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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I found out about this band when I downloaded a Jazz tourent the other day and ive been listen to more of there tracks! there right on playing a Nu-jazz/Electronica/jazz style check out there my space and listen to some tunes! Briskey Big Band Myspace
  2. I seen this, this morning and I havent stopped laughing~ Deffinatly NOT appropiate for work! The New Bugs is EXTREME
  3. Wonderful! and Happy Aniversary!
  4. Im havinrum and iced tea!
  5. I think I mean a grilled cheese once that looked like that! djmelbatoast! haha
  6. Im loving the whole croud poems ! Swell season is fucking Swell!
  7. Jeeze C towns your only a fuckign stumble away form clintons arnt yea
  8. So Clintons the only time I was there I was shitfaced and I dont remember where it is whats the closet intersection or direction?
  9. haha the bouncer is usually a pretty layed back guy
  10. Whats abotu bring beers up and down the stairs ?
  11. haha Just dont get kicked out like yea did at Bassnecture last time I seen yea C towns haha
  12. Sweet maybe ill see yea there!, Carmen townsend and Tom Fun are also play tonight at clintons!
  13. Same as on the NXNE website it says tongiht!
  14. On Sloco site it says there playing on the 13th
  15. Whats at the Elmo, Hamestar runner
  16. Who wants to spend time breaking open the hard to open cashews? NOT ME! Sound like there Elitists haha Thats why they support Barak Obama haha
  17. WHOAOO Rocking that stand up !
  18. Yea the Music is Kick ass and the stream is amazing! smooth and as clear as anything ive seen!
  19. Sweet Im toatally in the mood for some Blue Grass!!
  20. Fuck last night Tonight is the NEw Last night Sloco tonight!
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