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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Are you sure copious amounts is a healthy choice, rememeber partipaction!
  2. Captain Morgan is always by my side
  3. I think I would be 50/50 on passing or failing a piss test, I dont do half of what I do but its a good thing they dont take alchol blow tests, im sure I would fail at any given point of the day
  4. Grab a nice James ready and relax your weekend is here! haha
  5. Ahhhhhhh Finally a crazy week of night and day shifts together and im glad its over, so HAVINBEERS!!
  6. Hey Schwa, Do you have any pictures of the fest from last year? I have some buddies that are coming down for the DMB show and I wanna show them some pictures of the area and stuff to convince them to go to the festival aswell
  7. Hosted by Uncle D, The Canadian Ass man hahahahahaha
  8. Hmmmm Very interesting! Im deffinatly goin to check this one out! Im thinking im about 90% sure ill be there
  9. Fuck this looks like a pretty good time! How far away from Toronto is this? I think I might start lookin in to seeing if I can get to this one
  10. Good Luck Marge! I wish I could be there!!!
  11. Yea deffintaly JBT is always a wicked time ! Ive seen them 2 times now and each show seems to get better and better, I wish I could be there for this show, hopefully my schedual I can work a trip home and also come back and hit this show up
  12. I was thinking about it but tickets I heard were sold out
  13. Ol'Hickster


    I dunnno if thsi has already been talked about but What temperature do you guys like your beer at? I dont mind a cold beer here and there but I usually like my beer room temp
  14. Exuberant, Eh? Well that sounds like a pretty good seeling point
  15. Sweet, thanks Brad ive never heard of them, Myspace link? or Archive link?
  16. hahah I was thinking the same thing, if only I had a digital camera. My show thoughts were the something along the lines of a Tradesmen (myslef) who comes home after a hard, labour intensive day and wants to cook up a quick but hearty-meaty meal, maybe go with a cheesy name like the Hungry Man show or something like that
  17. Whats the name of the company doing the work phishtaper? are there colors Green? and maybe called Clifford Restoration?
  18. Ive never gotten one ever
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