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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Hmm Right on I didnt know about that, looks like I got something to do saturday night
  2. Ol'Hickster


    Yea it some pretty crazy turn of weather eh
  3. HAHA Nope im a single dude, Im always cleaning because I always end up drunk and mess the place up again
  4. I love to have left over dinner for breakfast in the morning, nothing better than waking up at 430 and heating up a big bowl or pasta, or steak or meatloaf or whatever we had the night before
  5. HAVIN BEERS and doing a big late spring cleaning!
  6. Sweet Thansk brad and yea im like almost 100% that I have the audience version, but im goin to get the stage set tonight I think
  7. I cant quiet remember but I think its the audience source its been a while since i downloaded it
  8. It was the show 2007-10-06 Thansk for the recording brad
  9. Grand Theft Bus at Maverics! What a wicked show! Cant wait to see these boy when I go back home!
  10. a shot of havana club 3 or 4 mint leaves 2 tsp sugar 2 tbsp lime juice (freshly squeezed) 1 cup water (or sparkling) mash mint leaves in your glass for about 30 seconds with an implement. until you can smell the mint. add sugar' date=' lime and rum. dissolve sugar as much as possible. add water. mmmm. facking good. our greek neighbour lady grows mint and it shoots up under the fence as fast as we can drink them.[/quote'] I like to mash up the sugar and mint and lime juice together with the motor and pistle first then throw it in the glass with the rum and ice and i usually use a touch of tonic water, Cudos on the Havana Club aswell i LOVE havan Club when you make your mojitos Bouche do you use White or Dark rum? When I make them I like using the 7 year old dark rum
  11. Mojitos that sounds pretty taste
  13. These guys really know how to rock it, love seeing them!
  14. Lookin like probally not, already lazy as hell haha dont want to leave this chair hahaHow much are tickets?
  15. My boss went lastnight and he said it was good they did alot of there older material and he said he had a good time
  16. Who doesnt Hate the Dirty John
  17. my boss is goin tonight, and I might see if I can go tommorow night but not too sure, Try my sickness cure big bottle of buckley and a big bottle of rum it works 100%
  18. Nothing is Strang at all Hes the Hulkster!
  19. Yea these guys Rock, Ill deffinatly be there, plus its my birthday that day to So I think it could get messy
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