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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I hoping I can make it up there! im in just got to find a ride up
  2. Ahhh! All done Just filled a dumpster full of hedge trimmings we had cut down, and with all the leaves I left in the back entrance to the basement all fall and winter till now. Digging out all that rottin foilage I discovered something I found seedlings and sprouts and worms up to 16 inchs long, and this was all in a concrete stair case! I knwo what im goin to do next fall is put a couple inchs of leaves on all of our garden beds and leaving them to get all ripe and full of plant goodness, Anywho getting to the point now im sitting down HAVINBEERSSSS Some nice cold James Ready!
  3. Yea I had a Blast! Everyone Played Great! Totaly enjoyed Dancing in the Rain too, Made for a Wicked evening ! need less to say though the sandals took a good beating haha Totally happy with how things turned out this year! LEGALIZE IT!
  4. In that note from the other side of the fence I heard this one the other day, a bunch of Jew Jokes and stuff were being passed around, and one of the guys at the pub turned around and looked at the guys telling the jokes and said " Hey Fuck You guys!, My Great Grand Father Died at Auschwitz!" And they guys telling the jokes got all quite and you know where heads down and were feeling like shit. Then the guy turned and returned to his beer and said " Yea He Fell off of the Watch-tower"
  5. Oh fuck I love those thick reese!!
  6. There are three mothers sittin around the coffee table, A Brunette, A Redhead, and a Blonde chit chatting about life and there daughters. The Red Head starts off saying " The other day I found a bottle of cigerettes in my daughters back pack, I cant belive she is smoking!" The Brunette replys " Oh yea the other day, I found a bottle of Vodka in my daughters Back pack! I cant belive she is Drinking! Finally the Blonde replies "Oh yea! Well I found a box of CONDOMS in my daughters back pack!....... I cant belive it, She has Penis!!!!"
  7. Two Twin Brothers die when there house caves in, and the one brother awakes at the beautiful Pearly gates of Heaven and is welcomed with open arms, so he walks around for a couple days and, notices there is no sign of his brother at all, so he ask's God, "God Where is my Brother I havent seen him anywhere here?" "Ah, My son, You havent seen your brother here because he has gone to hell" Said God. "God I Love my Brother soo much and I would like to see him and at least say good bye" the Brother replied So God sends the brother to hell for half a hour to say his good byes and such. When the brother arrives He is shocked! He sees his brother laying back on a lawn chair, with a frosty beer in hand and Beautiful Naked Women running and dancing around everywheres! So he walks over and starts talking to his brother, not understanding any of what is happening around him, He asks his brother " Hey while Im here Why dont you pass me a beer" So the second brother tosses a cold beer from the icy cooler and the first brother says "What the Heck there is no holes in this beer can?!" And the Second brother looks over and says " Of Course there isnt! There arnt any on the women either, this is hell!"
  8. Umm back home to New Brunswick for 3 or 4 weeks probally catch Evolve in there somewheres, and other event when they pop up here or there, but essentially I couldnt have put it better then Brad Just Havinbeers!
  9. From the offical site EAT-MORE Candy Bar is the original and delicious chewy dark toffee, peanut and chocolate candy bar. It is definitely unique but are you unique enough to eat it?
  10. Holy Fack that sound delicious I think im goin to try that this weekend
  11. haha opps typo, and yea I lost it when I seen that scene! Never been soo discusted and laughed so hard in forever
  12. Its Eco Plasm!! Did you guy see the ghost!~
  13. Oh man I havent had a big turk bar in a long time i think ima get one on the way to work tommorow
  14. South Park- Over Logging Try this one if comedy central is giving yea problems
  15. HAHAHAHA LOVED THIS EPISODE! South Park- Over Logging
  16. Ahh mowing the lawn good idea im off to mow it now
  17. Havin beers all morning doing the sundaymorning clean up of the house
  18. Ol'Hickster


    HMMM New Brunswick Beer! I cant wait to go back home in the summer to get my guts full of the ol' Alpine But on other news I tried a Bodingtons last night after work and wasnt too fond of it
  19. Hey I was driving home from work this morning around 430 or so and I seen the tents and stuff all set up and I got all excited for today! Plus I was listining to Chameleon Projects new CD when I drove past totally added to the excitment!
  20. HAHA No no no, we just had to tear down some scaffolding and hoarding, we have to do it at this hour of the night beacause its TTC's Head office at its over the Subway tracks so we have to wait till the subway isnt running before we can do the tear down. But im home now and sleep is lookin rather attractive good morning I guess to all !
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