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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I ahvent had Phish Food yest but it looks good I think I might pick some up today maybe!
  2. I was just watching the Colbert Repore and He did a segment about Ben and Jerrys and I was wondering what are you fav flavs? I love Cherry Garcia.
  3. How long are you guys back home for? Just Evolve? Or some partying somewheres else LXQ42?
  4. Future Radio- Slowco If it Takes All night- Chameleon Project Made Upwards- GTB Maximum Dub- Resinators Frank Sinatras Greatest hits
  5. Really digging this Idea! but I was talking to one of the old boys at the pub cause im starting to look in to invvesting and such now myself, and he said what really did him good and is still doing well is buying stocks in Manulife, I have yet to do it but that what the advice given to me
  6. Yea it was amazing! one of my best memories form the fest was sitting up on the hill spaced outa my mind and listenong to a CRAZY long version of 80's Runway model by Jimmy Swift It was Awesome!
  7. You know it buddy! Up at 5 every morning Drunk outa my tree by 1 then Out like a light at mid night 2 am ish
  8. Whoooooo!!! Last day of work and im off on Vacation!!
  9. Yea I dont expect to be there, not usless I can dig somehting up but I wont be paying that firsure
  10. I was there That year and the year before lol It was pretty fucking Wet, the year before it was BEAUTIFUL!!!
  11. Looks like We might have the Mud slide down the hill like last year!!! Deffinatly hoping for sunny and dry weather but We can always make the best of a Wet and wild festival aswell!
  12. Ticket prices were like that for the show in London, Like I said reason I went was because I ended up being able to get some free tickets, but I mean, the Labbats Center was packed, So there are people out there willing to pay that price(crazy bastards)
  13. I shortened my holiday so im only home for 2 weeks which means im deffinatly 100% back in for JBT! I lvoe seeing these guys play! Come on Kev you better make it there! Screw the Olympics! haha Hopefully things will work out for yea !
  14. Deal ill be keeping a eye out for yeas! Ill be that hammered mess stompin around haha I leave Wedsnday night aswell and as soon as I land in Saint John Im heading to Freedy town for some Reggea night fun haha So should be a Action packed lead up to Evolve! And I think it will be Crazy Spicy Some Slowco to get the Mooooood Goin Crazy! Then some Chameleon Project afterwards to take it to a new level of party!! Whooo Super pumped now!
  15. Yea I agree 100% nothign like innocent smiles to brighting up the weekday!
  16. Deffiantly im just hitting the Call for Encore now!!
  17. Yea Im deffinatly feeling like Crap for not dragging my ass out to the show! Its Sounds Amazing!! But A granite padio wont lay itself, expecially since I leave for NB on wednsday lol
  18. AWWWW Shitty deal Smooth shreddar that you cant make it this year! Im deffinatly pumped that its almost time to Evolve! I leave for NB wednsday night! cant wait!!! Hopefully I will meet yea LXQ42 sometime along the way!
  19. You know it simply amazes me how they make such buildings and monuments from such basic materials as Clay , Mud, Straw, Sut, and other such basic materials! I love seeing these pictures as a mason! Adobi Bricks all the way!
  20. I agree aswell! Stewart is okay here and there but he seems to be hit and miss these days! But I always find Colbert to bring a solid and funny show time in and time out!
  21. Sweet, I hope I can do this event this year, How much did you get your tickets for? and does it cost anything to join the farmyard? Im just being a bit lazy in this hot weather to investigate for myself
  22. I hope the Wrist bands are like or better than last year ! It was like a constant party on my wrist!
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