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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Whooo Hooo! WHat a awesoem Way to wake up after a long long night shift to a Umpreeys live set coming right up and some rum in hand! Whoooo!
  2. Thast the exactly wat I think !
  3. Well I dont have tickets or know where and when, chances arnt looking great but who knows, if you goin to be down I think I might just try to go, but you have to come with a controversial conversation topic of the night!
  4. [color:purple]Air Canada is always a great choice for cheap flights all the time, Call them up see what they can do for yea ha
  5. Fuck that sounds delicious! I think I mgith have to make some of those when I get home from work tommorow
  6. Acctually its Vodka and left over wings from last ngiht haha, didnt have a chance to make a beer run yesterday!
  7. Ol'Hickster


    I had soem Brooklyn Lager the other weekend and ive been seemin to really love its hoppy flavours, Thanks Rossolee !
  8. Happy birthday Kooky one! tis a good day to be born!
  9. Looking forward to this, hopefully all works out!
  10. Just getting in from work and im HAVINBEERS and HAVINVODKA!
  11. Yea im thinking we will proablly just get the monday off but hopefully we will get tuesday
  12. Oh and Bar wings, if I dont know what to make I usually go to the bar for wings and beer
  13. haha Jabba the Pug Sounds like a good photoshop picture anyone goin to do it?
  14. Sandwinchs always sandwinches
  15. All these animals names just reminded me how my mom just got a new dog and she called it Cat. I laughed soo hard when she told me about that ! As for a name for a cute little puppy I was always partial to if I get a new dog or Cat I want to call it Bowser outs my love for nintendo!
  16. Whast about Tits McGee has a bit of a better ring to it
  17. What about the name Pugsley
  18. Sounds liek a wicked show! Wish I could make it!
  19. I love holiday I forget all about till something cool happens
  20. Sound like its goin to be a messy night!
  21. Looks like Carmen townsend and Tom Fun are also playing!
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