opportunity to share so many good times with you over the years. Hope to see you Saturday? Much love, sara
  2. Cool. Hopefully his summer tour makes it up to these parts!
  3. Todd and I will be staying at Adam's Mark as well now. Thanks to my inlaws this Tuesday night outing is looking all the more worth it...(was not looking forward to having to stay sober and drive back after the show...problem solved now!)
  4. That's a pretty good suggestion there Northern Wish... You should give my hubby a few pointers! LOL! I'm always a sucker for a nice sappy card (written by yourself, not Hallmark). A mixed compilation of music that is meaningful to her or the two of you may be nice... Congrats p.p.!! By the way, how was ski tour?
  5. Yeah I sympathize Timmy. It's always hard penciling in work around your concert schedule eh?
  6. How much did it cost Timmy? I'm still torn between gratefulfest and rothbury. I think Wassink Wild Card and I are planning some sort of musical venture that weekend.
  7. That's great news! I almost went to Acadia for my undergrad... sometimes I wonder where my life may have gone if I had. I'm a school junkie, so I couldn't be more excited for you guys. Hopefully we'll get to cross your paths a couple of times before you make the trek.
  8. Ha! Raven Records... Won't be making it this friday, but both todd and I will be coming out next saturday at pjs. REALLY looking forward to finally getting the chance to catch you guys.
  9. Little torn as to what to do. I'd love to see Phish at Darien, but we may be away at that time (and not willing to sacrifice potential vacation plans for one show)... Here's hopin' i'll be able to get tickets after the fact if I need them I suppose...as i doubt that we'll have our travel plans organized by next thursday.
  10. Do you think the Darien phish show will sell out?
  11. Darien would be great!! Maybe I'll get to see phish after all this summer! Although we may not be in Ontario at that time...
  12. I heard MarcO was opening on this night!! Damn, I wish that Neko Case wasn't on the same night, as the chances of us catching her show in TO and making it back in time to embrace MarcO in all his glory is likely slim.
  13. Bump! Tuesday night used to be a regular event in the Hammer... Ahhh the good ol' days.
  14. See you at the Casbah! Assuming that you will be going on at regular "late night" show-time hours. Me and the ladies will be catching Neko Case in Toronto that night, but will be sure to swing on by to see your set afterwards. That will surely be a GREAT night of music!
  15. Phil is 68? Whoa! Time is a flyin' Cheers to phil. I hope he keeps rockin' for years to come.
  16. I know last year we got our tickets at the gates. The year before I think I purchased mine fairly late in the game as well... I'm a little torn between heading back there again this year, or Rothbury instead...or perhaps sticking around for a cool development that appears to be on the rise in this neck of the woods as well... Todd gets his week off with the boys every year for a fishing trip, and I'm thinking of taking advantage of this july weekend for me to have some fun in the sun without any parental responsibilities...I feel like i'm due for some serious party catch-up time.
  17. Actually I think that's a pretty great line-up too! Better than I was expecting given all of their complications and delays. Decisions, decisions... Anyone have any ideas on when they would release a schedule for the fest?
  18. Happy birthday my lady! Hope to see you again real soon.
  19. Yeah, it's definitely worth it. I hope things continue to go well for you.
  20. Always a good time when I cross your path Keri. Happy belated. Hope today isn't too painful.
  21. Glad to hear the night went well boys. You can certainly count on this gal to make an appearance if/when your names pop up. With any luck we'll get to hear some of these tunes around the fire at miller lake in the not so distant future too!!
  22. edger


    I have a SERIOUS case of the sour grapes. Had a very sick little boy on my hands, and I just couldn't justify being away from him even though my folks were willing to watch him. I knew this was going to be a great time, and was looking forward to releasing some pent up energy. Oh well. Glad to hear you all shook things up. Happy belated Tigger! Until next time.
  23. edger


    dibs on the door list!
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