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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Deffinatly looking forward to this and my time off back home!!!
  2. Holy Crap Where can I get one of those? Maybe I should make one!
  3. Fuck its HOT as Hell today! Im Hitting the beers hard now that im home!!! What a long day in the sun at work!
  4. I went to the show! I had a BLAST! TheWho played a wicked show and MOE opened for them aswell, and the icing on the Cake was I had Kick ass tickets and they were Free haha!!
  5. HAHA I can just picture me drunk and fuck goin to take a shit and crusing the the box flat again, I dont know if Cardboard is engeneered to hold my drunkin dead weight
  6. Dam!! I wish I didnt have to work early tommorow! This sounds like it would be a Super Funky time!
  7. HAHAHA Ive been laughing my head off all evening with these videos ! Check them all out there hillarious here one of my favoutites!!
  8. Hey just wondering if any Skanks are goin to be at Evolve this year? I know im hitting it up, always a good time!
  9. Yumy Donairs!~!! I cant wait to be back home for my vacation in NB ! Evolve here I come aswell Hopefully you can make it there Hal! Shoudl be a wicked time as usual!!!
  10. Red Snapper is always better raw ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
  11. Yea I had a wicked time such a great film full of laughes and serious moments I enjoyed it alot!!
  12. Mr Somthing Something! Thast awesome I could do for some something something today!
  13. Hey Skanks, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy day today! The sun is shineing and the weather is fine and the beer is cold so have fun and Enjoy the day where ever you are!!
  14. Hey do you need to buy a ticket before hand or can you buy one there I might not have time to pick up a ticket before the show, and I wouldnt want to miss out
  15. haha See I only do Pre show partys and then the show, I dont do after partys haha
  16. I would LOVE to go see this show but looks like I got the next two weekends full of Side jobs! Great for the cash flow but sucky for missing out on a killer event !
  17. I take back some of the stuff I have said, I still dont know if I could eat hole olives yet by themselves but I had some Olive bread the other day with black olives baked in the the bread and it was mighty tastey!
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